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== Combos ==
<code><nowiki>2L > 2M > 6H, 214M, 214M, 214H, jump, [j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.6H, rejump] x3, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.6H, land, 6H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, j.236L xx j.236XX (751,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.6 bars of meter.)</nowiki></code> <br>
Standard jump loop against grounded opponents. Neutral jump on the first loop, the jump forward on all subsequent loops. Maximum of 4 loops possible, but you can also omit loops if the execution is difficult. <br>
[ Video guide]
===Flames of Faltine Loops===
Flames of Faltine Loops (aka FoF Loops, Impact Palm Loops, Palm Loops, etc.) are a type of highly damaging and meter-efficient combo route taking advantage of the high minimum hitstun on Impact Palm (6H) and Flames of the Faltine (214H). Strange can chain these two moves together multiple times in quick succession, racking up large damage. Strange can start an FoF Loop just about any time he can combo into 5S, and many Strange teams are capable of bringing him in mid-combo in order to start such a loop.
The most basic form of a FoF Loop would look something like this:
<code><nowiki> 2H > 6H > 5S sjc. j.6H xx j.214H, j.6H, land, 6H > 5S sjc. j.6H xx j.214H, j.6H, land, 6H etc. </nowiki></code> <br>
More advanced versions will use multiple Flames of the Faltine reps in each jump to push the total damage much higher.
Despite the power of these loops, they are notoriously challenging to master, and many Strange players struggle to learn them. The most difficult part is typically linking Impact Palm after each FoF, as the gap between these moves can vary quite a bit. To perform these combos properly, there are a few important tricks to keep in mind:
* When performing your first aerial Impact Palm, you need to hit the opponent at the lowest point possible. Keep the opponent ''above'' you, so that they fall on top of the Flame. To quote Yipes, "Aim for the feet."
** In order to ensure your opponent is lined up properly vertically for the loop. Do not immediately superjump cancel 5S. Delaying the superjump a slight amount will give the opponent's character time to get airborne, then you can jump up in pursuit of them. Also, perform your j.6H Palm as soon as possible after leaving the ground. If done correctly, it should look like Strange is striking the very bottom of the opponent's feet, or even the empty space below them.
*Besides getting the correct vertical spacing, FoF loops are much easier if Strange is the correct horizontal distance from the opponent. The farther away Strange is from his target, the later the Flame projectile will connect with the opponent, and the wider the window to link Impact Palm will be afterwards. As long as Strange is still close enough to connect Palm at all, being farther away is better.
** Strange can manually adjust his horizontal position during the crumple state caused by a grounded 6H if he uses one to set up his FoF Loop. Using this time to take a step backwards can alter the link timing from "impossible" to "relatively easy". Also, be sure to superjump directly up (8) and not up-forward (9). In fact, you can even superjump up-back (7) if you are worried that Strange is too close, as the FoF input will stop his momentum before he moves too far away.
*As Impact Palm needs to be input exactly as 6H (and not 9H or 3H), it can be challenging to input it accurately as fast as possible from a superjump cancel. Some players have success rolling from the direct upwards superjump input towards 6H in a Magnetic Blast-style motion. In numpad notation, this would look like 896H. From there, roll all the way around to a back input and press H again to complete the FoF input quickly. the full input would look like: 896H xx 3214H.
