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Yun is an incredible character in 2nd Impact. With some of the best movement and pressure in the game, on top of a level of reward that all but 3 characters wish they had. Yun is a top 2 character, rivaling Akuma for his throne with his incredible mixups, neutral and damage.
=Moves List=
=Moves List=
==Normal Moves==
==Normal Moves==
stLP: Fast normal, goes into his 123TC (stLP~stLK~stMP) which is the main route for his confirms, most damaging or otherwise, chaining two of these into the target combo makes for a reliable hitconfirm, safe as well, can be used as an anti-air as well as a mashing tool.
stMP: Forward advancing, relatively fast normal, not the best hitbox for footises, cancellable which does make this worthwhile in confirms. Mostly used to kara cancel into command grab or for kara palm routes in genei-jin. Throw tech OS as well when doing kara grab
clMP: Extremely plus normal, links into crMK which juices up his confirms, can also be an anti-air at specific ranges due to its hitbox.
stHP: AMAZING normal, has an extended hitbox, quite easy to whiff punish but that doesn't matter because it rarely whiffs, there is a commnand normal variant which allows him to use it at every range, which isn't useful in neutral but does a lot for him in genei-jin combos where throw is not an option Yun can use.
clHP: Two hit swipe, useful as a throw tech OS + frame trap tool, cancels into his specials, decent normal.
stLK: Fast relatively long range light, can cancel into lunge punch, relatively used as a long range buffer or confirm into lunge punch.
stMK: Launcher, cancellable by super jump, very tricky normal to deal with and extremely rewarding on hit due to being extremely rewarding damage/stun wise.
stHK: Single hit that knocks down, good hitbox, slow enough to be reactable, but a decent counterpoke nonetheless.
crLP: Fast normal, Can chain into crLK and stLP which helps in hitconfirming into your main combos. Otherwise quite good for mashing out of pressure situations.
crMP: Amazingly plus on hit normal, same on block, very little recovery on whiff. You're gonna be using this to build meter on whiff, solid counterpoke albeit a bit stubby, cancellable, kind of does it all.
crHP: Double swipe, VERY plus on hit, can link into stLP/crLP which means you can go into your target combo from this normal. YIKES.
crLK: Solid, fast low poke, doesn't chain into anything but does link into itself for a hitconfirm into light lunge punch. In Genei-Jin, this becomes 2f and +12 on block, why? Ask Capcom and you won't get an answer. This is ridiculous obviously.
crMK: Long range, relatively fast poke. Confirms into lunge punch, can be used as a buffer as lunge punch will never come out on whiff, which is a good thing, lunge punch is also only minus 1 on block and safe because its spaced.
crHK: Very long range, but extremely normal, decent whiff punish, confirms into his stHK which is a target combo option from his crHK, otherwise not amazingly useful and very unsafe on block, so just cancel into his stHK TC.
jLP: Fast normal but not amazing as an a2a, you won't be using diagonal jLP Much.
njLP: This normal however is fucking godlike as a meaty due to its ability to cancel into his jf+HP target combo, really good option to throw out.
jMP: like jHP but with a significantly worse hitbox. Pass.
njHP: Amazing stop sign air normal when controlling the corner, can beat things like Gouki divekick due to it's extended hitbox.
jHP: Great jump-in, has an extended hitbox that hits downwards, so it does well at baiting anti-airs while rising and beating people from jumping at you while falling.
jLK: Not an amazing normal to throw out, there's better normals that fill the niche this does.
JMK: Great air to air since it's really fast and has decent ish range, but the lack of an extended hitbox past the early frames hurts it in that department, if you want something faster than jHK and jHP it's there, but I would probably use those normals instead.
jHK: AMAZING A2A: Covers more upwards vertical space than njHP, and can cover opponents below him as well, Horizontal range is lacking when compared to njHP though, and the downwards range isn't as good as jHP. All rounder air normal though.
'''Command Normals:'''
f+HP: Not the f+HP you're expecting from 3s, his f+HP in 2i is just his far HP without any regard to proximity whatsoever. VERY useful in genei-jin confirms, not useful anywhere else.
nj/fj df+K: The legendary divekick, much faster in this game than in 3S meaning it's an incredible tool to use to whiff punish low pokes especially when coupled with jumps having low invuln. The kicks represent an angle, with LK falling right below him, MK falling at a slight angle, and HK going about half screen. Extremely plus on hit, very safe/plus on block, this is obnoxious to deal with, much like Gouki's divekick, it's just slightly easier to anti-air until the mixups start coming full force, at that point, it's probably more annoying, good luck!
f+MK: Stellar overhead that's scary to throw out once in a while, does a lot of stun and damage on hit, however unsafe on standing opponents so make sure this hits crouchers.
