The King of Fighters XIII/Terry: Difference between revisions

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**Alternatively this combo can be started with - ''cr.B cr.A df.C...''
**Alternatively this combo can be started with - ''cr.B cr.A df.C...''
*''st.C df.C qcb+B'' - (198)
*''st.C df.C qcb+B'' - (198)
**Only on standing opponent
**Leaves Terry at point blank range with +0 Frame Advantage
**Leaves Terry at point blank range with +0 Frame Advantage
**Alternatively this combo can be started with - ''cr.B cr.A df.C...''
**Alternatively this combo can be started with - ''cr.B cr.A df.C...''

Revision as of 15:00, 3 December 2011

The King of Fighters XIIIKOFXIIILogo.png
The King of Fighters XIII/System GuideThe King of Fighters XIII#Game ElementsThe King of Fighters XIII#CharactersThe King of Fighters XIII/SystemsThe King of Fighters XIII#Fun StuffThe King of Fighters XIII/StrategyMvC3HeaderButtons.png

Terry Bogard

KOFXIII-Terry Face.png

In a nutshell

Quite the renowned character, this SNK hero makes his inevitable return. Although Terry is a straight forward, pressure character, he isn't quite adept as Kyo or Iori in regards to breaking an opponent's ability to guard high and low attacks (not to say he can't do that kind of offensive pressure at all.) In return, Terry has strong game plan based around chunky block-strings and good frame traps that breaks the opponent's guard gauge. Overall he's a simple character and is a great character for beginners and experienced players alike.

Video Walkthrough

Move List

Normal Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Standing Light Punch
chaincancel cancel
Standing Light Kick
Standing Heavy Punch
Close Heavy Punch
Close kof.sp
Standing Heavy Kick
Close Heavy Kick
Crouching Light Punch
d + kof.lp
chaincancel cancel
Crouching Light Kick
d +
low chaincancel
Crouching Heavy Punch
d + kof.sp
Crouching Heavy Kick
d +
low softknockdown cancel
Blowback Attack
kof.sp +
softknockdown specialcancel
Jumping Light Punch
Air kof.lp
Jump: 45
Hop: 40
Jumping Light Kick
Jump: 45
Hop: 40
Jumping Heavy Punch
Air kof.sp
Jump: 72
Hop: 70
Jumping Heavy Kick
Jump: 70
Hop: 68
Jumping Blowback Attack
Air kof.sp +
Jump: 90
Hop: 80

Unique Attacks

Special Properties (glossary)
Rising Upper
df + kof.sp
Back Knuckle
f + kof.lp
Target Combo
d + kof.lp --- d + kof.sp


Special Properties (glossary)
Buster Throw
f or b + kof.sp or (While Close)
throw hardknockdown

Special Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Power Wave
qcf + p
p : 60
ex : 45×3
kof.sp : softknockdown
Burn Knuckle
qcb + p
kof.lp : 75
kof.sp : 90
ex : 160
softknockdown drivecancel
Crack Shoot
qcb + k : 40×2 : 40×4
ex : 120
ex : high hardknockdown
Rising Tackle
d (Charge) u + p
kof.lp : 40+10×4
kof.sp : 50+15×6
ex : 20x7+10×13+30
softknockdown drivecancel

Desperation Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Power Geyser
qcb hcf + p
p : 210
ex : 120×3
Buster Wolf
qcf qcf + k
k : 90+90
ex : 90+30×4+90
softknockdown maxcancel
Trinity Geyser
qcf qcf + kof.lp + kof.sp

Console Changes

  • Far standing D has faster recovery.
  • Standing CD has increased active frames.
  • Added new target combo: cr.A > cr.C. It is cancelable.
  • Buster Wolf's (qcf qcf+K) dashing speed is now identical to the EX version. The invincibility is the same as before.
  • Trinity Geyser's (qcf qcf+AC) hitbox has been changed so that it actually hits 3 times.


