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=Moves List=
==Normal Moves==
It's Ryu as you remember him from such classics as Street Fighter, Shadowverse, Monster Hunter, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, and Street Fighter: The Movie The Game.
*6B-Overhead punch-This is a two-hit overhead punch. You can use this in a combo. For example, Ryu does his 6B on a crouching (or standing) enemy -> 236AB super.
*6C-Standing Roundhouse Kick-Ryu does a standing roundhouse kick. If you use this in a combo, you have two routes. If you do not sweep your enemy before you use 6C, your enemy will be in a mild stagger state (example: 5ABC6C). If you do sweep your enemy right before your 6C, you will have your enemy in an air stagger, in which you will be able to continue your combo (example: 5ABC2C6C ->214A -> 236AB).
==Special Moves==
*Hadoken (236A/B/C; this can be performed both on the ground and in the air)-Ryu's fireball. The A version travels slowly across the screen, the B version is faster than the A version, while the C version is the fastest. Keep in mind that if your enemy avoids this correctly, you are potentially left open for a "punishment" or where the enemy has a chance to attack you.
*Shoryuken (623A/B/C)-Ryu's dragon punch. The A version hits once and makes the enemy fly in the air slightly above your head, the B version hits twice and makes the enemy fly half way in the air, and the C version hits twice as well, but makes the enemy fly at the same height as a launcher. You can use this in a combo; however, if you use this, it would more likely to push your enemy away from you. If you whiff this special move, you are open for "punishment" or where the enemy has a chance to attack you.
*Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (214A/B/C; this can be performed both on the ground and in the air)-Ryu's spinning kick special. The A version travels 1/3 across the screen and does two hits, the B version travels half-way across the screen and does three hits, and the C version travels 4/5th's across the screen and does four hits. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku is very useful in a chain combo; however, if you are not in the corner, or if you do not do 2C6C into his C Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, it is possible that you will "whiff" or miss some hits, leaving you open for attack. This move in the air will slam the enemy in the ground. This special move is also great for run-away, especially if you are trying to win from a "Time-out."
*Jodan Sokutou Geri (421A/B/C)-I've heard this being called the "blade kick" or the "donkey kick (from 3S)." All three versions cause a wall-slam/wall bounce on the enemy. This special move is wonderful to continue your ground combo. However, you cannot wall-slam/wall bounce your enemy twice. If you attempt this, all you will get is the enemy flying slightly above the ground like a bullet shot from a gun.

==Super Moves==
Ryu has a fairly straightforward shoto toolset and is a good all round character. He pairs well with characters and can make a lot of good use of TVC's universal mechanics.
*Shinku Hadoken (236+any two attack buttons, this can also be done in the air)-Ryu's super fireball. This super is great to use at the end of a ground or air combo. This super is also great to punish your enemies when they have made a mistake. It's very fast and well worth the super bar.
*Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (214+any two attack buttons)-Ryu's super spinning kick. While it looks impressive and does more damage (when you are close to your enemy), it does not fare in a combo well. Even if you are able to get this super to connect in a combo, chances are, you won't get all the hits, and you would waste a super bar in the process. Use this if you know this will kill your enemy (and if this wins you the match), otherwise, stick with Shinku Hadoken.
*Shin Shoryuken (Level 3, requires three super bars, 623+any two attacks)-Ryu's super dragon punch. If done close, you will get an up close animation of Ryu decking the enemy (with electricity effects) twice in the chest, followed by a third powerful blow to the chin, making the enemy fly in the air for 3-4 seconds. This super can be used in a combo (especially in the corner) and has potential to continue your combo. The only drawback is if you use this super as an anti-air, you will not get the three-hit animation, but instead, you will get 6-8 hits of his dragon punch in which you will not be able to follow up with a combo (and may do significantly less damage compared to the three hit animation).

