Bardock (DBZ:B3): Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
Line 548: Line 548:
P+K nullifies but >P+K is much better. It nullifies very early in it's animation, it's chargeable and knocks down. It can be used to get in close also.
P+K nullifies but >P+K is much better. It nullifies very early in it's animation, it's chargeable and knocks down. It can be used to get in close also.

<P+K^ is just a standard juggle starter that everyone has. Use it if you want  
<nowiki><P+K^</nowiki> is just a standard juggle starter that everyone has. Use it if you want  
to launch quickly.
to launch quickly.

Line 554: Line 554:

P+G^ is Bardock's throw that launches opponents for juggle combos. Having this throw combined with his close range abilities makes Bardock a very dangerous close ranged fighter.
P+G^ is Bardock's throw that launches opponents for juggle combos. Having this throw combined with his close range abilities makes Bardock a very dangerous close ranged fighter.
Bardock's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and
>>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break you can't start a combo and it's not safe on block while after >>P or >>K you can use K<K for combos. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not.

=== Dash Buffering ===
=== Dash Buffering ===

Revision as of 13:18, 1 May 2007


Pros and Cons


  • Most damaging character
  • Great at close range
  • Great throw
  • Good defensive play
  • Good capsule set-ups


  • Weak long range game
  • Low Baseline Ki

Move List

Move List/FAQ. Copy and paste the link in your browser.

* next to the # of hits means that the string does not combo from the front of the opponent

P reach:15 speed:3
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
pp*ppe Riot Javelin 5 498 AR *NR 5
pp*(>P*)(P) 4 187 AR 1,2
pp*(<P*)p(P) 5 245 NRR 3
pp*k(P) 4 183 AR 4
pp*kk 4 188 GR
pp*(>K) 3 124 NRS
pk 2 102 GR

1 - Becomes pp*(>P*)P^ in the air, 4 hits! 183 dmg.
2 - pp*(>P*)P^ is an infinite, air only, 884 dmg.
3 - Doesn't combo in the air, *5 hits! 254 dmg.
4 - (P) changes in the air.
5 - Consumes 1 ki.

>P reach:25 speed:9
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>Pppp(P) *5 226 AR 1
>P>p(P*)(P) 4 221 NRR
>P>p(P*)>P^e Riot Javelin 5 591 AR *NRR 2,3
>P>p(P*)>P^(P) 5 286 GR *NRR 2
>Pkk 3 178 AR

1 - (P) changes in the air.
2 - >P^ juggles in the air only.
3 - Consumes 1 ki.

<P reach:30 speed:6
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
<pp^ 2 98
<p>p 2 108 NRS
<p(<P) *2 110 NR
<pk 2 108 NR
<p(>K) 2 127 NRS
<p<k 2 118 GR

K reach:10 speed:6
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
kkkk 5 274 GR
kk>kk 4 227 AR
kk<k^ 3 168
k>kk(e!!^) Heat Phalanx 4 703 1,2,4
k>kk(P*) 4 250 NRS 3
k(<K-) 3 140 NR

1 - Doesn't combo in the air, *4 hits! 708 dmg.
2 - k>kk(e!!^) is an infinite, Videl size or bigger characters only.
3 - Doesn't combo in the air, *4 hits! 260 dmg. 4 - Consumes 2 ki.

>K reach:15 speed:5
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>k*kkkk 5 270 GR
>k*kk(>K-) 5 230 NR
>k*k<k(K-)(e!!^) Heat Phalanx 6 769 2
>k*ppP*>p *5 253 NRR 1

1 - >k* stuns from behind only.
2 - Consumes 2 ki.

<K reach:10 speed:14
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
(<k*)k(K-) 4 195 NR 1
(<k*)>k 2 127 AR 1
(<k*)<k^kk 4 255 AR 1
(<k*)p^ 2 93 1

1 - <k* stuns from behind and on CH.

String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>e Riot Javelin 1 375 NR 1
(<e!!^) Heat Phalanx 1 525 NR 2
eee 3 150

1 - Consumes 1 ki.
2 - Consumes 2 ki.

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
(P+K) 1 70 AR 1
(>P+K) 1 75 NRR
<P+K^ 1 65
k+g 2 137 GR
p+g^ 2 200

1 - (P+K) changes in the air.

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
>>p! 1 60 NRS 1
>>k! 1 65 AR 2
>>p+k! 1 60 GR 3
>>e 1 50

1 - >>p! changes in the air, 65 dmg.
2 - >>k! changes in the air, 75 dmg.
3 - >>p+k! changes in the air.

String Name Hits Damage Note
P+K+G+E!! Spirit of Saiyans 1350 1

1 - Consumes 4 ki.

Dragon Rush
Rush Type Hits Damage Note
Dragon Rush 2 15 730


Move List Breakdown

Bardock has a very basic P. Speed rank 3 and reach 15 just like most. However, he has some of the best options in B3 from the close range P. PP* is a very good poke. You have a very significant amount of frame advantage on block and can counter just about everything your opponent can do. You're also safe from dodge+counters. From at least 10 reach points away, you can buffer a dashing attack from PP*. On hit, you can confirm and start your combo rather easily with practice. You can go from PP* into the <PP^ for a quick launch for juggle combos, or you can use K<K or >KK<KK/>KKK>K for ground combos and sidestep cancels. Or even straight into PPPPE for quick damage. You might like to try a quick knockdown with <P>K as well.