Move Analysis

Normal Moves

  • Standing Light Punch (Snka.gif) - A standard anti-hop attack. Typically it whiffs on crouching opponents, but larger, crouching opponents are exceptions such as Goro or Raiden. In this case, it could be used to pressure those large characters in a similar manner that Terry could in Garou: Mark of the Wolves.
  • Standing Light Kick (Snkb.gif) - Far reaching kick. It is used to control the space in front of Terry. Doesn't have quite the recovery nor the height it had in previous KOF games, this attack makes up for it by being cancelable. Still a good attack to use to keep the opponent outside of your inside range.
  • Standing Heavy Punch (Snkc.gif) - A beefy straight. Think of it as an extension of Standing Light Punch but with higher committal, as it will be more susceptible to sweeps due to the longer duration of the attack compared to Standing Light Punch. In return, it does more damage and the longer active hitbox allows Terry to set up frame traps with this move. If one could hit-confirm, then a successful Standing Heavy Punch could net a combo into any of Terry's Desperation Moves on a grounded opponent.
  • Close Heavy Punch (Close Snkc.gif) - A fast, twice-hitting, gut punch. Close Heavy Punch is typical, fast, Close Snkc.gif / Snkd.gif type of attack, but lacks the vertical range of similar moves such as Kyo's or Iori's Close Heavy Punch. Instead, this attack has a very convenient hit-confirming property of being two hits and it's easy for new players to learn to confirm bread and butter combos. Good in blockstrings and the multiple hits help in doing guard damage to the guard meter.
  • Standing Heavy Kick (Snkd.gif) - In previous KOF games such as King of Fighters 2002, this move was really slow and lacked much application. Now this move is particularly useful for anti-air in angles Terry couldn't really cover on reaction, barring Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif). Since Terry can't just hold forward to walk or run and press Standing Light Punch to anti-air on a whim (as Terry either has to commit to stopping to do Standing Light Punch or accidentally get Back Knuckle (Right.gif + Snka.gif) and suffer the consequences of having a chunk of start up while he extends his vulnerable hitbox forward), Standing Heavy Kick covers that application at the cost of being more susceptible to sweeps and other low hitting attacks. It's faster than Standing Heavy Punch though, so Standing Heavy Kick's function as an anti-air is much more relevant in King of Fighters XIII than in the past.
  • Close Heavy Kick (Close Snkd.gif) - Although not as fast as Close Heavy Punch, this move has a wider activation range than Close Heavy Punch and has a bigger hitbox both vertically and horizontally. The active frames of this move is longer than each of the hits of Close Heavy Punch so this move is generally a better attack for meaties. When in doubt of being able to run forward to punish a move in time with Close Heavy Punch, Close Heavy Kick would be a more consistent option due to generous activation range. Also good for safe blockstrings and frame traps.
  • Crouching Light Punch (Down.gif + Snka.gif) - A simple, light attack from crouching that doesn't hit low. Used mainly after Crouching Light Kick so that Crouching Light Punch could cancel into Rising Upper and further into a special attack such as Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Kick.gif) or Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Punch.gif). Could be used to stagger blockstrings and have a bit more frame advantage than Crouching Light Kick at the expense of a slight bit of distance and hitting low. An opponent might anticipate a sweep after a few crouching light attacks in a blockstring and may want to hop on your "anticipated" sweep attempt, and a Crouching Light Punch staggered in a blockstring could stop and check the opponent with not too much risk. So if spaced correctly while staggering the timing, it could preemptively stifle a hop or jump out attempt that Crouching Lick Kick would not be able to do.
  • Crouching Light Kick (Down.gif + Snkb.gif) - Similar to Crouching Light Punch but hits low and has less of a vertical hitbox if any. As most Crouching Light Kick attacks, it's really useful for hitconfirms, doing high/low mix ups from hops and empty hops, use as a meaty for bad jump-ins and bad landings, and for blockstrings and pressure. A pretty standard move.
  • Crouching Heavy Punch (Down.gif + Snkc.gif) - A punch attack that is quite similar to Guile's "Low Strong" from the Street Fighter series. In application, it is quite similar although the frame advantage might not be as good. It's a good move to use in a blockstring due to the slightly slowness, but the dominance it has due to its hitbox. So it's one of his many frame trap moves that help him score hits and confirms. This move could cancel into command normals or certain specials to add to his pressure. Crouching Heavy Punch also is able to cancel into the aforementioned attacks on whiff as well.
  • Crouching Heavy Kick (Down.gif + Snkd.gif) - A standard sweep with a slight raise in height at the tip of his foot, allowing to anti-air from certain angles in special circumstances. Like Crouching Heavy Punch, it could cancel into command normals and special attacks upon whiff. In some cases in which one baits an opponent to hop or jump onto your sweep for the punish, Terry could simply cancel the whiff animation into his Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) and anti-air the opponent. Even Crouching Heavy Kick canceled into Rising Upper on block is quite safe. One could maintain pressure, momentum, and control a bit of aerial space by also canceling Crouching Heavy Kick into Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Kick.gif), preferably the Snkb.gif version of Crack Shoot.