=As An Assist=
==Moves List==
Ryu's assist is his fast paced Hadoken. This is an excellent assist to continue combos, or to simply get your enemy off of you. You can also use his assist to run-away from your enemy, since his fireball travel's all the way across the screen (of course, this depends on where you summon Ryu to assist you).
===Normal Moves===
{| class = wikitable style="text-align: center;"
! Move !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Block Adv !! Damage <br> (Billions) !! Properties !! Notes

=The Basics=
| '''5A''' || 6 || 2 || 16 || - || 800 || - || Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam convallis ac elit in vehicula. Etiam porttitor est eget nibh volutpat, id vehicula diam pellentesque. Donec in lorem rutrum, rutrum enim ut, congue turpis. Donec eu est aliquet, convallis mauris vel, ultricies nisl. Fusce et est sed eros maximus convallis. Mauris tempus malesuada augue, ut varius enim convallis id. Pellentesque vitae enim aliquet, efficitur turpis sed, vestibulum lectus. Sed pellentesque auctor lectus. Nullam ac tincidunt est.

=Advanced Strategy=
| '''2A''' || 6 || 3 || 15 || - || 720 || Low || Words
| '''5B''' || 8 || 3 || 24 || - || 1440 || - || Words
| '''2B''' || 9 || 3 || 23 || - || 1360 || Low || Words
| '''6B''' || 21 || 1(3)2 || 27 || - || 2184 || Overhead || Words
| '''5C''' || 15 || 2 || 18 || - || 2480 || - || Words
| '''2C''' || 12 || 2 || 29 || - || 2400 || Low || Words
| '''6C''' || 16 || 3 || 26 || - || 2160 || - || Words
| '''3C''' || 9 || 6 || 29 || - || 2400 || Launcher || Words
| '''j.A''' || 5 || 9 || - || - || 960 || Overhead || Words
| '''j.B''' || 9 || 1(2)5 || - || - || 2028 || Overhead || Words
| '''j.C''' || 11 || 9 || - || - || 2560 || Overhead || Words
===Universal Mechanics===
{| class = wikitable style="text-align: center;"
! Move !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Block Adv !! Damage <br> (Billions) !! Properties !! Notes

