Marvel vs Capcom 3/Dante: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
(Changed Sky Dive to Sky Dance: the name in the command list)
m (fix motion tags)
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   | Jam Session | {{#motion: direct front}} | 90,800 |
   | Jam Session | {{ {{direct}} front}} | 90,800 |
   | Crystal| {{#motion: shot front}} | 120,300 | {{#motion: otg }}
   | Crystal | {{ {{shot}} front}} | 120,300 | {{ {{otg}} }}
   | Weasel Shot| {{#motion: shot downward}} | 25,000 per hit |  
   | Weasel Shot | {{ {{shot}} downward}} | 25,000 per hit |  
   | AlphaSuper=Million Dollars | BetaSuper=Million Dollars | GammaSuper=Million Dollars
   | AlphaSuper=Million Dollars | BetaSuper=Million Dollars | GammaSuper=Million Dollars
Line 28: Line 28:

{{MoveListRow | Double Jump | {{#motion: u in the air }} |  | If you used Air Dash, <br> you cannot Double Jump }}
{{MoveListRow | Double Jump | {{ {{u}} in the air }} |  | If you used Air Dash, <br> you cannot Double Jump }}
{{MoveListRow | Air Dash | In the air<br> f f or <br> b b or <br> f + atk + atk or <br> b + atk + atk |  | If you used Double Jump, <br> you cannot Air Dash }}
{{MoveListRow | Air Dash | In the air<br> {{f}} {{f}} or <br> {{b}} {{b}} or <br> {{f}} + {{atk}} + {{atk}} or <br> {{b}} + {{atk}} + {{atk}} |  | If you used Double Jump, <br> you cannot Air Dash }}
{{MoveListRow | Bold Move | s + atk |  | Makes Dante jump forward <br> Counts as a special move }}
{{MoveListRow | Bold Move | {{s}} + {{atk}} |  | Makes Dante jump forward <br> Counts as a special move }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Light | {{#motion: l }} | 43,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Light | {{ {{l}} }} | 43,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Light | {{#motion: d + l }} | 40,000 | low }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Light | {{ {{d}} + {{l}} }} | 40,000 | {{low}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Medium | {{#motion: m }} | 55,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Medium | {{ {{m}} }} | 55,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Medium | {{#motion: d + m }} | 50,000 | low }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Medium | {{ {{d}} + {{m}} }} | 50,000 | {{low}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Heavy | {{#motion: h }} | 70,000 |  }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Heavy | {{ {{h}} }} | 70,000 |  }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Weasel Shot| Mash {{#motion: h}} or {{#motion: b}} Mash {{#motion: h}} | 68,600, 93,500 back version | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Weasel Shot| Mash {{ h}} or <br> {{ b}} Mash {{ h}} | 68,600 <br> (20,000 x 4) <br> Back version: <br> 93,500 <br> (20,000 x 6) | {{chipdamage}} <br> Scales by 0.9 <br> Ground version is cancelable into THC and Stinger }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Heavy | {{#motion:d + h }} | 102,500 | Mash for more hits }}
{{MoveListRow | Crouching Heavy | {{d + {{h}} }} | 102,500-108,400 <br> (50,000 + <br> 10,000 x 2-16 + <br> 60,000) | Mash for more hits <br> Scales by 0.85 <br> Scales to 0.1 minimum }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wild Stomp | {{#motion: df + h}} | 85,900 | otg Can cancel into Stinger }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wild Stomp | {{ {{df}} + h}} | 85,900 <br> (25,000 x 4) | {{otg}} <br> {{chipdamage}} <br> Scales by 0.9 <br> Scales to 0.1 minimum <br> Cancelable into THC or Stinger }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Prop Shredder | Wild Stomp, then mash {{#motion: s}} | Need_Damage | launch }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Prop Shredder | Wild Stomp,<br>then mash {{ s}} | 92,500 <br> (25,000 x 5) | {{launch}} <br> {{chipdamage}} <br> {{nocancel}} on block <br> Scales by 0.85 }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Million Stab | Stinger, then mash {{#motion: h }} | 5,000 per hit, 40,000 for last hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | Stinger | {{ {{f}} + {{h}} }} | 80,000 | Scales by 0.85 <br> Scales to 0.1 minimum <br> Destroys non-Hyper projectiles <br> Cancelable only into Million Stab and Bold Move }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Million Stab | Crouching Heavy, then mash {{#motion: h }} | 5,000 per hit, 40,000 for last hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Million Stab | Stinger, then<br>mash {{ {{h}} }} | 5,000 x 5-20 + <br> 40,000 | {{chipdamage}} <br> Scales by 0.9 <br> Scales to 0.1 minimum <br> Initial hits are cancelable only into Bold Move, the last is special, super, THC, and {{launch}} cancelable }}
{{MoveListRow | Stinger | {{#motion: f + h }} | 80,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Special | {{ {{s}} }} | 80,000 | {{launch}} <br> Can be canceled into Charge Shot&nbsp;even when blocked }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Million Stab | Stinger, then mash {{#motion: h }} | 5,000 per hit, 40,000 for last hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Charge Shot | {{s}} , then mash {{ {{h}} }} | 25,000 x 2-10 | {{chipdamage}} <br> Scales by 0.9 <br> Cancelable into THC <br> Recovery is cancelable into Stinger or Prop Shredder }}
{{MoveListRow | Standing Special | {{#motion: s }} | 80,000 | launch }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Prop Shredder | Charge Shot, <br> then mash {{ s}} | 92,500 <br> (25,000 x 5) | {{launch}} <br> {{chipdamage}} <br> {{nocancel}} on block <br> Scales by 0.85 }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Charge Shot | s , then mash {{#motion: h }} | 25,000 per hit, | }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Light | {{ air {{l}} }} | 40,000 | {{high}} {{djcancel}} }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Prop Shredder | Charge Shot, then mash {{#motion: s}} | Need_Damage | launch }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Medium | {{ air {{m}} }} | 58,000 | {{high}} {{djcancel}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Light | {{#motion: air l }} | 40,000 | high djcancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Heavy | {{ air {{h}} }} | 70,000 | {{high}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Medium | {{#motion: air m }} | 58,000 | high djcancel}}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rain Storm | Jumping Heavy, <br> then mash {{ h}} | 162,400 <br> (25,000 x 2-10) | {{otg}} <br> {{chipdamage}} <br> Scales by 0.9 <br> Cancelable into Killer Bee }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Heavy | {{#motion: air h }} | 70,000 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Special | {{ air {{s}} }} | 90,000 | {{high}} {{hardknockdown}} }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rain Storm | Jumping Heavy, then mash {{#motion: h}} | 162,400 | otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Jumping Special | {{#motion: air s }} | 90,000 | high }}

