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beat PP zoning with superior reach and/or speed to Kid Buu's P.
beat PP zoning with superior reach and/or speed to Kid Buu's P.

>KPPPP is probably Kid Buu's least appreciated string. >KP might lose to dodge-counter, but >KP- should be safe against it. Each P in this string can be charged/canceled for serious mind games. On hit, simply >KPPPP~ then combo. On block, proceed to charge and/or cancel whenever you feel to mix things up. You can cancel into >K or throw or whatever. For a short combo on hit try >KPPPP-, <E or >KPPPP to taunt after. From max range, >KP- puts in perfect PP zoning range. After >KPPP- you have plenty of frame advantage to do as you like.
>KPPPP is probably Kid Buu's least appreciated string. >KP might lose to dodge-counter, but >KP- should be safe against it. Each P in this string can be charged/canceled for serious mind games. On hit, simply >KPPPP~ then combo, though you can't sidestep cancel in the air. On block, proceed to charge and/or cancel whenever you feel to mix things up. You can cancel into >K or throw or whatever. For a short combo on hit try >KPPPP-, <E or >KPPPP to taunt after. From max range, >KP- puts in perfect PP zoning range. After >KPPP- you have plenty of frame advantage to do as you like.


Revision as of 21:20, 3 May 2007


Kid Buu's high damage combined with his ability to be very aggressive with multiple charges in his strings and high Baseline Ki, makes him one of the top characters in B3. He has more reach than nearly all characters but has the slowest starter in B3 which means you need an understanding of your opponents starters to be most effective. Kid Buu doesn't have any defensive starters nor can he interupt strings as well as other characters with dodge-counters. Kid Buu doesn't have many disadvantages, but the few he has hurt him a lot and can be exploited if you don't acknowledge them and work around them.

Pros and Cons


  • Great damage
  • Great Baseline Ki of 6
  • Great combo platform
  • Great mind-games
  • Great reach
  • Good throw
  • Good capsule set-ups


  • Very weak defensive play
  • Weak close range game
  • Slowest starters

Move List

Move List/FAQ. Copy and paste the link in your browser.

* next to the # of hits means that the string does not combo from the front of the opponent

P reach:25 speed:6
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
PP*Ppe Kamehameha 5 613 NR 6
PP*Pp*P^(p) 6 383 GR *NRR 1
PP*Pp*>P* 8 466 2
PP*>P*P 5 310 NRR 3
PP*(<P*)ppp*p *7 409 GR
PP*kkk 5 331 AR
P>P*pp(P*)e Vanishing Ball 6 863 NR 3,7
P>P*pp(P*)k 6 401 AR 3,4
Pkk^k 4 314 GR *NRS 5

1 - PP*Pp*P^ is an infinite, 1129 dmg.
2 - Stuns in the air only if charged.
3 - >P* stuns on CH only.
4 - k changes in the air, 6 hits! 374 dmg.
5 - Pkk^ is an infinite, 1340 dmg.
6 - Consumes 1 ki.
7 - Consumes 2 ki.

>P reach:25 speed:7
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>PP*Ppe Vanishing Ball 5 839 NR 1,7
>PP*Pppp 6 325 NRR 1
>PP*Ppp>P^ 6 346 1
>PP*Pk*k(K) *6 401 NRS 1,2
>PP*Pk*k>k 6 466 AR 1,2,3
>PP*>pPppP *13 422 GR *NR 1,4,5
>P<P* *5 309 6
>Pk(K-) 4 234 NR

1 - >PP* stuns on CH only.
2 - k* stuns from behind only.
3 - >k changes in the air, *6 hits! 459 dmg.(minus assist dmg.)
4 - >PP>pPpp^ is an infinite, 963 dmg.(minus assist dmg.)
5 - Infinite was performed with assist.(<P+K)
6 - Combos on CH.
7 - Consumes 2 ki.