  • Blowback Attack (Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif) - A standard standing CD attack. In past KOF games, this move used to be a sobat kick that went over low attacks. Now it looks like Terry's old shoulder tackle special attack, Power Charge (Hcf.gif + Kick.gif) in games such as King of Fighters 98, and does not have properties such as going over low attacks. This current Blowback Attack is more like Kyo's as it initially reels Terry back, and then charges forward with a big, meaty hitbox. In some rare cases, Terry could use this move in response to an overextension of an opponent's attack, and punish the recovery of the move as Terry springs forward as he comes from reeling backwards. On it's own it does not have too much application; although, one could whiff it from a further distance and cancel the active frames into a special move such as Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Kick.gif) to close in distance, but there are better and safer ways to approach an opponent rather than to do that.
  • Jumping Light Punch (Air Snka.gif) - Such as many Jumping Light Punches in the game such as Kyo's or Ryo's, this attack is mainly an air-to-air move that works in a limited amount of situations. This is due to the fact that Terry's other jumping attacks cover similar ranges but with better reach and control. So in the few cases in which no other attack is fast enough as Jumping Light Punch nor could reach to the side nor below Terry, then Jumping Light Punch may be applicable.
  • Jumping Light Kick (Air Snkb.gif) - This kick is Terry's furthest reaching, jumping normal attacks. It has quite the lengthy active period that it actually hits and it controls the vast horizontal space. The weakness of this move is that it easily whiffs against crouching opponents regardless of what jump or hop arc Terry takes and is susceptible to meaty, Crouching Light Kick attacks that lead into combos. Commit to this move when one is able to either confirm Terry's safety upon landing or set up and successfully air-to-air an opponent. At the right angles, Terry could air-to-air an opponent with this attack and have the time to land and run under the opponent as the opponent lands on the floor; thus setting up for a mix-up.
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (Air Snkc.gif) - An attack that functions both as a jump-in and as an air-to-air given the context of the situation. This attack may not have as wide or as low of a hitbox as Jumping Heavy Kick, but regardless of the comparison this attack is able to be used as a jump-in. The hitbox of course is surrounding Terry's upper body rather than below his waist, leaving Terry a bit more susceptible to anti-air attacks than Jumping Heavy Kick.
    • What Jumping Heavy Punch has to offer is that ability to check an opponent just in case for whatever reason, the opponent decides to hop or jump given the proper spacing. So when Terry is at that distance where the opponent could decided to either crouch, block while standing, or hop, Jumping Heavy Punch would be a very appropriate move to control those several factors at once and keeping the advantage.
      • An example would be when an opponent may jump/hop at the right timing to go over the space that Terry's Jumping Heavy Kick would cover as a jump-in/hop-in attack. Terry should commit to a Jumping Heavy Punch in this situation to air-to-air the opponent to win out in that aerial situation. Jumping Light Kick might not be as great of an option in this situation as the probability of the opponent staying grounded is still high; so Jumping Heavy Punch would be most optimal here. So in some cases due to spacing, Jumping Heavy Punch does have relevancy.
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (Air Snkd.gif) - A standard jump-in attack. One of the few moves in the KOF series that have a Street Fighter-like hitbox upon jump-in. As in, this attack has a really good 45° downward angle, good horizontal range, and cross-up just like a Street Fighter Jumping Roundhouse attack by a character such as Ryu. Within the context of KOF and hopping, this move isn't as fast nor has as much of a downward, vertical hitbox like Kyo's Jumping Light Kick or Iori's Jumping Heavy Punch to establish quick, hard-to-defend pressure. Though, he can do quite similar pressure as well but not to an extremely dominating extent, it's a bit easier to react to and anti-air Terry's Jumping Heavy Kick compared to the aforementioned attacks. Due to the systems of the game, this move can actually cross-up more easily from a hop than in past iterations of KOF, allowing for more angles of pressure and offense for Terry to exercise. People more familiar with Street Fighter jump-in attacks would be quickly familiar with Terry's Jumping Heavy Kick and become well acquainted with it.
  • Jumping Blowback Attack (Air Snkc.gif + Snkd.gif) - Similar to Terry's Jumping Light Kick attack, this move is almost strictly for anti-air. It has a higher angled hitbox compared to Jumping Light Punch and Jumping Light Kick for air-to-air, and it covers that remaining upward space that Terry's other jumping normal attacks do not control. On the other hand, Jumping Blowback Attack whiffs over most crouching characters; and since all Jumping Blowback Attacks do not hit high as an overhead, the opponent doesn't need to stand up at all in response to this attack. So if misused, this attack will whiff and be severely punished. As usual, any opponent that is hit by a counter hit Jumping Blowback Attack is susceptible to an additional hit for a juggle combo, such as a jumping normal attack for a hit reset or a super.
    • On larger crouching characters such as Raiden or Maxima, it's easier for Terry to make this attack be blocked regardless of the opponent crouching or standing. So in those match ups, Terry could force an additional set-up/frame trap by using a well spaced Jumping Blowback attack in a preemptive response to an anti-air attack, and will counter hit or trade with that attack.