UOH: Not an amazing universal overhead admittedly, very unsafe on standing opponents, not amazingly rewarding on crouchers either, can corpse hop in to the corner for double side switch mixups off of clMK xx sjc Palm but otherwise not really too useful, hops over lows though but so does the overhead above it.
f+MP/HP: Tosses them incredibly far, can follow up with a divekick to chase quick rise, decent for screen positioning, not decent for damage though, you have kick throw for that.
f+MK/HK: Damage is off the charts with this one, Mash grab means damage and stun is ridiculous. Oki is quite good as well as it leaves you just about point blank.
'''Target Combos:'''
LP~LK~MP: 123TC, main target combo for confirms into anything that Yun wants to do. LP~LK is safe on block and allows him to loop pressure and reset scenarios. Disgusting TC to give a character like Yun who has a divekick as good as his in a game where jumps are, again, low invuln.
MP~HP~b+HP: Mainly used for confirms into super, this does a fair bit of stun and is quite safe on full but if you have the ability to go for your 123TC, go for that one instead.
crHK~stHK: It's there, if you land sweep there's no reason for you not to go for it, can be done on block too.
njLP~jf+HP: Air target combo that SHITS on people trying to air parry, extremely good on block, amazing on hit. Good to throw out every so often.
jLP~LK: SA3 ONLY AIR TARGET COMBO. It's not useful, doesn't give you an infinite like in NG, no reason why you would go for this, pass.
==Special Moves==
==Special Moves==
Zesshou Hohou (qcf+P): Lunge Punch. Safe and fast advancing normal, misspacing this is only punishable by throws and 0f supers due to being -1, otherwise good luck punishing this, yun will most likely try to take his turn back here. EX variant is still minus, goes an extremely far distance but is incredibly reactable due to the EX flash existing, not useful tbh.
Senkyuutai (qcf+k): Upkicks, Main ender for TC if you're close enough to get it. AMAZING stun, Medium in the corner sets up for SA1 as a link. Heavy does a lot of stun and sets up for Yun's two-three touch ability on most characters. Extremely criminal special to confirm into and you're most likely never going to not hitconfirm into this because you're not gonna be slow enough to buffer an entire target combo AND heavy upkicks on block. EX upkicks much like EX lunge punch is useless.
Kobokushi (qcb+p): Palm, Launcher, relatively safe, EXTREMELY rewarding on hit, does a lot of stun, goes into lunge punch or a jumping normal as a combo. It is confirmable off of clMK if you super jump cancel into this.
Fake Kobokushi (qcb+pp): Feint Palm, Quite useful once conditioning comes into play, as you can do fake palm into walk up throw if you've conditioned/scared them into blocking enough
Tetsuzan Kou (dp+p): Shoulder, Safe on block, can make his TC safe but be careful as 123 TC into Shoulder has a gap big enough that you can blue parry or mash on it. Confirms into his supers (albeit you don't want to do that into SA3) and has the ability to low profile a lot, EX shoulder can be used as a ghetto DP but due to its speed is not very good at doing that. Once in a while reversal though for a character that does not have it.
Zenpou Tenshin (hcb+k): Command grab, and an amazing one at that. Kara cancelling MP or HK into it gives it a lot of range. Inputting the Command Grab as Down Forward Down Back allows you to buffer low and high parry during the motion, and further more if you do that and then kara cancel MP into your command grab you get kara grab and a throw tech attempt at the same time. When the command grab connects you get a full combo that scales in damage, amazingly rewarding though. No EX variant of this.
==Super Moves==
==Super Moves==
All Supers Are QCFx2+P:
You-hou (SA1): Arguably the best nuke super in the game, it's combo potential is amazing on both the ground and in juggles, but does not offer the versatility that SA3 has, it's one long bar as well which means there's not room for EX usage (not that you should use being EX moves in the first place.) Much more simple to use, requires less effort than SA3, it's a simple nuke super that can do up to 70% or so damage, very very good.
Sourai Rengeki (SA2): Decent 0F forwarding advancing super, just doesn't do amazing damage and is worthless in juggles. 3 Stocks, you're effectively doing your best Ken cosplay when you pick this super. Hitconfirms into this are valuable and the oki is amazing as your enders will be hard knockdowns, there is a place for this super, even if it is sorely lacking when compared to how good SA1 and SA3 are.