<P reach:20 speed:9
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
<P*(P) 2 135 NRR
<P*(>P) *2 138 NRR
<P*<P^ 2 116
<P*k 2 135 NRR
<P*>k^ 2 129
<P*<k 2 105

K reach:20 speed:10
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
kkk*(K-) 5 355 NRS
kk>kkkp 6 448 GR *NRS
kk>k>kk 6 425 GR
kk<k 3 241 GR
k>k *2 181 NRS
k(<K-) 3 188 NRS
kP 3 223 NRR

>K reach:40 speed:7
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>kkkkk*k *6 445 NRS 1
>kkkkk*>k 6 424 AR 1
>kkk>kk*e Kamehameha 6 732 NR 2
>kkk>kk*(K) 6 425 NRS
>kPPP*P 5 292 NRR

1 - k* stuns from behind only.
2 - Consumes 1 ki.

<K reach:30 speed:7
String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
<k(k*) 2 141 NR 1
<k>k^ 2 148
<k(<K) *2 144 NRS
<kP *2 161 NRR

1 - k* stuns in the air only.

String Death Move Hits Damage Recovery Note
>e Kamehameha 1 375 NR 1
<e Vanishing Ball 1 600 NR 2
eeeee 5 250

1 - Consumes 1 ki.
2 - Consumes 2 ki.

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
(p+k) 1 113 NRS
>P+K* 4 240 1
<P+K^ 1 75
k+g 2 172 GR
p+g 3 200 NRS

1 - reach:30.

String Hits Damage Recovery Note
>>p! 1 94 NRR
>>k! 1 81 AR 1
>>p+k! 1 75 GR
>>e 2 147 GR

1 - >>k! changes in the air, 94 dmg., doesn't guard break in the air.

String Name Hits Damage Note
P+K+G+E!! Warp Kamehameha 1949 1

1 - Consumes 5 ki.

Dragon Rush
Rush Type Hits Damage Note
Dragon Rush 3 29 750


Move List Breakdown

Understand that Kid Buu is a rather slow long ranged fighter despite what so many people think of him. P is Kid Buu's fastest starter at rank 6 which makes him horrible at close range defensively but it has good reach for it's speed at 25 pts. Learn to poke with PP. Against a majority of the character's, P at more than 20 pts works really well. Majin Buu(P), Cooler(P), Piccolo(>P), Cell(>P), Dabura(>P), Android 16(>P), Omega Shenron(>P), Super Buu (P), Saibamen(P) and Cell Jr.(P) all have a starter that is either the same reach or has more reach than Kid Buu's P but is also faster. All other character's are either even in speed at 25 or more pts or slower.

PP actually has a very very small stun window that allows you to delay after PP and continue with another PP which will combo or cancel PPP- and combo into >P or >K or <E. So if PP hits cancel with PPP- then combo. If you delay after PP and continue with the string you can cancel PPPPP- which also has a small stun window like PPP-. This means you can combo after a blocked PP(delay)PP that counters an opponents attempt to attack. After PPP-, PP>P- and PPPP>P you have frame advantage.

PP is safe from dodge-counter. If PP is blocked, you can cancel PPP- then poke with P or use PP>PP- which moves you back a little. You can delay and continue the string with PP(delay)PP which results in the same situation after PP only you're now closer to the opponent. This allows you to interrupt any counter attempt. If PPPP is blocked then cancel with PPPP>P- which should put you in throw range or buffer a back dash or block or cancel into P or >K. You can also use the delay method with PP>P. PP>P stuns on CH (counterhit). Only the >P must hit for the stun, for example, after a blocked PP you proceed to go into PP>P but delay the >P or charge the >P and let go for the CH. It's safe if you cancel PP>PP-. This gives opponents more to look for after PP poking. Even better though, is that this could lead to more damaging combos, opposed to PP(delay)PP>P- combos. Also, PP(delay)>P is better than PP(delay)PP because it doesn't put you at close range. (>PP and P>P also stun on CH but aren't as useful as PP>P). PP>P- also puts you close enough to cancel into throw from max range, opposed to PPP-. The animation of the attack has Kid Buu close enough to land a throw, but if you let it hit a blocking opponent then you are pushed back out. PP>P also stuns if fully charged opponents who aren't blocking. You can also use PP<P which nullifies and stuns but doesn't combo. If you land PP<P then continue the string PP<PPPP* then combo.