Unique Attacks

  • Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) - An uppercut quite similar in application as Ryo's Crouching Heavy Punch or Kyo's Close Heavy Punch. The limitation of this move compared to the previously mentioned moves is that this move can't be simply done on reaction from a blocking position, or from holding back. So Terry has to commit or risk doing this on defense and is harder to do on reaction than a simple Crouching Heavy Punch from a down-back position. On the other hand, Terry can approach or maintain his run by holding down-forward by sliding down from forward from initiating a run, and just press the Snkc.gif button on reaction when the player sees the opponent jump or hop. So while in certain instances it may more difficult to use this move as an anti-air than others, Rising Upper also does have its means of ease in others. Although characters such as Ryo could also do the same kind of uppercut from a run as well, Terry's hitbox on his Rising Upper has better horizontal coverage compared to Ryo's Crouching Heavy Punch. In comparison to Kyo's Close Heavy Punch, Terry's Rising Upper covers more or less the same range, but Kyo's limitation is that Kyo has to be close to the opponent to execute Close Heavy Punch; Terry can do Rising Upper anywhere on screen regardless of spacing.
    • Additionally as this is a command normal attack, many of Terry's normal attacks can cancel into Rising Upper. So Terry has the the advantage of canceling attacks such as Crouching Heavy Punch and Crouching Heavy Kick into Rising Upper, controlling ground and air space almost simultaneously. Further, this move can combo from Crouching Light Punch that combos from Crouching Light Kick. So from a jump-in or an empty hop, Terry could more or less earn the same kind of combo and knockdown from a high or low mix up as Rising Upper combos into Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Snka.gif) and his Desperation Moves.
    • On a blockstring, Terry could cancel Rising Upper into Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Snkb.gif) and be relatively safe. If the opponent might try to Guard Cancel Roll on the Rising Upper to try to punish the recovery of Crack Shoot, Terry can simply end the blockstring on Rising Upper and reassume pressure by applying a meaty attack on the recovery of the Guard Cancel Roll. If the opponent does not Guard Cancel Roll, Terry's Rising Upper induces enough push back on block that Terry is left at a safe range.
  • Back Knuckle (Right.gif + Snka.gif) - This attack doesn't have as much utility as Rising Upper in terms of being a command normal to hitconfirm during combos. Although there is more time to "confirm something", this move doesn't cancel into anything afterward. Instead, this move could be used to confirm into a Hyper Drive mode activation and Terry could extend his combo. Otherwise, this move is like Back Knuckle in King of Fighters 98; but in King of Fighters XIII, it only hits once and hits faster with better recovery. In a neutral game, Terry could use Back Knuckle as an anti-air against a hop that is beyond the reach of Standing Light Punch, Standing Heavy Punch, and Standing Heavy Kick while using a Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Punch.gif) is too much of a risk to use due to the lack of safety on block, as spacing a Burn Knuckle on block to be safe is very minute, and a precise/difficult thing to do.
    • This move also gets in the way of Terry walking/running and holding forward to press Standing Light Punch on reaction or on a whim. Terry has to commit to stopping and immediately pressing Standing Light Punch for the anti-air. If not done quickly enough, Terry will end up in the recovery animation of the run and not immediately anti-air. Of course if Terry holds forward and presses the Snka.gif button, then he'll get a Back Knuckle, which could be detrimental if he's too close to the opponent since the start up animation is not that fast at all, and is susceptible for a punish.


  • Buster Throw (Right.gif or Left.gif + Snkc.gif or Snkd.gif [While Close]) - A neat, hard knockdown throw. It easily sets up for a cross-up attempt by Terry, especially if the opponent was thrown in the corner so Terry won't need to cover additional distance and time by running and super jumping at the opponent. If the player could get the opponent to be honest and block on okizeme, this throw could also set up into an empty jump or empty hop attempt into either another throw or a Crouching Light Kick attack that confims into a combo.