If you need additional help, several players have made FoF Loop tutorial videos:
====FoF Loop Tutorials====
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<youtube>IcdDEc6E9MU</youtube> <youtube>9V2FguKS_Us</youtube> <youtube>n8yShyMdsQE</youtube> <youtube>M7Q5CA6jTH0</youtube>
</div> <br>
Besides learning how to perform the loop on its own, most teams will want a few ways to confirm into the loop from a hit with another character. Allowing a point character with strong neutral but lower damage potential to take advantage of Strange's output greatly enhances their potential, and people have developed a very large number of ways to bring Strange in mid-combo and begin a FoF Loop. Expand the list below for a resource on confirming to FoF Loops with a variety of team compositions.
====FoF Loop Examples====
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<big>'''Crumple Hard Tags (Nemo style)'''</big>
These teams utilize Spencer's assist to set up crumples after getting the opponent to the corner and hard tagging to strange. Team compositions are usually the nemo order which is strange/spencer. However it depends on the team and how you plan to use your DHC. Nemos team order works because you can DHC back to nova for high damage or [ THC as strange] to get great damage and extend more combos. Having the order of Point/Strange/Spencer is also helpful since you can always SoV and DHC to bionic maneuvers which is a very safe way to bring in Spencer. Alternatively you can run spencer/strange and hard tag from anchor. This team composition works better with combofiends team because She-Hulk's DHC doesn't work too well from SoV. Also with a team order of Point/Spencer/Strange, once you finish the combo with Strange and a Spencer DHC, if you then tag into your point character from Spencer after the kill, your team order reverts back to Point/Strange/Spencer. <br>
'''Iron Fist:''' [ team Heroic/Justin Wong bnb] <br>
'''Chun-Li:''' [ bnb set up] <br>
'''Nova:''' [ team Nemo bnb], [ Nemo using the alternate team order] <br>
'''She-Hulk:''' [ team Combofiend bnb's] <br>
'''Viper:''' [ bnb set up] <br>
[ '''Team Nemo tutorial'''] <br>
<big>'''DHC to Rings of Ragador'''</big>
This method requires 2 meters, one to super into a state that allows you to whiff rings and go into loops. The most ideal supers are those that place your opponent in a slow fall state or at a high altitude that forces a soft or hard knockdown as well as wall bounces. Even though this is a great tool for many teams, its not always an efficient use of meter and in general you get one less rep of FoF loops compared to team Nemo. <br>
'''Amaterasu:''' [ DHC BnB], [ slow down from throw], [ a more optimized DHC] <br>
'''Dante:''' [ short bnb DHC], [ mid screen version] <br>
'''Ghost Rider:''' [ Using his OTG assist] <br>
'''Haggar:''' [ uses a capture state glitch to allow strange to combo, can be used with any super after the command launch] <br>
'''Hawkeye:''' [ BnB to corner DHC] <br>
'''Hsien-Ko:''' [ spacing dependent, you need 3 knives to hit to allow strange to combo] <br>
'''Jill:''' [ BnB to corner] <br>
'''Magneto:''' [ BnB] <br>
'''MODOK:''' [ BnB to corner DHC] <br>
'''Morrigan:''' [ Side switch combo to DHC] <br>
'''Nemesis:''' [ DHC from a BnB and Throw] <br>
'''Nova:''' [ simple DHC from a throw 950k] <br>
'''Phoenix:''' [ BnB into Phoenix Inferno] <br>
'''Rocket Raccoon:''' [ BnB DHC] <br>
'''Sentinel:''' [ BnB with Hard Drive and from a corner throw with Sentinel Force] <br>
'''She-Hulk:''' [ 2 hits of Emerald Cannon] <br>
'''Spencer:''' [ from bionic arm #1], [ #2], [ overhead set up] <br>
'''Spider-Man:''' [ Basic BnB into air maximum spider] <br>
'''Storm:''' [ BnB DHC], [ DHC BnB variant], [ corner throw DHC] <br>
'''Strider Hiryu:''' [ BnB with Bolts assist] <br>
'''Task Master:''' [ DHC from Counter Super (VERY tight timing)] <br>