Genei-Jin (SA3): Arguably the best super in the game, an incredibly versatile super, rivaling the versatility of Aegis reflector as it can be used to maintain pressure on block, as well as confirm into incredibly high damage. When this super pops, you are officially playing your own game. The frame data of all of your moves in SA3 change dramatically to be more safe and sometimes faster, some of your normals that were missing extended hitboxes now have extended hitboxes, or are just faster in general, making the priority better, you can cancel any move into anything you want, including normals into other normals. You lose out on your ability to normal throw, but command throw is there to hold you over in case you feel like you've truly lost strike throw. The damage rivals that of SA1, with reset routes BEATING SA1 out completely (ToDs Akuma). This is obnoxious for the same reason it's obnoxious in 3S. You get the amazing juggle potential that SA1 has in confirms, and all the amazing grounded confirms that SA2 wishes it had with it's 3 stocks. SA3 is 1 small stock and you will build it multiple times in the same round, easily his best super, even if it takes a lot more effort to use than SA1. There is an interger underflow glitch where if you do UoH with two punches/two kicks at a specific frame of Genei-jin's timer, you will get a near infinite amount of Genei-Jin activiations, whether or not this is banned is up to the T.O, but it's definitely frowned upon.
USE: Any one you like! SA1 and SA3 are the best of the three, but SA2 is a rare case where it's not a bad super by any stretch of the imagination so it actually has a place as far as Yun goes, even if I personally wouldn't recommend it.
=The Basics=
=The Basics=
Yun is a character who thrives off of the opponent making mistakes, you may struggle to get in on some characters at first,  but it's not too hard to get a hang of him. Use your different divekick angles to throw the opponent off, play a relatively modest strike throw game, this is further amplified by your confirms being far from limited and your pressure being so safe (stLP~LK is safe and it is ill advised for the opponent to try and take their turn back). While Yun isn't the most amazingly scary when he doesn't have meter, when he does have meter he becomes the scariest character in the game hands down, no questions asked. Once you have meter, you make sure you get your confirm into it and ride your way to victory.
stLK xx qcb+LP
clMP, crMK xx qcb+LP
crMK xx qcb+LP
stLP~LK~MP xx qcb+HP/DP+LP/qcf+HK
clHP xx qcb+LP/MP
crHP, stLP~LK~MP xx qcb+HP/DP+LP/qcf+HK
stMK xx sjc jHK
stMK xx sjc Palm, Lunge Punch, jHK
Command Grab will combo into anything basically, some normals will require microwalks.
Anything that cancels into a special can cancel into SA1 and it'll work, so I won't be going over that again, but be mindful that the further you are the more likely your confirm into SA1 will drop, the only special
SA1 Ender:
Shoulder, Lunge Punch, M.Shoulder can work but is inconsistent, use L.Shoulder instead.
Kick Throw, SA1, SA1 ender of choice
stLP~stLK~stMP xx M.Upkicks, SA1, SA1 Ender (Corner Only)
stMP~HP~b+HP xx SA1, SA1 ender.
stMK xx sjc Palm, (Microwalk) crMP xx SA1, SA1 Ender.
Anything that cancels into a special can cancel into SA2 and it'll work, all grounded confirms into SA1 will work into SA2 as well, the only thing is that juggles are awful with this super, so anything that involves launching the opponent can and should be avoided. You're basically cosplaying Ken with this super.
~~ SA3 ~~
There are too many SA3 combos to list off, so I will only be listing off an easy one, and then some that are optimal depending on midscreen or corner.
Easy Corner Route: ... xx SA3, f+HP xx M.Shoulder, f+MK f+MK f+MK f+HP f+MK, M.Shoulder, Palm, Lunge Punch.
Easy Midscreen Route: ... xxx SA3, F+HP xx M.Shoulder, (Loop L.Shoulder, M.Shoulder until you reach the corner), Corner route of choice.
Daipan: ... xx SA3, crMK f+HP, (loop microwalk f+HP) xx M.Shoulder ...
Optimal Corner Route: ... xx SA3, f+HP xx M.Shoulder, f+MK, Double Kara Palm (kara stMP into stLK, which is then kara'd into palm), f+HP, f+MK, Double Kara Palm, f+HP, M.Shoulder, Palm, (M.Shoulder ONLY ON HUGO/NECRO,) Lunge Punch
[ This is a combo video that displays most of Yun's optimal routes, hopefully this should help, the difficulty of the combo is a lot higher than what you may find and be more comfortable using however.]
=Advanced Strategy=
=Advanced Strategy=
Kara Palms:
You can double kara cancel into palm during genei-jin, this is done by kara cancelling your stMP into stLK, and then kara cancelling your stLK into palm, this allows you to pick up any of your routes in genei-jin into palm since you'll be moved forward so much.
Crab Walk:
During Genei-Jin, If you hold forward and then Piano stMP~stLK fast enough you can clear the screen extremely fast while maintaining grounded. Extremely hard to counterpoke due to being in genei-jin as well as your MP hitbox being ridiculous. Can confirm into shoulder on hit, but is hard.
TDK is a reversal bug in 2i that exists, it is a universal reversal bug where if you air reset the opponent when they've taken 4 or less juggle points (or if the juggle timer is high enough for some combos), they cannot reversal whatsoever. This is incredibly useful for Yun's a2as, but in genei-jin, all of these air resets will trigger this bug, making his mixups off of a reset incredibly scary to deal with due to how much you can vary your timing.
Twins SGGK:
This was previously explained in the command grab section, but, if you input your command grab as down, forward, down, back (2624) then piano MP~HK, you'll buffer low and high parry, as well and cover throw and throw tech, also allows you to kara grab which forces your command grab from ranges outside of their own throw range. Really strong.