I wouldn't recommend using PPPP>P* too much in combos. It looks nice but has funny properties and doesn't stun at times. On block, however, the >P* in PPPP>P* is safe and safe against dodge-counter. It leaves you very close but you have frame advantage. Here you can buffer a back dash during the last input of the string and dash away from retaliation. This tactic can get you back out in a more comfortable Kid Buu range if PPPP is blocked. But this tactic can be beaten by dodge-counter. I'm not sure if you can react to a dodge and decide whether you should block or back dash, I doubt you can wait and still get the quick back dash. The >P* in PPPP>P* can be charged, which you already should know, but it doesn't nullify. However, you can release the charge and probably beat all counter attempts with >P* having amazing speed. If the counter attempt nullifies then you would most likely trade hits since >P* hits multiple times in a short time. If it's #18's <P then you may get juggled if hits don't trade. But it's still a guessing situation for the opponent since PPPP>P* can be canceled, is safe on block, >P* is fast and can beat anything that doesn't nullify. Charging the last hit of the string (if you have conditioned your opponent to not attack while you are charging) gives you a safe way to back dash buffer since they have to look out for more threatining offensive options (fully charged/early release while still being safe/throw).

P>PPPP* stuns and nullifies but could get predictable. PPPP>P is a good string and PP is an even better poke that stuns so deceivingly, so USE IT. Kid Buu has two infinites from P, PKK^ and PPPPP^, PKK^'s damage scales down slower so it's recommended over PPPPP^. Last note, PPPPE and P>PPPPE lead to Kamehameha and Vanishing Ball.

Same reach as P but slightly slower at rank 7 and without PP poke options makeing it useless outside of combo filler compared to P. But can be useful in off the ground combo's (See Post Knockdown section). With that said, >PP>PPPP^ is Kid Buu's third and final infinite. It's the hardest to do consistently and is not worth using because of terrible damage scaling. >PPPPE leads to Vanishing Ball and is the recommended juggle finisher over P>PPPPE because it's a shorter string or more reliable. >P<P* is great combo filler, so try to avoid starting combos with >PKK- or even using it as filler unless you couldn't use >KPPPP~ or KKKK~ to sidestep cancel. >P<P* also give you frame advantage on block.

Kid Buu's second slowest starter at rank 9 and tied for shortest reach at 20 pts. Useless. You could use <P>K^ or <P<P- for combo filler if you wanted. <P<P- and <P>P- give you frame advantage.

Kid Buu's slowest starter at rank 10 and tied with <P for shortest reach. But more useful than <P because I have found that starting combos with KKKK~ leads to the most damage. So if your opponent gets fatigued, sidestep to get behind them and proceed to combo after KKKK- or K<K- for max damage.

Kid Buu's best starter with a speed rank 7 and 40 reach pts. That's more reach than all character's starters with viable options aside from Kid Goku(<P), Android 16(<P), Krillin(K+G), Gt. Saiyaman(>K+G) and tied with Dabura(<P), Frieza(>P+K) and LSSJ Broly(<K+G). Kid Buu's >K is also faster than all of these starters except Dabura's <P which is the same speed and LSSJ Broly's <K+G which is much faster. Kid Buu need's this starter against characters who can beat PP zoning with superior reach and/or speed to Kid Buu's P.

>KPPPP is probably Kid Buu's least appreciated string. >KP might lose to dodge-counter, but >KP- should be safe against it. Each P in this string can be charged/canceled for serious mind games. On hit, simply >KPPPP~ then combo, though you can't sidestep cancel in the air. On block, proceed to charge and/or cancel whenever you feel to mix things up. You can cancel into >K or throw or whatever. For a short combo on hit try >KPPPP-, <E or >KPPPP to taunt after. From max range, >KP- puts in perfect PP zoning range. After >KPPP- you have plenty of frame advantage to do as you like.