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{{MoveListRow | Multi Lock| {{#motion: qcf + l}} | 50,000 per Shot | Hold {{#motion: l}} to charge <br> Can cancel charge with normal moves}}
{{MoveListRow | Multi Lock | {{ {{qcf}} + l}} | 50,000 per Shot&nbsp; | Hold {{ l}} to charge <br> Can {{cancel}} charge with any move }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Multi Lock Followup| Multi Lock, then {{#motion: qcf + l}} | Balls: 30,000 per hit <br> Beams: 25,000 per hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acid Rain | Multi Lock, then {{ {{qcf}} + l}} | Balls: 30,000 per hit <br> Beams: 25,000 per hit | {{otg}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Crystal | {{#motion: qcf + m}} | 35,000 per hit | otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Crystal | {{ {{qcf}} + m}} | 120,300 <br> (35,000 x 4) | {{otg}} projectile }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Million Carats| Crystal, then {{#motion: qcf + m}} | 130,000 | otg }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Million Carats | Crystal, then {{ {{qcf}} + m}} | 130,000 | {{otg}} projectile }}
{{MoveListRow | Hysteric | {{#motion: qcf + h}} | 20,000 per hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | Hysteric | {{ {{qcf}} + h}} | 113,600 <br> (20,000 x 8) | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Grapple | Hysteric, then {{#motion: qcf + h }} | 60,000 | Cannot be canceled }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Grapple | Hysteric, then {{ {{qcf}} + {{h}} }} | 60,000 | Cannot be canceled with X-Factor or <br> after the grapple connects }}
{{MoveListRow | Reverb Shock | {{#motion: qcb + l}} | 20,000 x 5 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Reverb Shock | {{ {{qcb}} + l}} | 81,700 (20,000 x 5) | }}
{{MoveListRow | Revolver| {{#motion: qcb + m}} | 30,000 per hit | }}
{{MoveListRow | Revolver | {{ {{qcb}} + m}} | 122,600 <br> (30,000 x 5) | }}
{{MoveListRow | Jet Stream | {{#motion: qcb + h}} | 153,900 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Jet Stream | {{ {{qcb}} + h}} | 153,900 (20,000 + <br> 30,000 x 4 + 70,000) | The first hit must connect or the move will end }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fireworks| Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then {{#motion: h}} | 93,100 | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fireworks | Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then {{ h}} | 10,000 per shot&nbsp; <br> (26 shots (24 hit) after Reverb Shock <br> 23 (21 can hit) after Revolver <br> 16 hit after Jet Stream) | Scales to a minimum of 0.1 <br> Scales by 0.9 per hit }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Crazy Dance| Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then {{#motion: s}} | 163,400 | Just frame (you have to time it!)}}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Crazy Dance | Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then {{ s}} | 163,400 (20,000 x 3 + 30,000 x 2 + 20,000 x 3 + 70,000) | Just frame (you have to time it!) <br> The first hit must connect or the move will end}}
{{MoveListRow | Twister | {{#motion: dp + l}} | 15,000 x 10 | otg }}
{{MoveListRow | Twister | {{ {{dp}} + l}} | 97,300 <br> (15,000 x 10) | {{otg}} }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tempest| Twister, then {{#motion: dp + l}} | 20,000 per hit | Cannot be canceled }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tempest | Twister, then {{ {{dp}} + l}} | 20,000 x 10 | Cannot be canceled while airborne }}
{{MoveListRow | Volcano | {{#motion: dp + m}} | 110,000 | otg jcancel }}
{{MoveListRow | Volcano | {{ {{dp}} + m}} | 110,000 | {{otg}} {{jcancel}} <br> Destroys non-Hyper projectiles }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bee Hive| Volcano, then {{#motion: dp + m}} | 135,100 | groundbounce }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bee Hive | Volcano, then {{ {{dp}} + m}} | 135,100 <br> (20000 x 8 + 50000) | {{groundbounce}} <br> Last hit is high}}
{{MoveListRow | Jam Session| {{#motion: dp + h}} | 90,800 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Jam Session | {{ {{dp}} + h}} | 90,800 <br> (14,000 x 10) | }}
{{MoveListRow | Killer Bee | Air {{#motion: qcf + l}} | 80,000 | groundbounce }}
{{MoveListRow | Killer Bee | Air {{ {{qcf}} + l}} | 80,000 | {{groundbounce}} }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Hammer | Killer Bee, then {{#motion: qcf + l}} | 90,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The Hammer | Killer Bee, then {{ {{qcf}} + l}} | 90,000 | {{high}} {{hardknockdown}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Air Play | Air {{#motion: qcf + m}} | 50,000 , 122,600 Charged | Hold {{#motion:m}} to charge }}
{{MoveListRow | Air Play | Air {{ {{qcf}} + m}} | 50,000 <br> Charged: 122,600 <br> (30,000 x 5) | Hold {{m}} to charge }}
{{MoveListRow | Sky Dance| Air {{#motion: qcf + h}} | 135,100 | high }}
{{MoveListRow | Sky Dance | Air {{ {{qcf}} + h}} | 139,300 (30,000 x 2 <br> + 15,000 x 7 [or until grounded] <br> + 50,000) | {{high}} <br> The first two hits are regular air hits, the middle hits cause a hard {{knockdown}} with a unique ground bounce that ignores the normal limit, but counts towards it, and the last hit causes a soft {{knockdown}} }}
{{MoveListRow | Air Trick| {{#motion: d d + s}} |  | Teleport}}
{{MoveListRow | Air Trick | {{ {{d}} {{d}} + s}} |  | Teleport }}
{{MoveListRow | Drive| {{#motion: qcf + s}} | 70,000 , 143,000 Charged | Hold {{#motion:s}} to charge }}
{{MoveListRow | Drive | {{ {{qcf}} + s}} | 80,000 melee attack <br> 70,000 projectile | }}