[[Category: Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact]]
[[Category: Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact]]

Latest revision as of 00:48, 6 April 2024


Yun is an incredible character in 2nd Impact. With some of the best movement and pressure in the game, on top of a level of reward that all but 3 characters wish they had. Yun is a top 2 character, rivaling Akuma for his throne with his incredible mixups, neutral and damage.

Moves List


Normal Moves

stLP: Fast normal, goes into his 123TC (stLP~stLK~stMP) which is the main route for his confirms, most damaging or otherwise, chaining two of these into the target combo makes for a reliable hitconfirm, safe as well, can be used as an anti-air as well as a mashing tool.

stMP: Forward advancing, relatively fast normal, not the best hitbox for footises, cancellable which does make this worthwhile in confirms. Mostly used to kara cancel into command grab or for kara palm routes in genei-jin. Throw tech OS as well when doing kara grab

clMP: Extremely plus normal, links into crMK which juices up his confirms, can also be an anti-air at specific ranges due to its hitbox.

stHP: AMAZING normal, has an extended hitbox, quite easy to whiff punish but that doesn't matter because it rarely whiffs, there is a commnand normal variant which allows him to use it at every range, which isn't useful in neutral but does a lot for him in genei-jin combos where throw is not an option Yun can use.

clHP: Two hit swipe, useful as a throw tech OS + frame trap tool, cancels into his specials, decent normal.

stLK: Fast relatively long range light, can cancel into lunge punch, relatively used as a long range buffer or confirm into lunge punch.

stMK: Launcher, cancellable by super jump, very tricky normal to deal with and extremely rewarding on hit due to being extremely rewarding damage/stun wise.

stHK: Single hit that knocks down, good hitbox, slow enough to be reactable, but a decent counterpoke nonetheless.

crLP: Fast normal, Can chain into crLK and stLP which helps in hitconfirming into your main combos. Otherwise quite good for mashing out of pressure situations.

crMP: Amazingly plus on hit normal, same on block, very little recovery on whiff. You're gonna be using this to build meter on whiff, solid counterpoke albeit a bit stubby, cancellable, kind of does it all.