Rank 7 speed, 30 reach pts. If you are outside of P range you should be using >K but <K recovers fast so you could poke with <K or <KK which are both safe on block but you end up right in the opponent's face after <KK. After <K you are just a little closer than max range on block and closer still on hit. You can also use <KP-, throw as a mixup to <K poking if you choose to use <K. <K poke, <K dash buffered >>K, <KP- then P+G... etc.

P+K nullifies but is slow and unsafe if blocked. You could cancel into from >PKK- or KKKK- or K<K- if you want a quick knockdown to taunt.

>P+K*. It's chargeable and has about 30 reach pts. and is safe on block but it doesn't stun unless you are really close. And it's slower than all of Kid Buu's starters. Don't mistake this for a good combo starter. Combo filler at best.

<P+K^ is just a standard juggle starter that everyone has. Use it if you want to launch quickly.

K+G = worthless.

P+G is Kid Buu's throw. Though it doesn't launch like the better throws in B3, it does allow taunting afterwards or it can be used to position yourself after the knockdown.

Kid Buu's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and >>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break your only combo starting option is >K while after >>P or >>K you can use K for higher damage. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not. >>P is the slowest but has about 45 reach points.

Dash Buffering

Dash Buffering is inputing the command for a forward or backward dash while in a non-neutral state. Dash buffering may be more useful to Kid Buu than any other character in B3 because he has more reach than nearly all characters and has the slowest starters. So long range is where Kid Buu wants to attack from. Dash buffering is most commonly canceled into in order to put distance between Kid Buu and the opponent. You can also buffer dashing attacks for guardbreak as long as you are at least 20-25 reach points from your opponent. Here are some strings in which Kid Buu can buffer a dashing attack.

PP- (can be done from at least 15)
PPP- (can be done from at least 20)
PP>PP- (can be done from at least 15)
PP<P- (max range)

>KP- (max range)
>KP-, PP- (max range)
>KP-, PP>PP- (max range)

>PP- (max range)
>PPP- (max range)
>P<P- (can be done from at least 20)

<KP- (max range)

P- (max range)
KP- (max range)

Post Guard Break

A guard break occurs when you land a certain attack, usually dashing attacks, on a blocking opponent that will break their guard and leave them staggering and defenseless. Following up a guard break with guaranteed damage is crucial to maximizing your offensive game. There are different variations to the typical guard break. Teen Gohan and Omega Shenron both have a guard break that actually puts the opponent into a stunned state for easier follow ups.

Kid Buu's dashing attacks all break guard except >>E, but I recommend >>P and >>K over >>P+K. After a >>P+K guard break your only combo starting option is >K while after >>P or >>K you can use K for higher damage. Also, >>P+K allows ground recovery on hit while >>P does not. >>P is the slowest but has about 45 reach points. Because of this, >>K is the preferred guard break.

After you break their guard, time your starter to start a combo without juggling your opponnent. The only tip I could give you on the timing required is to practice.

Post Knockdown

After a knockdown, you can taunt to lower their Ki or move in to position yourself for PP zoning. You can also force them to stand with >KP- if they breakfall, giving you mix-up advantage. Options after >KP- can be throw; >KP- again to beat throw techs, if >K hits then combo; if the second >KP- is blocked then mix-up your charges and cancels to confuse the opponent; and if you get the correct distance, you can set-up PP zoning after >KP-.

However, if they don't breakfall after >KP-, you can perform an off the ground combo with >PPPPPP that will create another knockdown situation. This will only work if they don't breakfall >P. If they do breakfall >P then cancel >PPP- for safety. >P will not hit against Kid Goku, Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, Goten, Kid Trunks, Krillin, Uub, Kid Buu, Saibamen and Cell Jr. Against Nappa, Recoome, Android #16 and Dabura you can use >PP>PPPPP for another knockdown situation which does a bit more damage. Against Second and Third Form Frieza, Cell, Final Form Cooler, Broly and Omega Shenron you can use >PPPPE for an even more damaging knockdown. And finally, you can use >PP>PPPP^ then continue the juggle with an infinite on Piccolo and Tien.