'''Thor:''' [ Dhc before super finishes (air only)], [ from mighty punish] <br>
'''Trish:''' [ Air Super BnB DHC]<br>
'''Viewtiful Joe:''' [ Joe/Doom BnB into bomb to trigger Rings of Raggador DHC into a flame loop] <br>
'''Viper:''' [ BnB DHC] <br>
<big>'''Wall Bounce Hard Tags'''</big>
This method involves a wall bounce and careful screen positioning. Being able to confirm is relative to where your point character is before the hard tag allowing your hard tag to physically hit them, then continue into fof loops
'''Deadpool:''' [ corner set ups] <br>
'''Dormammu:''' [ short bnb in the corner] [ full screen conversion] <br>
'''Ghost Rider:''' [ corner bnb hard tag with the help of vergil] <br>
'''Firebrand:''' [ using bonvoyage mid screen, very difficult], [ wall cling fireball H after bon voyage, also difficult], [ easier version with XF] <br>
'''Hulk:''' [ two mid screen methods] <br>
'''Magneto/Rocket:''' [ Log Trap and Hyper Grav H] <br>
'''MODOK:''' [ From a BnB] <br>
'''Nemesis:''' [ mid screen conversion] <br>
'''Nova:''' [ corner set up], [ crazy set ups using shield to wall bounce] <br>
'''Ryu:''' [ 2 methods, requires specific screen positioning.] <br>
'''She-Hulk''' [ anti-air super in the corner] <br>
'''Spencer:''' [ corner throw], [ bnb into grapple M] <br>
'''Vergil:''' [ bnb], [ mid screen throw], [ helm breaker], [ using bolts to confirm into hard tag] <br>
'''Wesker:''' [ from various wall bounces mid screen] <br>
<big>'''Misc. Hard Tag Confirms'''</big>
These are confirms using screen positioning to allow strange to combo after a hard tag. Most of these are difficult and aren't always the most practical but they do have their uses. <br>
'''Arthur:''' [ mid screen and air combo set up] <br>
'''Captain America:''' [ A very solid corner set up] <br>
'''Dante:''' [ BnB into acid rain], [ another set up], [ easier version with devil trigger] <br>
'''Doctor Doom:''' [ Hard tag using side switch] <br>
'''Dormammu:''' [ Using Meteor spells to set up a hard tag in the corner] <br>
'''Magneto:''' [ side switch confirm], [ from throws and more] <br>
'''Morrigan:''' [ Staircase side switch hard tag], [ assist-less hard tag by Tenboss] <br>
'''Phoenix:''' [ meterless screen positional hard tag using a side switch] <br>
'''Rocket Raccoon:''' [ Corner BnB hard tag] <br>
'''Shuma-Gorath:''' [ BnB to hard tag] <br>
'''Spider-Man:''' [ Using Log Trap and Web Ball] <br>
'''Thor:''' [ Confirm from Mighty Hurricane H in the corner], [ Variant #2 of Mighty Hurricane tag on more of the cast], [ confirms from throws and more] <br>
'''Trish:''' [ hard tag after round harvest] <br>
'''Tron:''' [ BnB in corner], [ Infrit's version] <br>
'''Wesker:''' [ corner L command grab] <br>
'''Zero:''' [ out of corner air combo with early buster into teleport] <br>
<big>'''Spell of Vishanti DHC and THC'''</big>
Some DHC's and THC's from Strange's Spell of Vishanti allow you to combo afterwards. The THC's all require 2 bars and for Strange to be on point. Not only can strange do this on point with the use of throws or other confirms, but you can also do them from hard tags. <br>
'''Amaterasu:''' [ Strange using THC, can be done from throws as well], [ full screen mix-up] <br>
'''Chris:''' [ confirming off grenade launcher DHC into spell of vishanti]<br>
'''Doctor Doom:''' [ Off a grounded back throw] <br>
'''Dormammu:''' [ After a full FoF loop, DHC to Stalking Flare], [ Strange/Dorm THC off a hard tag] <br>
'''Hulk:''' [ Corner Throw THC] <br>
'''Iron Man:''' [ THC and full screen assist confirms] <br>
'''Jill:''' [ allows THC FoF combo to work with dante] <br>
'''Magneto:''' [ From a BnB into a hard tag THC] <br>
'''Nova:''' [ Team Nemo, Strange full screen throw THC], [ Hard tag from Nova throw into THC] <br>
'''Rocket Raccoon:''' [ Corner BnB to Hopper mine DHC] <br>
'''Spencer:''' [ Off a BnB 80k that hard tags into a THC] <br>
