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==Speed Mode==

*B+A, A, A, B > QCB+C > QCB+C > then either QCB+A or QCB+C (corner only) or DP+B or HCF+C or (delayed) HCF+A (this one is difficult to jump out of if timed correctly). 
*After, dash in and hit CD
*B+A, A, A, B > DF+C > HCF+C
*D+C > QCB+C > QCB+C > then either QCB+A or QCB+C (corner only) or *DP+B or HCF+C or (delayed) HCF+A
*D+C > QCB+A

==Advanced Strategy==
==Advanced Strategy==

Revision as of 13:22, 30 July 2006


Shigen is one of the four guardians of the earth and was a close friend of Kagami's before he was betrayed by him and locked under the earth for a decade.

Moves List

  • QCB+A/B
  • QCB+C
  • HCF+A/B/C
  • DP+A/B
  • B+B

Basic Strategy

Advanced Strategy

The main thing people do wrong is try and play him like a grappler. He's a striker for the most part, although he is forced to use more grappling on power (though why you'd use him in that mode besides for fun is beyond me).


  • B+A is NOT cancellable on power.
  • You can't combo throws in speed mode.
  • Never use his tackle outside of combos.
  • Use :dp::snkb: conservatively
  • You can tick throw with A/B+A > HCF+A but it's risky.
  • Avoid his QCB+B
  • Avoid his B+B for the most part as tempting as it might be to use it. It can be useful as a defensive mix-up on occasion.
  • I wouldn't use HCF+B/C outside of combos unless you're unbelievablygood at reading your opponent. Maybe the B version on power if you're expecting a counter attack after the tick.
  • His DM counter (HCF-B+AB) does really really broke ass damage. Unless he's close to perfecting you, you'll probably kill him if you catch him with this. It does not however counter grapples or low attacks, so don't be too reckless with it.

When Shigen gets into flashing health, this move will cause your opponent will become much more defensive if they know what they're doing.

  • Low B is cancellable and has huge range, although it's slow and can't be linked off anything except his dashing attack.
  • Use dash-in CD on grounded opponents whenever possible. They CAN ground recover from this, but you're invincible for a split second after. Just be careful.
  • You can break out of his chain throws by mashing the corresponding button that he's using.
  • Use jumping A for air-air, jumping C for jump-ins. Try to avoid jumping :snkb: for the most part, it's way too slow.
  • Jumping C can cross-up.