crHP: Double swipe, VERY plus on hit, can link into stLP/crLP which means you can go into your target combo from this normal. YIKES.

crLK: Solid, fast low poke, doesn't chain into anything but does link into itself for a hitconfirm into light lunge punch. In Genei-Jin, this becomes 2f and +12 on block, why? Ask Capcom and you won't get an answer. This is ridiculous obviously.

crMK: Long range, relatively fast poke. Confirms into lunge punch, can be used as a buffer as lunge punch will never come out on whiff, which is a good thing, lunge punch is also only minus 1 on block and safe because its spaced.

crHK: Very long range, but extremely normal, decent whiff punish, confirms into his stHK which is a target combo option from his crHK, otherwise not amazingly useful and very unsafe on block, so just cancel into his stHK TC.

jLP: Fast normal but not amazing as an a2a, you won't be using diagonal jLP Much.

njLP: This normal however is fucking godlike as a meaty due to its ability to cancel into his jf+HP target combo, really good option to throw out.

jMP: like jHP but with a significantly worse hitbox. Pass.

njHP: Amazing stop sign air normal when controlling the corner, can beat things like Gouki divekick due to it's extended hitbox.

jHP: Great jump-in, has an extended hitbox that hits downwards, so it does well at baiting anti-airs while rising and beating people from jumping at you while falling.

jLK: Not an amazing normal to throw out, there's better normals that fill the niche this does.

JMK: Great air to air since it's really fast and has decent ish range, but the lack of an extended hitbox past the early frames hurts it in that department, if you want something faster than jHK and jHP it's there, but I would probably use those normals instead.

jHK: AMAZING A2A: Covers more upwards vertical space than njHP, and can cover opponents below him as well, Horizontal range is lacking when compared to njHP though, and the downwards range isn't as good as jHP. All rounder air normal though.

Command Normals:

f+HP: Not the f+HP you're expecting from 3s, his f+HP in 2i is just his far HP without any regard to proximity whatsoever. VERY useful in genei-jin confirms, not useful anywhere else.

nj/fj df+K: The legendary divekick, much faster in this game than in 3S meaning it's an incredible tool to use to whiff punish low pokes especially when coupled with jumps having low invuln. The kicks represent an angle, with LK falling right below him, MK falling at a slight angle, and HK going about half screen. Extremely plus on hit, very safe/plus on block, this is obnoxious to deal with, much like Gouki's divekick, it's just slightly easier to anti-air until the mixups start coming full force, at that point, it's probably more annoying, good luck!

f+MK: Stellar overhead that's scary to throw out once in a while, does a lot of stun and damage on hit, however unsafe on standing opponents so make sure this hits crouchers.

UOH: Not an amazing universal overhead admittedly, very unsafe on standing opponents, not amazingly rewarding on crouchers either, can corpse hop in to the corner for double side switch mixups off of clMK xx sjc Palm but otherwise not really too useful, hops over lows though but so does the overhead above it.


f+MP/HP: Tosses them incredibly far, can follow up with a divekick to chase quick rise, decent for screen positioning, not decent for damage though, you have kick throw for that.

f+MK/HK: Damage is off the charts with this one, Mash grab means damage and stun is ridiculous. Oki is quite good as well as it leaves you just about point blank.

Target Combos:

LP~LK~MP: 123TC, main target combo for confirms into anything that Yun wants to do. LP~LK is safe on block and allows him to loop pressure and reset scenarios. Disgusting TC to give a character like Yun who has a divekick as good as his in a game where jumps are, again, low invuln.

MP~HP~b+HP: Mainly used for confirms into super, this does a fair bit of stun and is quite safe on full but if you have the ability to go for your 123TC, go for that one instead.

crHK~stHK: It's there, if you land sweep there's no reason for you not to go for it, can be done on block too.

njLP~jf+HP: Air target combo that SHITS on people trying to air parry, extremely good on block, amazing on hit. Good to throw out every so often.

jLP~LK: SA3 ONLY AIR TARGET COMBO. It's not useful, doesn't give you an infinite like in NG, no reason why you would go for this, pass.