Line 84: Line 82:
===Hyper Moves===
===Hyper Moves===
{{MoveListRow | Jackpot | {{#motion: qcf + atk + atk}} | 254,000 | }}
{{MoveListRow | Jackpot | {{ {{qcf}} + {{atk}} + atk}} | 254,200 (15,000 x 27 + 50,000) | Damage scales by 0.95 }}
{{MoveListRow | Devil Trigger | {{#motion: qcb + atk + atk}} |  | Transformation lasts 10 seconds<br>15% power boost<br>Red life heals while active<br>Dante cannot generate meter while active }}
{{MoveListRow | Devil Trigger | {{ {{qcb}} + {{atk}} + atk}} |  | Transformation lasts 10 seconds <br> 15% power boost <br> Red life heals while active <br> Dante cannot generate meter while active }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Flight | Devil Trigger, then {{#motion: qcb + s}} |  | Lasts 3 seconds }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Flight | Devil Trigger, then {{ {{qcb}} + s}} |  | Lasts 3 seconds }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thunder Bolt| Devil Trigger, Air {{#motion: qcf + s}} | 130,700 | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thunder Bolt | Devil Trigger, Air {{ {{qcf}} + s}} | 130,700 (20,000 x 8) | {{otg}} <br> Does not activate advancing guard}}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vortex | Devil Trigger, Air {{#motion: dp + s}} | 141,100 | }}
{{MoveListRow | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vortex | Devil Trigger, Air {{ {{dp}} + s}} | 141,100 (30,000 x 5) | {{startupinv}} <br> Does not activate advancing guard }}
{{MoveListRow | Devil Must Die| {{#motion: dp + atk + atk}} | 440,000 | startupinv | level3}}
{{MoveListRow | Devil Must Die | {{ {{dp}} + {{atk}} + atk}} | 440,000 (50,000 + 390,000 if the first hit connects) | {{startupinv}} | level3}}
== Apprentice Combos ==