| '''VAR starter''' || 11 || 9 || - || - || 1760 || - || Same animation as j.C
| '''Counter Tag''' || 21 || - || - || - || 2160 || - || Same animation as Shoryuken
| '''Assist <br> (Hadouken)''' || 42 || - || - || - || 1760 || Projectile <br> no Autocorrect || Ryu's assist is pretty helpful to a lot of characters, the fireball causes a lot of hitstun which makes it easy to use in extending combos, and the utility of having a fireball control the ground space is very strong for covering approaches.
| '''Forward Throw''' || - || - || - || - || 5200 || Throw || Words
| '''Back Throw''' || - || - || - || - || 5200 || Throw || Words
| '''Air Forward Throw''' || - || - || - || - || 6000 || Throw || Words
| '''Air Back Throw''' || - || - || - || - || 6000 || Throw || Words
===Special Moves===
{| class = wikitable style="text-align: center;"
! Move !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Block Adv !! Damage <br> (Billions) !! Properties !! Notes
| '''Hadouken''' <br> 236A/B/C || 17/21/24 || - || 47/46/47 || - || 2400/2800/3200 || Projectile || Strength determines the speed of the fireball, A version is the slowest and C version the fastest. Barouqe canceling this move lets you use the fireball as a sort of shield and can be good to cover your approach if you don't have a good assist for coverage or it's on cooldown/dead.
| '''Hadouken (air)''' <br> j.236A/B/C || 16/19/22 || - || - || - || 2400/2800/3200 || Projectile || Basically the same as the ground version, but in the air.
| '''Shoryuken''' <br> 623A/B/C || 6/6/6 || - || - || - || 2400/4501/6036 || Invun on f1-5/f1-9/f1-12 || Invun DP, the first active frames are grounded, so if you barouqe those and press 5A right away you can get a full combo off a reversal. Very strong tool.
| '''Tatsumaki Senpukyaku''' <br> 214A/B/C || 15/18/20 || - || - || - || 2870/4474/6183 || - || Used a lot in combos, the animation is pretty long so it buys a lot of time for even slow assists to catch the opponent.
| '''Tatsumaki Senpukyaku''' <br> j.214A/B/C || 15/15/15 || - || - || - || 2964/4560/6216 || - || Atekstekspuralkik
| '''Jodan Sokuto Geri''' <br> 421A/B/C || 14/17/20 || - || - || - || 2320/2480/2640 || - || Donkey Kick, causes a wall bounce and Ryu's main ground combo extender
===Super Moves===
{| class = wikitable style="text-align: center;"
! Move !! Startup !! Active !! Recovery !! Block Adv !! Damage <br> (Billions) !! Properties !! Notes
| '''Shinkuu Hadouken''' <br> 236A+B || 3+5 || - || - || - || 8887 || - || Mexi-beam super. There's a set amount of hits on the super, but the animation is fixed, which means sometimes if you happy birthday or have some hits clash another projectile while also hitting the opponent, the hits will run out early and you'll be left sitting there like a dummy.
| '''Air Shinkuu Hadouken''' <br> j.236A+B || 3+7 || - || - || - || 8887 || - || Air version of the beam super.
| '''Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku''' <br> 214A+B || 17+12 || - || - || - || 12535 || - || Does more damage on paper, but it's not uncommon for most of the hits to whiff, so you tend to be better off using Shinkuu Hadouken
| '''Shin Shoryuken''' <br> 623A+B || 3+3 || - || - || - || 16560 || - || Has invun, can combo off the launch at the end
Ryu's fireballs and DPs are both really strong in TVC, you have less time to throw fireballs, but fireball > barouqe can be a good way to get in, and his DP works great as an anti-air provided you can react in time to input it. Ryu's j.C is a good normal for IAD pressure and his 6B is a solid overhead that you can cancel into donkey kick for a combo.
Ryu doesn't have too many big holes in his gameplan, so there's not really something he needs in a partner, and that opens him up to having a really wide variety of potential teammates.
Words about the team.
Players to watch: Truegamer
*5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 421A > Dash > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 214C > 236A+B
Very basic Ryu bnb, you can get 2 or 3 more As at the start for easier confirms
*214C > chun li assist > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 214C
Assist extension that you can do in any combo that uses 214C, you can sub chun li here for basically anyone, or a barouqe as well.
==Unblockable Setups==
*Combo > 421A > 5A > 5B > 2B(whiff) > Barouqe > 2A > 2B > etc...
You can cancel the 2B on whiff into Baroque just as the opponent is recovering from the juggle, this leaves them unable to block the 2A, which can then be canceled.
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[[Category: Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars]]
[[Category: Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars]]

Revision as of 21:40, 25 September 2020


It's Ryu as you remember him from such classics as Street Fighter, Shadowverse, Monster Hunter, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, and Street Fighter: The Movie The Game.

Ryu has a fairly straightforward shoto toolset and is a good all round character. He pairs well with characters and can make a lot of good use of TVC's universal mechanics.

Moves List

Normal Moves

Move Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Damage
Properties Notes
5A 6 2 16 - 800 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam convallis ac elit in vehicula. Etiam porttitor est eget nibh volutpat, id vehicula diam pellentesque. Donec in lorem rutrum, rutrum enim ut, congue turpis. Donec eu est aliquet, convallis mauris vel, ultricies nisl. Fusce et est sed eros maximus convallis. Mauris tempus malesuada augue, ut varius enim convallis id. Pellentesque vitae enim aliquet, efficitur turpis sed, vestibulum lectus. Sed pellentesque auctor lectus. Nullam ac tincidunt est.
2A 6 3 15 - 720 Low Words
5B 8 3 24 - 1440 - Words
2B 9 3 23 - 1360 Low Words
6B 21 1(3)2 27 - 2184 Overhead Words
5C 15 2 18 - 2480 - Words
2C 12 2 29 - 2400 Low Words
6C 16 3 26 - 2160 - Words
3C 9 6 29 - 2400 Launcher Words
j.A 5 9 - - 960 Overhead Words
j.B 9 1(2)5 - - 2028 Overhead Words
j.C 11 9 - - 2560 Overhead Words