Special Moves

  • Power Wave (Qcf.gif + Punch.gif) - One should be able to recognize this trademark attack of Terry's. One of the most standard, grounded projectiles in King of Fighters XIII, Power Wave controls the ground space in front of Terry. In contrast to the usual airborne projectiles, grounded projectiles such as Power Wave cannot be slid nor crouched under by an opponent. Rather, it's easier for the opponent to hop or jump over grounded projectiles than airborne projectiles such as Athena's Psychoball (Qcb.gif + Punch.gif).
    • As both Power Wave attacks lack decent start up and recovery speeds compared to past iterations (e.g. King of Fighters 2002), they can't be used in the same type of pressure that sets ground momentum. Rather in King of Fighters XIII, Power Wave is a means of checking and dissuading an opponent's grounded approach from time to time. The Snka.gif Version of Power Wave does this particularly well and has the better recovery of the two regular Power Waves.
    • The Snkc.gif Version of Power Wave has a marginal increase of start up and recovery compared to the Snka.gif Version and stops less than half of the screen in front of Terry. In return, this version of Power Wave covers its short distance quicker than Snka.gif Version covering the same distance and knocks down the opponent upon hit.
    • Both versions of Power Wave are decent during a blockstring and do the most, safe chip damage on block compared to Terry's other Special Moves, but Power Waves are the most susceptible to Guard Cancel Rolls by the opponent. As Terry does a Power Wave, he doesn't change his position or move forward, leaving Terry vulnerable for a punish if the opponent Guard Cancel Rolls appropriately. Although Power Wave is a move with some applications, it is not one to be used too generously.
    • Ex.png Power Wave (Qcf.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) - Quite similar to the Snka.gif Version of Power Wave, this projectile moves completely across the screen. The difference is that this attack moves slower and hits 3 times. This version of Power Wave doesn't knockdown the opponent; so it actually may be used to hit the opponent, and the player could continue to combo during or after the Ex.png Version of Power Wave hits.
  • Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Kick.gif) - Terry's main ender for a blockstring. In past KOF games, it was typically Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Snka.gif) [now unsafe on block] or Power Charge (Hcf.gif + Kick.gif) [not in King of Fighters XIII] that safely ended Terry's blockstrings. Now to take that helm is the Snkb.gif Version of Crack Shoot, as it now safely moves Terry forward in a blockstring while maintaining a safe distance away from the opponent. So, trying to Guard Cancel Roll to punish Terry's Crack Shoot is difficult unless the opponent is cornered. The Snkd.gif Version of Crack Shoot could combo into a Close Attack after hitting a crouching opponent, but most of the time it's pretty easy for the opponent to react and either punish or block the attack.
    • Although the Snkd.gif Version has frame advantage on block rather than being at neutral like Snkb.gif Version, it takes distance to space it properly to land on an opponent. Also, the Snkd.gif Version is frequently used in Drive/Hyper Drive combos and as a preemptive anti-air from strange angles, such as the opponent trying to use a cross-up attack.
    • Overall, Crack Shoot is a bit slower than in the past KOF games and is more reminiscent of Terry's Crack Shoot from Garou: Mark of The Wolves. If anything, Crack Shoot in King of Fighters XIII is the medium in between KOF's Crack Shoot and MOTW's Crack Shoot, but it is not an overhead.
    • Ex.png Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) - Now this attack is an overhead attack! This move even exceeds the speed of the past Crack Shoot attacks and stacks on not only an overhead property, but it induces a hard knockdown upon the opponent as well. For worth of the meter used, Ex.png Crack Shoot does 60 less damage than a Buster Wolf (Qcf.gifQcf.gif + Kick.gif) and 90 damage less than Power Geyser (Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Punch.gif), and that's not adjusted for proration. So, Ex.png Crack Shoot is really worth its damage for the amount of meter it uses as it is good upon hit, but also sets up the opponent for further 50/50 mix-ups. When the opponent is tired of receiving 120 damage chunks from each attempt, Terry could mix-up by doing a combo/blockstring starting from Crouching Light Kick, as it hits low.
      • From Terry's hard knockdown attacks (such as a throw or Ex.png Crack Shoot) or from an opportunity where Terry could attempt a safe jump, the player could do a jump-in or cross-up Jumping Heavy Kick, quickly check if the opponent blocked the attack, and mix-up by going straight into Ex.png Crack Shoot upon landing. In turn, this could make it difficult for the opponent to block or react to. If the move connects, the opponent will be in a hard knockdown state and Terry could mix-up yet again.
      • To reiterate, Terry could simply mix-up the situation with low hitting attacks that lead into a combo. The mix-up doesn't necessarily have to happen from a blocked Jumping Heavy Kick; Terry could do empty jumps/hops into low hitting attacks, and then proceed to mix-up those situations with an empty jump/hop into Ex.png Crack Shoot. The player could even do staggered blockstrings with low hitting attacks and change up the opportunities and timings for an Ex.png Crack Shoot. Even simply doing Crouching Light Punch or Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) as a mix-up or as a blockstring is a valid use of this move. This attack upon hit even leads into an ambiguous roll mix-up on okizeme.
      • The main limitation of this attack is that Ex.png Crack Shoot does take a single bar of meter to use; the player must manage Terry's meter wisely. Just be sure to keep the momentum, offense, and creativity fresh and pay attention to the kinds of responses each opponent makes.
  • Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Punch.gif) - Not as hot as previous KOF games, this iteration of Burn Knuckle is more reminiscent of Garou: Mark of The Wolves. That is, Burn Knuckle is largely unsafe on block regardless of the version used. The Snka.gif Version of Burn Knuckle could be positioned well enough to be safe on block, but the attack must connect with an opponent's guard right on the tip of Burn Knuckle right as Burn Knuckle is about to completely stop. In essence, this attack is really difficult to time and position correctly to be safe on block in a game where movement and spacing is quite volatile. Outside of combos, this move could be used as a preemptive anti-air attack against jumps, rather jumps than hops, from mid and far screen. In most cases, one shouldn't rely on doing so that often.
    • Ex.png Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) - As with the normal versions of Burn Knuckle, this attack is also unsafe. What makes Ex.png Burn Knuckle stand out is that it has the fastest start up out of the other Burn Knuckles, and goes about full screen. If need be, this move is much more reliable as an anti-air than the normal versions of Burn Knuckle. Upon hitting a close by opponent, Terry knocks the opponent upwards into a juggle state in which Terry could follow up with another attack of the player's choice. That is mainly what this attack is used for in application, an extension of combos be it Drive and Hyper Drive.
  • Rising Tackle (Down.gif [Charge] Up.gif + Punch.gif) - Terry's signature anti-air attack. Typically, this attack is just simply an average anti-air attack without much invulnerability. In past games such as King of Fighters 98, this attack had a Dp.gif motion and guard point hitboxes (as in it absorbed hits like a block); Rising Tackle was a good anti-air attack. Now it has returned to its common form: a plain, charge-motion attack. The Snkc.gif Version of Rising Tackle is the preferred version to anti-air an opponent with due to the extended vertical range and invincibility compared to the Snka.gif Version. Rising Tackle isn't particularly good against cross-up attacks though, and is more often than not to miss. Outside of combos, this move is mainly used against a poorly coordinated full jump or super jump that will land right upon or in front of Terry.
    • To be duly noted, the Snkc.gif Version could also beat out Guard Cancel Blowback Attacks. So doing a setup such as doing a Crouching Light Punch on a blocking opponent and canceling straight into Snkc.gif Version Rising Tackle to hit a Guard Cancel Blowback is a valid tactic, just be cautionary and really know when an opponent will do a Guard Cancel Blowback Attack or Terry will be receiving a very agonizing punish upon landing.
    • Ex.png Rising Tackle (Down.gif [Charge] Up.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) - Mainly, this move is used to end simple Drive Cancel combos such as a player using a Drive Cancel on a Burn Knuckle (Qcb.gif + Snka.gif) to combo into a Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Snkd.gif) and finish with an Ex.png Rising Tackle. It might be a faster anti-air than the Snkc.gif Version of Rising Tackle, but it does not have the same invincibility to be a reversal.