== Strategy ==
== Strategy ==
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=== Advanced Strategy ===
=== Advanced Strategy ===

== Character-themed Cocktail ==
[[Category:Marvel vs Capcom 3]]
Absolut Kurant, triple sec, and cranberry juice.

Latest revision as of 00:56, 9 December 2020

Marvel vs Capcom 3MvC3Logo.png
Marvel vs Capcom 3/System GuideMarvel vs Capcom 3#Game ElementsMarvel vs Capcom 3#CharactersMarvel vs Capcom 3/SystemsMarvel vs Capcom 3#Fun Stuff.21Marvel vs Capcom 3/StrategyMvC3HeaderButtons.png



In a nutshell

Dante has the most moves of any character ever in the VS series. This might make him intimidating to both play as and fight against, but a simple Dante using only a handful of his moves can be very powerful. Perhaps over time, players will master his entire move set and show the world what this already powerful character can really do.

Dante has one of the best normals in the game in his Standing Light attack. This bad boy helps him control the screen and start powerful combos. His Air Trick teleport also makes keeping him away nearly impossible. If you like having every possible option available to you and have a good memory, Dante might be for you.

Video Walkthrough

Move List

Assist Types

Special Properties
Cross-Over Combination
Alpha.png Jam Session
{{ Direct.png front}}
Million Dollars
Beta.png Crystal
{{ Shot.png front}}
{{ Otg.png }}
Million Dollars
Gamma.png Weasel Shot
{{ Shot.png downward}}
25,000 per hit
Million Dollars

Normal Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Double Jump
{{ U.png in the air }}
If you used Air Dash,
you cannot Double Jump
Air Dash
In the air
F.png F.png or
B.png B.png or
F.png + Atk.png + Atk.png or
B.png + Atk.png + Atk.png
If you used Double Jump,
you cannot Air Dash
Bold Move
S.png + Atk.png
Makes Dante jump forward
Counts as a special move
Standing Light
{{ L.png }}
Crouching Light
{{ D.png + L.png }}
Standing Medium
{{ M.png }}
Crouching Medium
{{ D.png + M.png }}
Standing Heavy
{{ H.png }}
    Weasel Shot
Mash H.png or
B.png Mash H.png
(20,000 x 4)
Back version:
(20,000 x 6)
Scales by 0.9
Ground version is cancelable into THC and Stinger
Crouching Heavy
{{d + H.png }}
(50,000 +
10,000 x 2-16 +
Mash for more hits
Scales by 0.85
Scales to 0.1 minimum
    Wild Stomp
{{ Df.png + h}}
(25,000 x 4)
Scales by 0.9
Scales to 0.1 minimum
Cancelable into THC or Stinger
       Prop Shredder
Wild Stomp,
then mash S.png
(25,000 x 5)
Nocancel.png on block
Scales by 0.85
{{ F.png + H.png }}
Scales by 0.85
Scales to 0.1 minimum
Destroys non-Hyper projectiles
Cancelable only into Million Stab and Bold Move
    Million Stab
Stinger, then
mash {{ H.png }}
5,000 x 5-20 +
Scales by 0.9
Scales to 0.1 minimum
Initial hits are cancelable only into Bold Move, the last is special, super, THC, and Launch.png cancelable
Standing Special
{{ S.png }}
Can be canceled into Charge Shot even when blocked
    Charge Shot
S.png , then mash {{ H.png }}
25,000 x 2-10
Scales by 0.9
Cancelable into THC
Recovery is cancelable into Stinger or Prop Shredder
       Prop Shredder
Charge Shot,
then mash S.png
(25,000 x 5)
Nocancel.png on block
Scales by 0.85
Jumping Light
{{ air L.png }}
High.png Djcancel.png
Jumping Medium
{{ air M.png }}
High.png Djcancel.png
Jumping Heavy
{{ air H.png }}
    Rain Storm
Jumping Heavy,
then mash H.png
(25,000 x 2-10)
Scales by 0.9
Cancelable into Killer Bee
Jumping Special
{{ air S.png }}
High.png Hardknockdown.png