Special Moves

Zesshou Hohou (qcf+P): Lunge Punch. Safe and fast advancing normal, misspacing this is only punishable by throws and 0f supers due to being -1, otherwise good luck punishing this, yun will most likely try to take his turn back here. EX variant is still minus, goes an extremely far distance but is incredibly reactable due to the EX flash existing, not useful tbh.

Senkyuutai (qcf+k): Upkicks, Main ender for TC if you're close enough to get it. AMAZING stun, Medium in the corner sets up for SA1 as a link. Heavy does a lot of stun and sets up for Yun's two-three touch ability on most characters. Extremely criminal special to confirm into and you're most likely never going to not hitconfirm into this because you're not gonna be slow enough to buffer an entire target combo AND heavy upkicks on block. EX upkicks much like EX lunge punch is useless.

Kobokushi (qcb+p): Palm, Launcher, relatively safe, EXTREMELY rewarding on hit, does a lot of stun, goes into lunge punch or a jumping normal as a combo. It is confirmable off of clMK if you super jump cancel into this.

Fake Kobokushi (qcb+pp): Feint Palm, Quite useful once conditioning comes into play, as you can do fake palm into walk up throw if you've conditioned/scared them into blocking enough

Tetsuzan Kou (dp+p): Shoulder, Safe on block, can make his TC safe but be careful as 123 TC into Shoulder has a gap big enough that you can blue parry or mash on it. Confirms into his supers (albeit you don't want to do that into SA3) and has the ability to low profile a lot, EX shoulder can be used as a ghetto DP but due to its speed is not very good at doing that. Once in a while reversal though for a character that does not have it.

Zenpou Tenshin (hcb+k): Command grab, and an amazing one at that. Kara cancelling MP or HK into it gives it a lot of range. Inputting the Command Grab as Down Forward Down Back allows you to buffer low and high parry during the motion, and further more if you do that and then kara cancel MP into your command grab you get kara grab and a throw tech attempt at the same time. When the command grab connects you get a full combo that scales in damage, amazingly rewarding though. No EX variant of this.

Super Moves

All Supers Are QCFx2+P:

You-hou (SA1): Arguably the best nuke super in the game, it's combo potential is amazing on both the ground and in juggles, but does not offer the versatility that SA3 has, it's one long bar as well which means there's not room for EX usage (not that you should use being EX moves in the first place.) Much more simple to use, requires less effort than SA3, it's a simple nuke super that can do up to 70% or so damage, very very good.

Sourai Rengeki (SA2): Decent 0F forwarding advancing super, just doesn't do amazing damage and is worthless in juggles. 3 Stocks, you're effectively doing your best Ken cosplay when you pick this super. Hitconfirms into this are valuable and the oki is amazing as your enders will be hard knockdowns, there is a place for this super, even if it is sorely lacking when compared to how good SA1 and SA3 are.

Genei-Jin (SA3): Arguably the best super in the game, an incredibly versatile super, rivaling the versatility of Aegis reflector as it can be used to maintain pressure on block, as well as confirm into incredibly high damage. When this super pops, you are officially playing your own game. The frame data of all of your moves in SA3 change dramatically to be more safe and sometimes faster, some of your normals that were missing extended hitboxes now have extended hitboxes, or are just faster in general, making the priority better, you can cancel any move into anything you want, including normals into other normals. You lose out on your ability to normal throw, but command throw is there to hold you over in case you feel like you've truly lost strike throw. The damage rivals that of SA1, with reset routes BEATING SA1 out completely (ToDs Akuma). This is obnoxious for the same reason it's obnoxious in 3S. You get the amazing juggle potential that SA1 has in confirms, and all the amazing grounded confirms that SA2 wishes it had with it's 3 stocks. SA3 is 1 small stock and you will build it multiple times in the same round, easily his best super, even if it takes a lot more effort to use than SA1. There is an interger underflow glitch where if you do UoH with two punches/two kicks at a specific frame of Genei-jin's timer, you will get a near infinite amount of Genei-Jin activiations, whether or not this is banned is up to the T.O, but it's definitely frowned upon.

USE: Any one you like! SA1 and SA3 are the best of the three, but SA2 is a rare case where it's not a bad super by any stretch of the imagination so it actually has a place as far as Yun goes, even if I personally wouldn't recommend it.

