The King of Fighters 2002/Maxima: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 23:16, 14 March 2006

1. C(1)/D, f+A/df+C, qcb+A - 33%
2. AA, df+C, qcb+C - 30%
3. C(1)/D, f+A/df+C, hcbx2+K - 45-50%
4. C(1)/D, qcf+Cx3 - 35%
5. A, Crouch AA, qcf+Ax3 - 40%
6. C(1)/D, qcf+Cx2, (S)hcbx2+K - 60%
7. Jump C(crossup), AA, Crouch A, qcf+Ax2, (S)hcbx2+K - 80%

1. C(1)/D, f+A, qcf+Ax2, (S)hcbx2+K/(S)qcf hcb+A - 70%

Max Mode Activation:
1. f+A, BC, qcf+Ax2, (S)hcbx2+K/BD - 50%/75%
2. Jump C(crossup), A, df+C, BC, qcf+Ax2, (S)hcbx2+K/BD - 90%

1. C(counter hit from jumpin, 1), df+C, dp+K - 40-45%
2. qcb+P(counterwire), df+C, dp+K/qcf hcb+P - 50%

Move Properties:
-cancellable normals are close A, crouch A, close B, close C(1), crouch C, close D
-CD is cancellable into specials and DMs
-df+C is cancellable, f+A only cancellable to DMs
-crouch C, standing C, standing D, standing CD, qcf hcb+P have autoguard
-close B is a low attack
-qcf+Px2 is supercancellable


-use df+C or dp+K for an early anti-air only, otherwise you will likely get counterhit. If the jumpin is late, abuse the autoguard on his close C to interrupt jumpins. Cancel the first hit of his Close C to df+C, since it is very likely that the autoguard of his jump C counterhit the opponent's jumpin

-his stand CD has long frames of autoguard, and covers a large amount of area around him. Throw it out randomly while a bit closer than half screen away from the opponent, which will hit them if they try to jump in. If they toss out a fireball, cancel to dp+B to hop over it. If the CD is going to totally whiff, and the opponent stays on the ground, cancel it to qcb+P

-jump C is a great crossup attack

-jump CD will beat almost everything air to air but attacks that are low to the ground (such as Iori crouch D) will easily beat it

-his crouch D has very good range and is fairly fast, thus works well as a wakeup move from a distance. It can be used to punish some things that are usually considered unpunishable due to the distance, such as Kim's qcb+D.

-qcb+P is makes people be careful when waking up. Thus, after forcing people to block with these moves, you can use run up and throw mixups (using hcb, run, hcb+P buffers for run up throw DMs)

-his close A and crouch A are very damaging for jabs, and can lead to damaging combos using qcf+A (which is safe on block). Thus, jabbing and cancelling to qcf+A is decent for upclose combat

-use his far C just as a fireball is going to hit. The autoguard will absorb it, and hit the opponent if they are trying to do something after the fireball