The King of Fighters 2002/Goro Daimon: Difference between revisions

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[code]== Movelist ==
<nowiki>== Movelist ==

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This is a mashable throw that cannot be recovery rolled. It is actually possible to set up some unblockables off of this throw.
This is a mashable throw that cannot be recovery rolled. It is actually possible to set up some unblockables off of this throw.

'''2. Okuri Ashi Barai - b/f+D<br>'''
'''2. Okuri Ashi Barai - b/f+D<br>'''
Trips the opponent up sending them flying to the opposite side, but can be recovery rolled. If they don't recovery roll it, Daimon has enough  
Trips the opponent up sending them flying to the opposite side, but can be recovery rolled. If they don't recovery roll it, Daimon has enough  
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(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, BC, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, BC, dp+A

[[Category:The King of Fighters 2002]][/code]
[[Category:The King of Fighters 2002]]</nowiki>

Revision as of 15:24, 20 April 2010

== Movelist == '''Throws:'''<br> '''1. Juuji Shime - b/f+C<br>''' This is a mashable throw that cannot be recovery rolled. It is actually possible to set up some unblockables off of this throw. <nowiki> 2. Okuri Ashi Barai - b/f+D
Trips the opponent up sending them flying to the opposite side, but can be recovery rolled. If they don't recovery roll it, Daimon has enough time to jump over and set up some crossup situations.

Command Normals:
1. Zujou Barai - df+C
Daimon raises his arm diagonally upwards. It comes out fast and works as a good anti-air, though the startup time is not fast enough to use as a reversal against a meaty jumpin. Enemy stays grounded if they are hit with it on the ground, and it is only cancellable into DMs(or other special moves if you're in maxmode). Easy to combo after if it counterhits the opponent in the air.

Special Moves:
1. Jirai Shin - dp+P
dp+A - Daimon stomps the ground, which hits the opponent as long as he is on the ground and not crouching (he isn't required to be blocking). This move allows for some unblockable setups, as long as it hits on the first frame of the opponent getting up - this glitch is explained in it's own section.

This is the only special move Daimon has that can be recovery rolled.

dp+C - Has the same startup animation as dp+A, but Daimon doesn't actually pound the ground. The purpose is to trick players into jumping or crouching, so that you can either anti-air them or get in for a throw.

2. Chou Oosotogari - dp+K
This is a delayed grab with a lot of invinciblity, which is very useful when the opponent is waking up. This move is a hard knockdown and gives more than enough time to set up another mixup on wakeup.

3. Chou Ukemi - qcb+K
Daimon will do a forward roll that has some invincibility on startup (including throw invincibility, but requires further testing). qcb+D makes him roll further than qcb+B, though overall it isn't very useful compared to a normal roll.

One thing to note - rolls go through the opponent, but Daimon's qcb+K does not unless the opponent is knocked down from really close(like a sweep or stand CD) and the knockdown attack is cancelled into a roll.

It also builds meter.

4. Nekko Gaeshi - qcf+K
A counter move that will reverse mid to high normal attacks(including ocmmand normals like K9999's f+A). It does not work on jump attacks, low attacks or special moves/supers.When countered, the opponent is grabbed and thrown down to the opposide side with their back turned and cannot recovery roll.

Generally it is difficult to make use of this move, though it is fairly effective against a few characters that have really good pokes, such as Kula, Yashiro and Daimon.

5. Kumo Tsukami Nage - hcf+A
An anti-air grab that has good upperbody invincibility. It requires good reaction to be able to anti-air with this move as it does have some startup time. It's not feasible to use if the opponent is coming down with a meaty jump attack on your wakeup, but it works well if you can react to the starting points of a jumpin.

The opponent is thrown on the opposite side with their back turned and can't recovery roll.

Generally it is hard to hit with this move and so it's advisable to stick to df+C for anti-airs instead.

6. Kikikabu Gaeshi - hcf+C
A blockable "grab" move that is angled at the ground in front of him. It has some lower body invincibility and decent enough recovery that it is very difficult for most characters to be able to counter after blocking it.

The opponent is thrown on the opposite side with their back turned and can't recovery roll. It can also grab characters when they are already knocked down after certain moves, such as after a stand CD, jump CD, crouch D, dp+A and hcfx2+K.

7. Tenchi Gaeshi - hcb f+P
An instant grab that also has good range. Opponent is thrown into the air and cannot recovery roll, also giving Daimon lots of time to set up the next mixup on the opponent.

8. Ura Nage - hcb f+K
Daimon will run forward almost a full screen length and attempt to grab the opponent. The running animation surprisingly has lower body invinciblity, but the grab can actually be rolled through. While it is a hard knockdown move, you will probably never land it on anyone since it is so slow, so it's advisable to never use this move.

There is a glitch that lets Daimon do the running portion of the move but not grab (as long as he isn't in range to grab). It will also make him run about half screen as opposed to almost full screen. To do it, enter the move as hcb f+ABCD.

1. Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi - hcbx2+P
An instant grab that does slightly more damage than his hcb f+P and also does a hard knockdown. The downside is that it wastes one stock to use and does not give Daimon enough time to set up much of a mixup on the opponent's wakeup.

There are also very few characters in which Daimon can set up an unblockable dp+A after it, but he can set it up after an hcb f+P against almost anyone.