The Basics

Yun is a character who thrives off of the opponent making mistakes, you may struggle to get in on some characters at first, but it's not too hard to get a hang of him. Use your different divekick angles to throw the opponent off, play a relatively modest strike throw game, this is further amplified by your confirms being far from limited and your pressure being so safe (stLP~LK is safe and it is ill advised for the opponent to try and take their turn back). While Yun isn't the most amazingly scary when he doesn't have meter, when he does have meter he becomes the scariest character in the game hands down, no questions asked. Once you have meter, you make sure you get your confirm into it and ride your way to victory.



stLK xx qcb+LP

clMP, crMK xx qcb+LP

crMK xx qcb+LP

stLP~LK~MP xx qcb+HP/DP+LP/qcf+HK

clHP xx qcb+LP/MP

crHP, stLP~LK~MP xx qcb+HP/DP+LP/qcf+HK

stMK xx sjc jHK

stMK xx sjc Palm, Lunge Punch, jHK

Command Grab will combo into anything basically, some normals will require microwalks.


Anything that cancels into a special can cancel into SA1 and it'll work, so I won't be going over that again, but be mindful that the further you are the more likely your confirm into SA1 will drop, the only special

SA1 Ender: Shoulder, Lunge Punch, M.Shoulder can work but is inconsistent, use L.Shoulder instead.

Kick Throw, SA1, SA1 ender of choice

stLP~stLK~stMP xx M.Upkicks, SA1, SA1 Ender (Corner Only)

stMP~HP~b+HP xx SA1, SA1 ender.

stMK xx sjc Palm, (Microwalk) crMP xx SA1, SA1 Ender.


Anything that cancels into a special can cancel into SA2 and it'll work, all grounded confirms into SA1 will work into SA2 as well, the only thing is that juggles are awful with this super, so anything that involves launching the opponent can and should be avoided. You're basically cosplaying Ken with this super.

~~ SA3 ~~

There are too many SA3 combos to list off, so I will only be listing off an easy one, and then some that are optimal depending on midscreen or corner.

Easy Corner Route: ... xx SA3, f+HP xx M.Shoulder, f+MK f+MK f+MK f+HP f+MK, M.Shoulder, Palm, Lunge Punch.

Easy Midscreen Route: ... xxx SA3, F+HP xx M.Shoulder, (Loop L.Shoulder, M.Shoulder until you reach the corner), Corner route of choice.

Daipan: ... xx SA3, crMK f+HP, (loop microwalk f+HP) xx M.Shoulder ...

Optimal Corner Route: ... xx SA3, f+HP xx M.Shoulder, f+MK, Double Kara Palm (kara stMP into stLK, which is then kara'd into palm), f+HP, f+MK, Double Kara Palm, f+HP, M.Shoulder, Palm, (M.Shoulder ONLY ON HUGO/NECRO,) Lunge Punch

This is a combo video that displays most of Yun's optimal routes, hopefully this should help, the difficulty of the combo is a lot higher than what you may find and be more comfortable using however.

Advanced Strategy

Kara Palms: You can double kara cancel into palm during genei-jin, this is done by kara cancelling your stMP into stLK, and then kara cancelling your stLK into palm, this allows you to pick up any of your routes in genei-jin into palm since you'll be moved forward so much.

Crab Walk: During Genei-Jin, If you hold forward and then Piano stMP~stLK fast enough you can clear the screen extremely fast while maintaining grounded. Extremely hard to counterpoke due to being in genei-jin as well as your MP hitbox being ridiculous. Can confirm into shoulder on hit, but is hard.

TDK: TDK is a reversal bug in 2i that exists, it is a universal reversal bug where if you air reset the opponent when they've taken 4 or less juggle points (or if the juggle timer is high enough for some combos), they cannot reversal whatsoever. This is incredibly useful for Yun's a2as, but in genei-jin, all of these air resets will trigger this bug, making his mixups off of a reset incredibly scary to deal with due to how much you can vary your timing.

Twins SGGK: This was previously explained in the command grab section, but, if you input your command grab as down, forward, down, back (2624) then piano MP~HK, you'll buffer low and high parry, as well and cover throw and throw tech, also allows you to kara grab which forces your command grab from ranges outside of their own throw range. Really strong.