Kid Buu vs. Close range
This is between 0 and 20 reach pts. You don't want to be here unless you're attacking. Every character in B3 has more speed than you here. Try to look for opportunities to attack and get your opponent to defend or if you hit them, combo them. If you have enough Ki, preferably at Baseline, then TC out of there. This is dangerous ground unless you are attacking.

Kid Buu vs. Mid range
This is between 21 and 39 reach pts. This is where you would use PP zoning and poking with <K when outside of P range. Beware, some characters have viable starters that can hit you before you start to zone. These are the only starters that have more speed than Kid Buu's P at mid range: Piccolo(>P), Hercule(>P), Supreme Kai(>P), Captain Ginyu(>P), Android #16(>P), Android #17(>P), Dr. Gero (>P), Cell(>P), Majin Buu(P), Super Buu(P), Dabura(>P), Cooler(P), Broly(P), Omega Shenron(>P), Saibamen(P) and Cell Jr.(P). Android 18#'s <P isn't faster but it's still dangerous because it nullifies early in it's animation. Versus these characters, be careful when starting your PP zoning. Not all of these starters lead to big damage or are safe for the opponent, but against Kid Buu who has problems interrupting stings, they all have an option to cancel during their string. The damage they can't deal isn't a big loss for them since all they want to do is stop you from zoning.

Against these characters, look for safe ways to land PP and/or use <K outside their range (Hercule, Supreme Kai, Captain Ginyu, Android #16, Android #17, Dr. Gero and Broly) within the mid range. You can also use >K against them at mid range. For the others, attack from long range.

Watch out for Frieza and Broly if they transform and gain reach. In Frieza ideal transformed state, Third Form, his P and >P will cause you problems at mid range. And for LSSJ Broly, his <K+G also will dominate mid range.

Kid Buu vs. Long range
This is at 40 reach pts. or greater. Here, you would like to use Kid Buu's >K and out reach nearly all the characters in B3. The following characters have more reach than Kid Buu or have equal reach and speed: Kid Goku(<P), Great Saiyaman(>K+G), Krillin(K+G), Captain Ginyu(>K), Android #16(<P), Android #17 (<P), Dr. Gero(<P), Majin Buu(>K) and Dabura(<P). All are potential threats, not because they can start a combo or can do big damage from these starters, but because they can stop you from doing what you want to do. This is where you want to play if you can't PP zone and these characters don't want you to be free to use >K.

At long range you must also watch out for transformations. Final Form Cooler's P becomes a threat. And LSSJ Broly's <K+G dominates you once again.

Coming soon...


I categorized the combos into "Ki gain" sections. This helps to indicate just how long the combo will take to perform. It will also help you to determine which type of combo should be used according to the amount of Ki your opponent has. Also keep in mind that there are many variations of combos, these combos I have done are situated to maximize damage. All combo damages are recorded at full Ki with Breakthrough capsule.

1 Ki gain
K<K~, >KKK>KK*, >P<P*, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1646 dmg.

>PKK~, >KKK>KK*, K<K-, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1527 dmg.

PPP-, >PKK~, >KKK>KK*, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1483 dmg.

>KPPPP~, >P<P*, K<K-, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1479 dmg.

CH E^, [PKK^]x2, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1292 dmg.

1.5 Ki gain
KKKK~, >KKK>KK*, >P<P*, >P+K*, P>PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1867 dmg.

>PKK~, >KKK>KK*, K<K-, >P+K*, PKK^, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1824 dmg.

PPP-, >PKK~, >KKK>KK*, KKKK-, >P+K*, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1818 dmg.

>KPPPP~, >P<P*, K<K-, >P+K*, PKK^, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1759 dmg.