Special Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Multi Lock
{{ Qcf.png + l}}
50,000 per Shot 
Hold L.png to charge
Can Cancel.png charge with any move
   Acid Rain
Multi Lock, then {{ Qcf.png + l}}
Balls: 30,000 per hit
Beams: 25,000 per hit
{{ Qcf.png + m}}
(35,000 x 4)
Otg.png projectile
    Million Carats
Crystal, then {{ Qcf.png + m}}
Otg.png projectile
{{ Qcf.png + h}}
(20,000 x 8)
Hysteric, then {{ Qcf.png + H.png }}
Cannot be canceled with X-Factor or
after the grapple connects
Reverb Shock
{{ Qcb.png + l}}
81,700 (20,000 x 5)
{{ Qcb.png + m}}
(30,000 x 5)
Jet Stream
{{ Qcb.png + h}}
153,900 (20,000 +
30,000 x 4 + 70,000)
The first hit must connect or the move will end
Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then H.png
10,000 per shot 
(26 shots (24 hit) after Reverb Shock
23 (21 can hit) after Revolver
16 hit after Jet Stream)
Scales to a minimum of 0.1
Scales by 0.9 per hit
    Crazy Dance
Reverb Shock, Revolver, or Jet Stream, then S.png
163,400 (20,000 x 3 + 30,000 x 2 + 20,000 x 3 + 70,000)
Just frame (you have to time it!)
The first hit must connect or the move will end
{{ Dp.png + l}}
(15,000 x 10)
Twister, then {{ Dp.png + l}}
20,000 x 10
Cannot be canceled while airborne
{{ Dp.png + m}}
Otg.png Jcancel.png
Destroys non-Hyper projectiles
    Bee Hive
Volcano, then {{ Dp.png + m}}
(20000 x 8 + 50000)
Last hit is high
Jam Session
{{ Dp.png + h}}
(14,000 x 10)
Killer Bee
Air {{ Qcf.png + l}}
   The Hammer
Killer Bee, then {{ Qcf.png + l}}
High.png Hardknockdown.png
Air Play
Air {{ Qcf.png + m}}
Charged: 122,600
(30,000 x 5)
Hold M.png to charge
Sky Dance
Air {{ Qcf.png + h}}
139,300 (30,000 x 2
+ 15,000 x 7 [or until grounded]
+ 50,000)
The first two hits are regular air hits, the middle hits cause a hard Knockdown.png with a unique ground bounce that ignores the normal limit, but counts towards it, and the last hit causes a soft Knockdown.png
Air Trick
{{ D.png D.png + s}}
{{ Qcf.png + s}}
80,000 melee attack
70,000 projectile

Hyper Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
{{ Qcf.png + Atk.png + atk}}
254,200 (15,000 x 27 + 50,000)
Damage scales by 0.95
Devil Trigger
{{ Qcb.png + Atk.png + atk}}
Transformation lasts 10 seconds
15% power boost
Red life heals while active
Dante cannot generate meter while active
Devil Trigger, then {{ Qcb.png + s}}
Lasts 3 seconds
    Thunder Bolt
Devil Trigger, Air {{ Qcf.png + s}}
130,700 (20,000 x 8)
Does not activate advancing guard
Devil Trigger, Air {{ Dp.png + s}}
141,100 (30,000 x 5)
Does not activate advancing guard
Devil Must Die
{{ Dp.png + Atk.png + atk}}
440,000 (50,000 + 390,000 if the first hit connects)

Apprentice Combos


Tips and Tricks

  • Experiment with the moves you rarely use in some matches instead of trying to win. You may find something unique that helps you surprise the competition in the next tournament or ranked match.
  • While Dante can play solid keepaway against characters that lack projectiles, he needs to be ready to switch to a more aggressive mode of play against other keepaway focused characters. Most of them can shut his attempts at keepaway down very easily.
  • Dante's teleport, Air Trick, tracks the opponent's position. No matter where they go, you will always appear behind their head. You cannot run from Dante!
  • Essentially, every normal Dante performs can be jump cancelled if you use his Command Jump. Cancelling normals into teleport works too.
  • Dante cannot generate hyper meter while in Devil Trigger mode. His assists can, but as an assist, he cannot. This includes the meter you would have gained for being hit.
  • Dante's Thunderbolt in Devil Trigger does excellent chip and can combo into itself 3 times for super-like damage.

Basic Strategy

Advanced Strategy