'''Spider-Man:''' [ THC hard tag can be done from an air combo, a ground bounce or a web throw] <br>
'''Storm:''' [ BnB DHC], [ THC set up] <br>
'''Thor:''' [ Air combo that hard tags into a THC, directly after is a combo off his ground bounce and it can also be done from a grounded throw] <br>
'''Trish:''' [ After a full FoF loop, DHC to Round Harvest], [ Hard tag into Strange/X THC] <br>
'''Vergil:''' [ Strange THC from corner throw], [ Using Devil Trigger DHC off SoV full screen] <br>
'''Wesker:''' [ Strange THC from throw in corner] <br>
'''Wolverine:''' [ THC confirm off throw] <br>
<big>'''DHC hard tags'''</big>
This section is dedicated to all other supers that can DHC from the point character and then hard tag to strange. Through experimentation, Rocket Raccoon's Mad Hopper, Devil Trigger and other install hypers give you options that aren't previously possible with Rings of Raggador.
'''Nova/Arthur/Strange:''' [ Nova Force into Gold Armor and hard tag with scythe] <br>
'''Phoenix Wright/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Simple BnB using Order in the Court] <br>
'''Viewtiful Joe/Rocket/Strange:''' [ DHC hard tag from a throw, also possible off combos] <br>
'''Wolverine/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Must super as high as possible to get the mad hopper to connect] <br>
'''X-23/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Uses log trap to combo into weapon X prime, then DHC's to mad hopper] <br>
'''Zero/Dante/Strange:''' [ Rainbow super into devil trigger] <br>
<big>'''Team Assisted hard tags'''</big>
The videos below are non-nemo style hard tags that revolve around the point character and an assist. The best assists are those that either remove your opponent from the corner, help you achieve a side switch or has an OTG that can set up a specific move.
'''Chris/Strange/X:''' [ Fire Grenade hard tags with Strider, Ammy & Rocket Raccoon assists], [ Hard tags with Strange, She-Hulk & Haggar], [ Hard tags with Dante, Wesker & Vergil] <br>
'''Magneto/Strange/Doom:''' [ using hidden missiles to set up loops] <br>
'''Magneto/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Uses Log Trap to set up the hyper grav tag] <br>
'''Magneto/Ground Bounce/Strange:''' [ Using Nova's Ground Bounce], [ Using Thor's Ground Bounce] <br>
'''Magneto/Sentinel/Strange:''' [ Using Sentinel's Drones assist] <br>
'''Magneto/X/Strange:''' [ Using Dr. Strange's own Eye of Aggamado assist] <br>
'''Morrigan/Nova/Strange:''' [ using Nova assist] <br>
'''Nova/X/Strange:''' [ set ups with a variety of assists using level 3 grav pulse L and M] <br>
'''Spider-Man/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Using Log Trap and Web Ball] <br>
'''Thor/Doom/Strange:''' [ Mid Screen set up with missiles], [ corner carry missile set up] <br>
'''Thor/Nova/Strange:''' [ Level 1 Grav Pulse hard tag], [ Level 3 Grav Pulse tag after mighty tornado] <br>
'''Thor/Strange/Modok:''' [ Using Balloon Bomb assist to hard tag with mighty strike] <br>
'''Thor/Strange/Sentinel:''' [ Uses Drones to set up the tag with mighty strike] <br>
'''Thor/Rocket/Strange:''' [ Using Log Trap and charged Mighty Strike H] <br>
'''Trish/Rocket/Strange:''' [ meterless hard tag with Rocket's log trap and round trip] <br>
'''Trish/Strange/Doom:''' [ meterless hard tag with Doom's Hidden Missiles and round trip] <br>
'''Vergil/Strange/Doom:''' [ meterless hardtags with doom's hidden missiles and round trip] <br>
'''Vergil/Strange/Spencer:''' [ using spencer's slant shot assist to set up round trip hard tags] <br>
<big>'''OTG Set Ups'''</big>
A set up that involves hard tagging and using an OTG assist or a Grace of Hoggoth from a hard knockdown or ground bounce.
'''Ghost Rider:''' [ Using his OTG assist after his own DHC] <br>
'''Haggar:''' [ BnB to hard tag with Viper assist], [ same set up with wesker] <br>
'''Thor:''' [ After a ground bounce using a Grace to OTG] <br>
</div> <br>