2. Arashi no Yama - hcfx2+K, hcf+K, dp+K
Daimon goes into a stance for about a second where he has full autoguard. If the opponent is still in throw range after that, he will grab them and throw them to the ground. This is the hcfx2+K portion of the move.

You can input hcf+K after this to make Daimon pick them up off the ground and throw them to the opposite side.

Then you can either do dp+K for the final finish of the move, or use hcf+C which will grab them off the ground. They do roughly the same damage, though doing hcf+C will build a little meter and set up a Daimon unblockable (depending on character).

The hcfx2+K autoguard is very useful against certain moves that have too much pushback (if they hit or are blocked) to be punished normally, since autoguard makes moves connect with no pushback. An example would be Robert's f+A.

1. Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi - hcbx2+AC
An instant grab that does about 50% damage, and is fairly worth it if you can land it (preferably in a max combo). It also can't be recovery rolled but it gives Daimon no opportunities to keep the pressure on the opponent after landing it unless they are in the corner.

2. Arashi no Yama - hcfx2+K, hcf+K, dp+K
Works the same as his DM version, though the final dp+K followup does a lot of damage in comparison to going for an hcf+C off the ground.

The fact that you have to go into maxmode to use it and it isn't comboable makes it not that useful.

Furinkazan - dp rdp+BC
This move works exactly like his dp+A earthquake, except takes much longer to come out, has no fake version (his dp+C) and does the most damage in the game than any other move (about 75%).

Aside from using this in Damon unblockable setups, you will not be able to hit with it because of how slow it is and the fact that the HSDM sound and flash makes it even more obvious.


Unblockable glitch with dp+A:

Daimon has a glitch involving his earthquake moves (both his dp+A and his dp rdp+BC HSDM), which allows him to "combo" into it from any move that knocks down, as long as you time it on the exact frame that the opponent gets up off the ground.

Every move has it's own amount of frames after Daimon has recovered from that move, until the frame comes up where the earthquake would be unblockable. Since every move has a certain amount of frames it takes to execute and recover, it is possible to whiff a sequence of moves (normals, special moves, supers, jumps, rolls, backdashes, maxmode activation) with no frame gaps in between, such that when the earthquake is executed, it ends up coming out on the exact frame needed.

Unfortunately, each character also has their own speed which they get up from a knockdown, so in order to master this unblockable glitch, you must memorize the sequence of special moves to whiff, after every knockdown attack, against every character.

Let's use Whip as an example. After landing the hcb f+P grab, if you immediately do a dp+K(as a reversal from the recovery of the hcb f+P), then dp+A immediately after recovering from the dp+K, the dp+A will be unblockable. If you did qcf+K instead of dp+K, it won't work out because dp+K executes too quickly.


hcb f+P, CD, dp+A
hcb f+P, qcf+K, CD -> dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, qcb+B, HSDM
f+C(throw), hcfx2+K, dp+A

hcb f+P, super jump attack(when going up), dp+A
hcbx2+P, dp+A

hcb f+P, super jump attack(as coming down), dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, hcb f+ABCD, HSDM

hcb f+P, qcb+B, CD -> dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, dp+K, HSDM
hcf+P, qcf+K, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, qcf+K, dp+A

hcb f+P, dp+K, dp+A

hcb f+P, dp+K, dp+A
(already in maxmode) qcf+K, HSDM

(already in maxmode) hcf+P, HSDM

hcb f+P, hcb f+P, CD -> dp+A
hcb f+P, hcfx2+K, hcfx2+K, dp+A(useless, just use above)
hcf+P, qcb+B, dp+A
hcf+P, roll, dp+A(use the qcb+B one though, easier and builds meter)
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, qcb+B(or roll), dp+A
qcf+K, BC, dp+A

hcf+P, hcb f+ABCD, dp+A(outside corner)
hcf+P, hcfx2+K, dp+A(in corner)
(already in maxmode) hcbx2+AC, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, hcfx2+K, dp+A

Clark/Kensou/May Lee/Vanessa:
hcb f+P, jump attack(as coming down), dp+A
hcb f+P, hcfx2+K, CD -> dp+A(useless, use the one above)

hcb f+P, jump attack(when going up), dp+A

hcb f+P, qcb+D, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, qcf+K, HSDM
dp+K, CD -> dp+A

hcb f+P, qcb+D, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, qcf+K, HSDM

hcf+P, hcb f+ABCD, dp+A(outside corner)
hcf+P, hcfx2+K, dp+A(in corner)
(already in max) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, hcfx2+K, dp+A

dp+K, CD -> dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, dp+C, HSDM

(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, hcb f+P, HSDM
hcf+P, qcf+K, dp+A
(already in maxmode) dp+K, HSDM
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, qcf+K, dp+A

hcb f+P, hcb f+P, dp+A
hcf+P, CD -> dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, CD -> dp+A

hcb f+P, backdash, CD -> dp+A
hcb f+P, BC, HSDM
hcb f+K, dp+A

f+C(throw), qcf+K, dp+A
hcf+P, BC, dp+A
(already in maxmode) hcb f+P, hcb f+P, HSDM
(already in maxmode) hcfx2+BD hcf+K dp+K, BC, dp+A</nowiki>