Also available from P, and one of Bardock's main offensive weapons, is PP<P*. The <P* is chargeable, it stuns, and it nullifies attacks. You can fully charge it to break through your opponents guard. Let it go early to stop any counter attempts, with it being safe on block. Cancel it into a throw or whatever. Or even buffer in a dashing attack to break their guard. Bardock has an infinite from P, PP>PP^, but it only works in the air. PPPPE leads to Riot Javelin and is a fine combo finisher.

Bardock's >P is also very basic and similar to other >P's with speed rank 9 and 25 reach points. It's chargeable and if you do use it as a starter, >P>PP* is the best and only option. It's not too different from PP<P* as the P* is chargeable, stuns, and nullifies. Overall, Bardock is better at close range so >P might not be the best option in any situation since, beyond P's reach, there are faster starters and better options.

Another generic starter for Bardock. Reach 30, speed 6. If you find yourself outside of P reach and want a quick way to get in close, <P>K is not too bad. the >K is chargeable so getting in safe is not a problem as long as <P is blocked. >K also nullifies but only in it's later frames. With good reactions, you can confirm that, if <P hits, you can use <PP to launch.

You should start to notice that Bardock's starters are all pretty generic. Reach 10, speed 6 like most K's. Seeing how P is so much better with superior reach, speed and options.. K is useless outside of combo filler. K>KKE^ is Bardock's very damaging Heat Phalanx infinite.

Although basic, Bardock' >K* is much better than most. Most generic >K's lead to a low juggle on CH, however Bardock can still pull of damaging combo. With that said, >K* is not a bad starter at all. While P has the same reach and more speed and some very nice options that might make >K* useless outside of combo filler, >K* comes with the very nice >KK<KK string. The last K in this string is chargeable, nullifies, stuns, tracks, is sidestep cancelable for combos and is a very nice pressure tool.

Your basic defensive nullifying <K*, though it only stuns on CH from the front of the opponent. It doesn't combo at point blank, a minor problem, because you wouldn't be using it that close anyway. On CH it stuns, so there's no problem with it there either. When <K* nullifies an attack, it doesn't register as a CH and doesn't receive CH damage but it does have the same properties. <KKK is the full defensive string.

P+K nullifies but >P+K is much better. It nullifies very early in it's animation, it's chargeable and knocks down. It can be used to get in close also.

<P+K^ is just a standard juggle starter that everyone has. Use it if you want to launch quickly.

K+G = worthless.

P+G^ is Bardock's throw that launches opponents for juggle combos. Having this throw combined with his close range abilities makes Bardock a very dangerous close ranged fighter.

Bardock's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and >>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break you can't start a combo and it's not safe on block while after >>P or >>K you can use K<K for combos. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not.

Dash Buffering

Dash Buffering is inputing the command for a forward or backward dash while in a non-neutral state. You can buffer dashing attacks for guardbreak as long as you are at least 20-25 reach points from your opponent. Here are some strings in which Bardock can buffer a dashing attack.

PP (can be done from at least 10)
PP>P- (can be done from at least 10)
PP<P- (point blank)

<P<P (max range)

Post Guard Break

A guard break occurs when you land a certain attack, usually dashing attacks, on a blocking opponent that will break their guard and leave them staggering and defenseless. Following up a guard break with guaranteed damage is crucial to maximizing your offensive game. There are different variations to the typical guard break. Teen Gohan and Omega Shenron both have a guard break that actually puts the opponent into a stunned state for easier follow ups.

Bardocks's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and >>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break you can't start a combo while after >>P or >>K you can use K<K or <PP^. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not. After you break their guard, time your starter to start a combo without juggling your opponnent. The only tip I could give you on the timing required is to practice.

Post Knockdown

After a knockdown, you can taunt to lower their Ki or move in to position yourself at close range. Bardock doesn't excel here, but you can force them to stand with K<K- if they breakfall, giving you mix-up advantage. Options after K<K- can be throw; PP* or >KK<KK to beat throw techs and start close range pressure, if PP or >KK<KK hits then combo.



I categorized the combos into "Ki gain" sections. This helps to indicate just how long the combo will take to perform. It will also help you to determine which type of combo should be used according to the amount of Ki your opponent has. Also keep in mind that there are many variations of combos, these combos I have done are situated to maximize damage. All combo damages are recorded at full Ki with Breakthrough capsule.

1 Ki gain
P+G^, [K>KKE]x2, <E [Heat Phalanx] 2172 dmg.

PP*, >KK<KK-, <E^, K>KKE, <E [Heat Phalanx] 2009 dmg.

>KK<KK-, <E^, K>KKE, <E [Heat Phalanx] 1969 dmg.

<KKK-, <E^, K>KKE, <E [Heat Phalanx] 1921 dmg.

2 Ki gain
P+G^, [K>KKE]x5 [Heat Phalanx] 3560 dmg.

PP*, K<K-, <E^, [K>KKE]x4, <E [Heat Phalanx] 3805 dmg.

Combo Vid

more to come..


Power of Friends - +10% attack, 1 slot

Lower-class Saiyan Guard - +10% guard, 1 slot

Kanassan-made Guard - +20% guard, 2 slots

Battle Jacket (Prototype) - +30% guard, 3 slots

Patched-up Battle Jacket - +40% guard, 4 slots

Moon Light - +20% attack, attack is raised 5% every 10 seconds, 1 slot

Potential - +24% attack, attack is raised 6% every 10 seconds, 2 slots

Warrior's Carrer - Reduces amount of Ki used, 2 slots

Yakon - Eliminates Baseline Ki when someone transforms, 1 slot

Turtle Shell - Doubles Ki cost for dodging and teleporting, 1 slot

Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad - +30% attack, -25% guard, 1 slot item capsule

Capsule Set-Ups

coming soon..