==Beginner Combos==
==Beginner Combos==

Latest revision as of 11:15, 15 December 2023

Motion Input Chart
7 Ub.png 8 U.png 9 Uf.png
4 B.png 5 N.png 6 F.png
1 Db.png 2 D.png 3 Df.png
Notation Meaning
(Leave a space) cancel from the previous normal to the following.
, Link from the previous move to the following.
> Cancel the previous move into the following special / super move.
~ Cancel special into set followup or plink previous attack into the following.
dl. / delay Delay the following move.
whiff Must whiff the following move.
land Must land on the ground before the next move.
rejump Must land then jump again before the next move.
j. / sj. Move is done in a jump / superjump.
jc / sjc Cancel previous move into a jump / superjump.
ia./tk. Instant Air or Tiger Knee Special or Super Move.
XX Any two attack buttons excluding S.
NXX Dash / Airdash in N direction.
X+S Any other attack button and S pressed at the same time.
AA Anti-Air
[X] Hold input
-X- Release input
(N) Connect with only the Nth hit of this attack.
(Move) Move is optional.
[sequence] x N Repeat sequence N times.


2L > 2M > 6H, 214M, 214M, 214H, jump, [j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.6H, rejump] x3, j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.6H, land, 6H > 5S sjc. j.5M > j.5M > j.5H > j.5S, j.236L xx j.236XX (751,000 for 1 bar, builds ~1.6 bars of meter.)

Standard jump loop against grounded opponents. Neutral jump on the first loop, the jump forward on all subsequent loops. Maximum of 4 loops possible, but you can also omit loops if the execution is difficult.

Video guide

Flames of Faltine Loops

Flames of Faltine Loops (aka FoF Loops, Impact Palm Loops, Palm Loops, etc.) are a type of highly damaging and meter-efficient combo route taking advantage of the high minimum hitstun on Impact Palm (6H) and Flames of the Faltine (214H). Strange can chain these two moves together multiple times in quick succession, racking up large damage. Strange can start an FoF Loop just about any time he can combo into 5S, and many Strange teams are capable of bringing him in mid-combo in order to start such a loop.

The most basic form of a FoF Loop would look something like this:

2H > 6H > 5S sjc. j.6H xx j.214H, j.6H, land, 6H > 5S sjc. j.6H xx j.214H, j.6H, land, 6H etc.

More advanced versions will use multiple Flames of the Faltine reps in each jump to push the total damage much higher.

Despite the power of these loops, they are notoriously challenging to master, and many Strange players struggle to learn them. The most difficult part is typically linking Impact Palm after each FoF, as the gap between these moves can vary quite a bit. To perform these combos properly, there are a few important tricks to keep in mind:

  • When performing your first aerial Impact Palm, you need to hit the opponent at the lowest point possible. Keep the opponent above you, so that they fall on top of the Flame. To quote Yipes, "Aim for the feet."
    • In order to ensure your opponent is lined up properly vertically for the loop. Do not immediately superjump cancel 5S. Delaying the superjump a slight amount will give the opponent's character time to get airborne, then you can jump up in pursuit of them. Also, perform your j.6H Palm as soon as possible after leaving the ground. If done correctly, it should look like Strange is striking the very bottom of the opponent's feet, or even the empty space below them.
  • Besides getting the correct vertical spacing, FoF loops are much easier if Strange is the correct horizontal distance from the opponent. The farther away Strange is from his target, the later the Flame projectile will connect with the opponent, and the wider the window to link Impact Palm will be afterwards. As long as Strange is still close enough to connect Palm at all, being farther away is better.
    • Strange can manually adjust his horizontal position during the crumple state caused by a grounded 6H if he uses one to set up his FoF Loop. Using this time to take a step backwards can alter the link timing from "impossible" to "relatively easy". Also, be sure to superjump directly up (8) and not up-forward (9). In fact, you can even superjump up-back (7) if you are worried that Strange is too close, as the FoF input will stop his momentum before he moves too far away.
  • As Impact Palm needs to be input exactly as 6H (and not 9H or 3H), it can be challenging to input it accurately as fast as possible from a superjump cancel. Some players have success rolling from the direct upwards superjump input towards 6H in a Magnetic Blast-style motion. In numpad notation, this would look like 896H. From there, roll all the way around to a back input and press H again to complete the FoF input quickly. the full input would look like: 896H xx 3214H.

If you need additional help, several players have made FoF Loop tutorial videos:

FoF Loop Tutorials

Besides learning how to perform the loop on its own, most teams will want a few ways to confirm into the loop from a hit with another character. Allowing a point character with strong neutral but lower damage potential to take advantage of Strange's output greatly enhances their potential, and people have developed a very large number of ways to bring Strange in mid-combo and begin a FoF Loop. Expand the list below for a resource on confirming to FoF Loops with a variety of team compositions.

FoF Loop Examples

Crumple Hard Tags (Nemo style)

These teams utilize Spencer's assist to set up crumples after getting the opponent to the corner and hard tagging to strange. Team compositions are usually the nemo order which is strange/spencer. However it depends on the team and how you plan to use your DHC. Nemos team order works because you can DHC back to nova for high damage or THC as strange to get great damage and extend more combos. Having the order of Point/Strange/Spencer is also helpful since you can always SoV and DHC to bionic maneuvers which is a very safe way to bring in Spencer. Alternatively you can run spencer/strange and hard tag from anchor. This team composition works better with combofiends team because She-Hulk's DHC doesn't work too well from SoV. Also with a team order of Point/Spencer/Strange, once you finish the combo with Strange and a Spencer DHC, if you then tag into your point character from Spencer after the kill, your team order reverts back to Point/Strange/Spencer.

Iron Fist: team Heroic/Justin Wong bnb
Chun-Li: bnb set up
Nova: team Nemo bnb, Nemo using the alternate team order
She-Hulk: team Combofiend bnb's
Viper: bnb set up

Team Nemo tutorial

DHC to Rings of Ragador

This method requires 2 meters, one to super into a state that allows you to whiff rings and go into loops. The most ideal supers are those that place your opponent in a slow fall state or at a high altitude that forces a soft or hard knockdown as well as wall bounces. Even though this is a great tool for many teams, its not always an efficient use of meter and in general you get one less rep of FoF loops compared to team Nemo.

Amaterasu: DHC BnB, slow down from throw, a more optimized DHC
Dante: short bnb DHC, mid screen version
Ghost Rider: Using his OTG assist
Haggar: uses a capture state glitch to allow strange to combo, can be used with any super after the command launch
Hawkeye: BnB to corner DHC
Hsien-Ko: spacing dependent, you need 3 knives to hit to allow strange to combo
Jill: BnB to corner
Magneto: BnB
MODOK: BnB to corner DHC
Morrigan: Side switch combo to DHC
Nemesis: DHC from a BnB and Throw
Nova: simple DHC from a throw 950k
Phoenix: BnB into Phoenix Inferno
Rocket Raccoon: BnB DHC
Sentinel: BnB with Hard Drive and from a corner throw with Sentinel Force
She-Hulk: 2 hits of Emerald Cannon
Spencer: from bionic arm #1, #2, overhead set up
Spider-Man: Basic BnB into air maximum spider
Storm: BnB DHC, DHC BnB variant, corner throw DHC
Strider Hiryu: BnB with Bolts assist
Task Master: DHC from Counter Super (VERY tight timing)
Thor: Dhc before super finishes (air only), from mighty punish
Trish: Air Super BnB DHC
Viewtiful Joe: Joe/Doom BnB into bomb to trigger Rings of Raggador DHC into a flame loop
Viper: BnB DHC