Desperation Moves

  • Power Geyser (Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Punch.gif) - A renowned classic: the powerful, old faithful. Power Geyser makes its return and for the better. In previous KOF games, this move was terribly slow. Terrible as an anti-air, terrible as a reversal; this move was mainly used in combos due to its sheer power over Terry's other Desperation Moves in regards to the meter involved. Now in King of Fighters XIII, this attack has not only a heightened hitbox but a faster start up as well. While still not ideal as a reversal, this attack surely covers great vertical space fast enough to catch opponents.
    • Ex.png Power Geyser (Down.gifDownleft.gifHcf.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) - Similar to a normal Power Geyser, Terry just does a single pound to the floor with his fist to shoot out a geyser of energy. In this case, three successive geysers erupt almost simultaneously from a single area. Faster than the typical Power Geyser, it'll catch more airborne opponents in more opportunities.
  • Buster Wolf (Qcf.gifQcf.gif + Kick.gif) - Are you OK? The opponent surely wouldn't. Contrary to common belief, Buster Wolf has only appeared in 2 KOF games prior to King of Fighters XIII, those being King of Fighters 2003 and King of Fighters XI. This attack was actually first introduced in Garou: Mark of the Wolves, but everyone remembers this one from Capcom vs. SNK 2. In regards to actual application, Buster Wolf is the Desperation Move to go to when in need of a reversal super attack. Unlike Terry's other Desperation Move, Buster Wolf doesn't have as high of damage output and the damage is spread amongst two hits, thus further prorated in combos.
    • Ex.png Buster Wolf (Qcf.gifQcf.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) - One with a more dynamic finish, this version is faster, has a better hitbox, is projectile invincible, and deals more damage overall than a normal Buster Wolf.
  • Trinity Geyser (Qcf.gifQcf.gif + Snka.gif + Snkc.gif) - The pride of Yellowstone, this new Desperation Move is a combination of Terry's old Power Wave from the first Fatal Fury game and one of Terry's most recent Desperation Moves, Power Stream. The strength of this move is no joke, but the player must use caution when using the move in the corner. The reason being is that the damage by this attack is earned by each individual geyser that hits, and only two of the multiple geysers will usually hit the opponent in the corner, as opposed to the typical 3 mid-screen. In the corner, the move can often be followed up with attacks such as burn knuckle, crack shoot, and buster wolf for extra damage. Trinity Geyser is good enough as an anti-air against full jumps, otherwise this attack is confirmed from normal attacks or from a Max Cancel.

