The King of Fighters '99/Kyo-1: Difference between revisions

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cr.B > B > dp+K > df C.
j.D > Close C > dp+D > df+C or qcf+P.
Close C > f+A > dp+D>  qcf P
[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D > qcb P (2 hit)> df+C or qcf+A
[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D > dp+D > df+C or qcf+A
[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D >  qcb,hcf+P


[[Category:The King of Fighters '99]]
[[Category:The King of Fighters '99]]

Revision as of 18:07, 17 November 2016




Hatsugane >> When close - b / f + C

Issetsu Seoi Nage >> When close - b / f + D

COMMAND ATTACKS----------------------------------------------------------------

Kuro Gami >> f + A >> Can be cancelled into a special move.

Honofuri >> f + B >> Overhead.

   Evades several normal attacks and projectiles.
   Can be cancelled into a special move.

Migiri Udachi >> df + C >> Stuns opponent when hit.

   Hits opponents on the ground.

SPECIAL MOVES------------------------------------------------------------------

Yami Barai >> qcf + P >> Evades several normal attacks.

   Hits opponents on the ground.

Oboroguruma >> f, d, df + K >> Knockdown (D) (3).

75 Shiki : Kai >> qcf + K, K >> Juggles (2).

Aoki >> qcb + P

DESPERATION MOVES--------------------------------------------------------------

Orochi Nagi >> qcb, hcf + P, hold P to delay move >> Evades low attacks (A) (DM).

   Evades high attacks and projectiles (C) (DM).
   The flame negates projectiles (C) (SDM).
   Causes damage when touched (SDM).


cr.B > B > dp+K > df C.

j.D > Close C > dp+D > df+C or qcf+P.

Close C > f+A > dp+D> qcf P

[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D > qcb P (2 hit)> df+C or qcf+A

[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D > dp+D > df+C or qcf+A

[Corner]j.B, Close C > qcf+D,D > qcb,hcf+P