Universal Mechanics

Move Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Damage
Properties Notes
VAR starter 11 9 - - 1760 - Same animation as j.C
Counter Tag 21 - - - 2160 - Same animation as Shoryuken
42 - - - 1760 Projectile
no Autocorrect
Ryu's assist is pretty helpful to a lot of characters, the fireball causes a lot of hitstun which makes it easy to use in extending combos, and the utility of having a fireball control the ground space is very strong for covering approaches.
Forward Throw - - - - 5200 Throw Words
Back Throw - - - - 5200 Throw Words
Air Forward Throw - - - - 6000 Throw Words
Air Back Throw - - - - 6000 Throw Words

Special Moves

Move Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Damage
Properties Notes
17/21/24 - 47/46/47 - 2400/2800/3200 Projectile Strength determines the speed of the fireball, A version is the slowest and C version the fastest. Barouqe canceling this move lets you use the fireball as a sort of shield and can be good to cover your approach if you don't have a good assist for coverage or it's on cooldown/dead.
Hadouken (air)
16/19/22 - - - 2400/2800/3200 Projectile Basically the same as the ground version, but in the air.
6/6/6 - - - 2400/4501/6036 Invun on f1-5/f1-9/f1-12 Invun DP, the first active frames are grounded, so if you barouqe those and press 5A right away you can get a full combo off a reversal. Very strong tool.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
15/18/20 - - - 2870/4474/6183 - Used a lot in combos, the animation is pretty long so it buys a lot of time for even slow assists to catch the opponent.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
15/15/15 - - - 2964/4560/6216 - Atekstekspuralkik
Jodan Sokuto Geri
14/17/20 - - - 2320/2480/2640 - Donkey Kick, causes a wall bounce and Ryu's main ground combo extender

Super Moves

Move Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Damage
Properties Notes
Shinkuu Hadouken
3+5 - - - 8887 - Mexi-beam super. There's a set amount of hits on the super, but the animation is fixed, which means sometimes if you happy birthday or have some hits clash another projectile while also hitting the opponent, the hits will run out early and you'll be left sitting there like a dummy.
Air Shinkuu Hadouken
3+7 - - - 8887 - Air version of the beam super.
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
17+12 - - - 12535 - Does more damage on paper, but it's not uncommon for most of the hits to whiff, so you tend to be better off using Shinkuu Hadouken
Shin Shoryuken
3+3 - - - 16560 - Has invun, can combo off the launch at the end


Ryu's fireballs and DPs are both really strong in TVC, you have less time to throw fireballs, but fireball > barouqe can be a good way to get in, and his DP works great as an anti-air provided you can react in time to input it. Ryu's j.C is a good normal for IAD pressure and his 6B is a solid overhead that you can cancel into donkey kick for a combo.


Ryu doesn't have too many big holes in his gameplan, so there's not really something he needs in a partner, and that opens him up to having a really wide variety of potential teammates.


Words about the team.

Players to watch: Truegamer


  • 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 421A > Dash > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 214C > 236A+B

Very basic Ryu bnb, you can get 2 or 3 more As at the start for easier confirms

  • 214C > chun li assist > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 2C > 6C > 214C

Assist extension that you can do in any combo that uses 214C, you can sub chun li here for basically anyone, or a barouqe as well.

Unblockable Setups

  • Combo > 421A > 5A > 5B > 2B(whiff) > Barouqe > 2A > 2B > etc...

You can cancel the 2B on whiff into Baroque just as the opponent is recovering from the juggle, this leaves them unable to block the 2A, which can then be canceled.



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