Tips and Tricks

  • Typically when Terry does two crouching, light attacks on block from point blank, Terry could cross up with Jumping Heavy Kick on an opponent from a full, normal jump.
  • Similarly when Terry does three crouching, light attack on block from point blank, Terry could cross up with Jumping Heavy Kick on an opponent from a hyper hop.
  • Terry could whiff a Close Heavy Kick on okizeme and still cancel the whiff animation into a Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) and use that attack to meaty an opponent, a potential gimmick.
  • The timing for canceling Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) is trickier than in previous games. A recommended tip to try is to cancel Rising Upper a bit later than anticipated.
  • Be careful when using Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) in blockstings. Unlike past KOF games, this attack is more prone to whiffing in blockstrings on more than just crouching opponents due to the amount of push back Terry's normal attacks induce on hit and on block. Be sure to test and know the spacings to use this attack in hitconfirms and blockstrings, don't accidentally lose momentum by whiffing unintentionally.


0% Drive

0 Bar

  • st.C df.C xx qcb+A - (195)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • st.C df.C qcb+B - (198)
    • Leaves Terry at point blank range with +0 Frame Advantage
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...

1 Bar

  • st.C df.C xx qcbhcf+P - (310)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • st.C df.C xx qcb+KK - (234)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • cr.B cr.B cr.B st.B xx qcfx2+K - (254)

2 Bar

  • st.C df.C xx qcbhcf+AC - (438)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • cr.B cr.B cr.B st.B xx qcbhcf+AC - (398)

3 Bar

  • st.C df+C xx qcfx2+AC - (513)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...

50% Drive

0 Bar

  • st.C df.C xx qcb+A xx d~u+C - (289)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • st.C, df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+B, st.C - (313)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • (corner only) st.C, df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+K, d~u+C - (337)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...

1 Bar

  • st.C df+C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+B, d~u+AC - (384)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • (conrer only) st.C df+C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+B, qcb+BD - (341)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • cr.B cr.B cr.B st.B xx qcb+PP (DC) d~u+C - 324

2 Bar

  • st.C df+C xx qcb+A (SC) qcbhcf+AC - (483)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
    • Doing this combo in Mid-screen is preferred, some of the hits will whiff in the corner.
  • (corner only) st.C df+C xx qcb+AC (DC) qcb+K, d~u+AC - (465)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
    • Corner variation of the previous combo
  • cr.B cr.B cr.B st.B xx qcb+AC (SC) qcfx2+K - (372)
    • Variation - d~u+PP Ender - (376)
  • st.C df+C xx qcb+AC (SC) qcfx2+BD - (508)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C... or - cr.B cr.B cr.B st.B...

100% Drive

1 Bar

  • st.C df+C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+K, d~u+C (DC) qcb+B, df+C - (375)
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...

2 Bar

  • st.C df.C (HD Activation) cl.D df.C xx qcb+A (DC) d~u+C (DC) qcb+C (DC) qcb+AC (DC) d~u+C (DC) qcb+C (DC) qcb+D (DC) d~u+AC
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...
  • (corner only) st.C df.C (HD Activation) cl.D df.C xx qcb+A (DC) qcb+AC, d~u+C (DC) qcb+C (DC) qcb+D, d~u+C (DC) qcb+C (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P
    • Alternatively this combo can be started with - cr.B cr.A df.C...