CH E^, [PKK^]x4, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1596 dmg.

2 Ki gain
KKKK~, >KKK>KK*, >P<P*, [PKK^]x3, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2040 dmg.

>PKK~, >KKK>KK*, KKKK-, [PKK^]x3, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2021 dmg.

PPP-, >PKK~, >KKK>KK*, KKKK-, <K>K^, [PKK^]x2, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1979 dmg.

>KPPPP~, >P<P*, KKKK-, [PKK^]x3, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1941 dmg.

CH E^, [PKK^]x5, <K>K^, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 1781 dmg.

2.5 Ki gain
K<K~, >KKK>KK*, [PKK^]x6, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2161 dmg.

Reset Combos

These combos utilize a reset in combo count and damage to avoid harsh damage scaling to make your combos hurt like hell. Kid Buu's PP<PPPP string is great for this, it's easy. You can also delay the last hit of the >KKK>KK and >P<P strings to reset too, but is more difficult than PP<P. The "&" is symbol represents the reset. And of course, if you can get the timing, you can reset before each string, but this is difficult, and the risk of missing the entire combo is very high.

2 Ki gain
KKKK~, >KKK>KK*, >P<P*, PP&<P*, [PKK^]x2, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2509 dmg.

>PKK~, >KKK>KK*, KKKK-, PP&<P*, [PKK^]x2, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2424 dmg.

>KPPPP~, >P<P*, KKKK-, PP&<P*, [PKK^]x2, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2375 dmg.

2.5 Ki gain
KKKK~, >KKK>KK*, >P<P*, PP&<P*, <K>K^, [PKK^]x3, >PPPPE [Vanishing Ball] 2810 dmg.

Combo Vid of the above combos.


Demon Realm Flames - +10% attack, 1 slot

Demon Realm Guard - +10% guard, 1 slot

Mage Guard - +20% guard, 2 slots

Babidi's Guard - +30% guard, 3 slots

Bibidi's Guard - +40% guard, 4 slots

Potential - +24% attack, attack is raised 6% every 10 seconds, 2 slots

Majin Buu's Regeneration - Reduces damage of blast type deathmoves by using a small amount of Ki, 1 slot

Babidi's Scope - Reduces amount of Ki used, 1 slot

Yakon - Eliminates Baseline Ki when someone transforms, 1 slot

Turtle Shell - Doubles Ki cost for dodging and teleporting, 1 slot

Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad - +30% attack, -25% guard, 1 slot item capsule

Capsule Set-Ups

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Babadi's Guard
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad
  • Turtle Shell

130% attack, 105% guard, and Turtle Shell. 2 Ki gain combo does 2517 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Demon Realm Flames
  • Babadi's Guard
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

140% attack, 105% guard. 2 Ki gain combo does 2711 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Babadi's Guard
  • Yakon
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

130% attack, 105% guard, and Yakon. 2 Ki gain combo does 2517 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Mage Guard
  • Potential
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

154% attack, 95% guard. 2 Ki gain combo does 2981 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Bibidi's Guard
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

130% attack, 115% guard. 2 Ki gain combo does 2517 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Demon Realm Flames
  • Demon Realm Guard
  • Potential
  • Turtle Shell

134% attack, 110% guard, and Turtle Shell. 2 Ki gain combo does 2594 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball 2x
  • Demon Realm Flames
  • Demon Realm Guard
  • Majin Buu's Regeneration
  • Turtle Shell
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

140% attack, 85% guard, plus Majin Buu's Regeneration and Turtle Shell. 2 Ki gain combo does 2711 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball
  • Demon Realm Flames
  • Bibidi's Guard
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

140% attack, 115% guard. 2 Ki gain combo does 2572 dmg.

  • Vanishing Ball
  • Demon Realm Flames
  • Mage Guard
  • Potential
  • Chicken-fried 7-Seasoned Toad

164% attack, 95% guard. 2 Ki gain combo does 3007 dmg.