Wall Bounce Hard Tags

This method involves a wall bounce and careful screen positioning. Being able to confirm is relative to where your point character is before the hard tag allowing your hard tag to physically hit them, then continue into fof loops

Deadpool: corner set ups
Dormammu: short bnb in the corner full screen conversion
Ghost Rider: corner bnb hard tag with the help of vergil
Firebrand: using bonvoyage mid screen, very difficult, wall cling fireball H after bon voyage, also difficult, easier version with XF
Hulk: two mid screen methods
Magneto/Rocket: Log Trap and Hyper Grav H
MODOK: From a BnB
Nemesis: mid screen conversion
Nova: corner set up, crazy set ups using shield to wall bounce
Ryu: 2 methods, requires specific screen positioning.
She-Hulk anti-air super in the corner
Spencer: corner throw, bnb into grapple M
Vergil: bnb, mid screen throw, helm breaker, using bolts to confirm into hard tag
Wesker: from various wall bounces mid screen

Misc. Hard Tag Confirms

These are confirms using screen positioning to allow strange to combo after a hard tag. Most of these are difficult and aren't always the most practical but they do have their uses.

Arthur: mid screen and air combo set up
Captain America: A very solid corner set up
Dante: BnB into acid rain, another set up, easier version with devil trigger
Doctor Doom: Hard tag using side switch
Dormammu: Using Meteor spells to set up a hard tag in the corner
Magneto: side switch confirm, from throws and more
Morrigan: Staircase side switch hard tag, assist-less hard tag by Tenboss
Phoenix: meterless screen positional hard tag using a side switch
Rocket Raccoon: Corner BnB hard tag
Shuma-Gorath: BnB to hard tag
Spider-Man: Using Log Trap and Web Ball
Thor: Confirm from Mighty Hurricane H in the corner, Variant #2 of Mighty Hurricane tag on more of the cast, confirms from throws and more
Trish: hard tag after round harvest
Tron: BnB in corner, Infrit's version
Wesker: corner L command grab
Zero: out of corner air combo with early buster into teleport

Spell of Vishanti DHC and THC

Some DHC's and THC's from Strange's Spell of Vishanti allow you to combo afterwards. The THC's all require 2 bars and for Strange to be on point. Not only can strange do this on point with the use of throws or other confirms, but you can also do them from hard tags.

Amaterasu: Strange using THC, can be done from throws as well, full screen mix-up
Chris: confirming off grenade launcher DHC into spell of vishanti
Doctor Doom: Off a grounded back throw
Dormammu: After a full FoF loop, DHC to Stalking Flare, Strange/Dorm THC off a hard tag
Hulk: Corner Throw THC
Iron Man: THC and full screen assist confirms
Jill: allows THC FoF combo to work with dante
Magneto: From a BnB into a hard tag THC
Nova: Team Nemo, Strange full screen throw THC, Hard tag from Nova throw into THC
Rocket Raccoon: Corner BnB to Hopper mine DHC
Spencer: Off a BnB 80k that hard tags into a THC
Spider-Man: THC hard tag can be done from an air combo, a ground bounce or a web throw
Storm: BnB DHC, THC set up
Thor: Air combo that hard tags into a THC, directly after is a combo off his ground bounce and it can also be done from a grounded throw
Trish: After a full FoF loop, DHC to Round Harvest, Hard tag into Strange/X THC
Vergil: Strange THC from corner throw, Using Devil Trigger DHC off SoV full screen
Wesker: Strange THC from throw in corner
Wolverine: THC confirm off throw

DHC hard tags

This section is dedicated to all other supers that can DHC from the point character and then hard tag to strange. Through experimentation, Rocket Raccoon's Mad Hopper, Devil Trigger and other install hypers give you options that aren't previously possible with Rings of Raggador.