Basic Strategy


  • Terry is a simple character with standard jump and hop arcs and good jump-in attacks. Being able to simply combo into a knockdown from a high or low mix-up, Terry is able to play a basic offensive game based around getting around an opponent's guard by making the opponent block incorrectly given the situation.
  • What Terry might slightly lack in comparison to a higher offensive character such as Kyo in terms of hopping-in or in high/low/throw mix-ups, Terry makes up for in being able to utilize Terry's ability to do larger, safer, blockstrings and frame traps that will easily wear down an opponent's guard gauge. Not the best of the best, Terry is still well rounded. Take note of the opponent's guard gauge and be ready to break the gauge with an attack that recovers quickly. The player will be able to score an opportunity to do a full combo.
  • While pushing forward, Terry can simultaneously cover ground and airspace by canceling his Crouching Heavy Kick into a Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) or a Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Snkb.gif) while maintaining relatively safe. There might be some instances where the opponent might stay out of the Crouching Heavy Kick range to evade being put into block stun, and the opponent will wait for either of the follow-ups and go for the punish.
  • Keep Terry's offensive mix-ups fresh. Reference Terry's Ex.png Crack Shoot (Qcb.gif + Snkb.gif + Snkd.gif) section for additional detail. The player could expand mix-up possibilities with tick throws, breaking alternate guards with cross-up attack, staggered low hitting attacks, empty hop into low attacks or throw, and Ex.png Crack Shoot mix-ups as well. Get the player to try to respond against these mix-ups and proceed to incorporate frame traps as well. Simple strings, such as Crouching Light Kick into a slightly delayed Close Heavy Kick, are effective ways in trying to counter or counter hit an opponent's attempt to attack or escape.


  • The player is also able to use Terry's good normal attacks to control his inner-space. With solid normals such as Standing Light Punch, Standing Heavy Kick, and especially Standing Light Kick, Terry is able to check the opponent's ability to approach in the direct vicinity in front of Terry. With an attack such as Standing Light Kick having good range and recovery to poke an opponent coupled with the ability to cancel into another attack, Terry is able to push out an opponent with Standing Light Kick and give Terry some breathing room.
  • Though it may be awkward for most players at first, learning to react to hops or jumps on reaction and punishing with Rising Upper (Downforward.gif + Snkc.gif) is a must to make sure nothing gets past Terry. Just be confident in holding a neutral position on Terry rather than constantly hovering in the blocking or crouch blocking position, and respond to the opponent's approaches with the necessary attacks.
  • Terry actually has some aerial control to limit the opponent from approaching. A backwards hop or neutral hop Jumping Light Kick is effective when the opponent tries approach by ground or by air. An early Jumping Heavy Kick from a hop is also decent for stopping grounded approaches. When in doubt, a Jumping Blowback Attack is also good for air-to-air usage. Just be careful and don't become predictable, an opponent might try to get under Terry at just the right moment to crouch underneath Terry's hopping or jumping attack and hit Terry while he's on the way down. In some instances, this might land a full combo for the opponent.
  • In instances where the opponent feels confident enough to just run forward to close in on Terry and land a Close Snkc.gif or Snkd.gif attack from far, use Power Wave (Qcf.gif + Punch.gif) to stop and remind the opponent that it's not a free ticket getting in. Remember that it's relatively easy for the opponent to hop over the Power Wave and to not use it excessively.
  • When somewhat in doubt when or how an opponent will close in space from about mid or mid-close screen, Terry has quite the handy Crouching Heavy Punch to use. It might not recover as fast as it did in previous KOF games, this attack is still effective as a really beefy normal just like Guile's "Low Strong" from the Street Fighter series. It's pretty legitimate to use twice in a row, be it on hit or on block, just to push out an opponent. Note that Crouching Heavy Punch could not only cancel on hit but on whiff during the active frames. As a reminder, try to not get hopped or jumped on by the opponent when doing Crouching Heavy Punch.
  • Even with decent reversal Desperation Moves, more often than not some of the best defensive options Terry has is just to simply block. If an opponent doesn't do a safe jump or hop on Terry, be sure to use the standard option select Close Snkc.gif or Snkd.gif. In this case for Terry, the optimal button would be Snkd.gif. If Terry uses the option select on the opportune moment that the opponent will attack deep in a jump or hop-in, Terry will just simply block. If the opponent tried to go for an empty hop mix-up, the opponent will be hit by either an anti-air attack or simply be hit by a meaty attack or thrown upon landing.
    • Keep in mind also while blocking, that Terry could simply punish a hop on reaction with a Standing Light Punch. Sometimes the simplest things are some of the most important factors in a match.

Advanced Strategy

  • Go nuts, running wild

Frame Data