Nova/Arthur/Strange: Nova Force into Gold Armor and hard tag with scythe
Phoenix Wright/Rocket/Strange: Simple BnB using Order in the Court
Viewtiful Joe/Rocket/Strange: DHC hard tag from a throw, also possible off combos
Wolverine/Rocket/Strange: Must super as high as possible to get the mad hopper to connect
X-23/Rocket/Strange: Uses log trap to combo into weapon X prime, then DHC's to mad hopper
Zero/Dante/Strange: Rainbow super into devil trigger

Team Assisted hard tags

The videos below are non-nemo style hard tags that revolve around the point character and an assist. The best assists are those that either remove your opponent from the corner, help you achieve a side switch or has an OTG that can set up a specific move.

Chris/Strange/X: Fire Grenade hard tags with Strider, Ammy & Rocket Raccoon assists, Hard tags with Strange, She-Hulk & Haggar, Hard tags with Dante, Wesker & Vergil

Magneto/Strange/Doom: using hidden missiles to set up loops
Magneto/Rocket/Strange: Uses Log Trap to set up the hyper grav tag
Magneto/Ground Bounce/Strange: Using Nova's Ground Bounce, Using Thor's Ground Bounce
Magneto/Sentinel/Strange: Using Sentinel's Drones assist
Magneto/X/Strange: Using Dr. Strange's own Eye of Aggamado assist

Morrigan/Nova/Strange: using Nova assist

Nova/X/Strange: set ups with a variety of assists using level 3 grav pulse L and M

Spider-Man/Rocket/Strange: Using Log Trap and Web Ball

Thor/Doom/Strange: Mid Screen set up with missiles, corner carry missile set up
Thor/Nova/Strange: Level 1 Grav Pulse hard tag, Level 3 Grav Pulse tag after mighty tornado
Thor/Strange/Modok: Using Balloon Bomb assist to hard tag with mighty strike
Thor/Strange/Sentinel: Uses Drones to set up the tag with mighty strike
Thor/Rocket/Strange: Using Log Trap and charged Mighty Strike H

Trish/Rocket/Strange: meterless hard tag with Rocket's log trap and round trip
Trish/Strange/Doom: meterless hard tag with Doom's Hidden Missiles and round trip

Vergil/Strange/Doom: meterless hardtags with doom's hidden missiles and round trip
Vergil/Strange/Spencer: using spencer's slant shot assist to set up round trip hard tags

OTG Set Ups

A set up that involves hard tagging and using an OTG assist or a Grace of Hoggoth from a hard knockdown or ground bounce.

Ghost Rider: Using his OTG assist after his own DHC
Haggar: BnB to hard tag with Viper assist, same set up with wesker
Thor: After a ground bounce using a Grace to OTG

Beginner Combos

Combos One Star.png
Basic, simple combos with few requirements or restrictions.
  • Work on all or nearly all characters.
  • Require little to no resources (Meter, Assists, Character Specific Stocks).
  • Need minimal adjustments for positioning or starter.

Core Combos

Combos Two Stars.png
Core combos that balances reward with execution and reliability.
  • Works against a selected set of characters.
  • Can require adjustments for positioning and resources.
  • Are expected to be consistently performable by a skilled player who main the character.

Advanced Combos

Combos Three Stars.png
Advanced Combos are specialized in usage, require awareness, execution, and have advantages over core combos.
  • May only work on a few characters or in specific circumstances.
  • Can have any amount of requirements such as meter, positioning, starter.
  • Are not necessarily harder than core combos, but require more specific knowledge.

Assist Extensions

Comboing in X-Factor