Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Alex/Archive: Difference between revisions

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Line 117: Line 117:
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan="2">Short</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan="3">Forward</td>
  <td style="border:1px solid navy" rowspan="2">Roundhouse</td>

Revision as of 23:27, 11 February 2006

Moves List

Normal Moves

Name State StUp BkAd HtAd CHAd SlCn SpCn Grd Pry Dmg
Jab Close [4] +1 +1 +1 Yes Yes HL HL 3-6 (1) 3
Far [4] +1 +1 +1 Yes Yes HL HL 3-6 (1) 2
Crouch [4] +1 +1 +1 Yes Yes HL HL 3-6 (1) 3
Strong Stand [4] -1 +0 +1 Yes Yes HL H 12-22 (1) 3
Crouch [7] +0 +1 +2 No No HL HL 11-19 (1) 3
Fierce Stand [14] -1 +1 +3 No No H H 18-32 (-) 4
Crouch [13] -9 D D No No HL HL 16-26 (1/5) 2
Short Stand [5] +0 +0 +0 Yes Yes HL HL 5-8 (1) 3
Crouch [5] +2 +2 +2 Yes Yes L L 5-8 (1) 3
Forward Close [5] -1 +0 +1 Yes Yes HL HL 13-23 (1) 4
Far [11] +0 +1 +2 No No HL HL 12-22 (1) 4
Crouch [8] -1 +0 +1 No No L L 9-15 (X) 4
Roundhouse Stand [16] -13 +0 +2 No No HL H 19-33 (1) 3
Crouch [11] -15 D D No No L L 16-28 (-) 2


Body Slam LP + LK

Command moves

Chop F + MP
Lariat F + HP
Head Butt B + HP
Sleeper Hold B + HP (opponent turned around) *
* Press HP repeatedly for additional damage
Flying Cross Chop While jumping, D + HP

Special Moves

Flash Chop D, DF, F + P (EX)
Power Bomb/Back Drop F, DF, D, DB, B + P *
* Back Drop is performed if opponent was grabed from behind
Spiral D.D.T. F, DF, D, DB, B + K
Air Knee Smash F, D, DF + K (EX)
Slash Elbow Charge B, F + K (in air) (EX)
Air Stampede Charge D, U + K (EX)

Super Arts

I Hyper Bomb 360 + P 1 stock
II Boomerang Raid D, DF, F, D, DF, F + P 2 stocks
III Stun Gun Head Butt D, DF, F, D, DF, F + P 1 stock


Frame Data

"Name": This is used to identify each move, so you know what stats are for what move. A question I get asked often is why do I say Toward and Away instead of Foward and Back. Its because I get confused. Foward to me means medium kick, not toward. Anyway, this is a quick translation to the names.

S = Standing

Jab = Jab (Light Punch)

SC = Standing Close

Sht = Short (Light Kick)

C = Crouching

Stg = Strong (Medium Punch)

T = Toward

Fwd = Foward (Medium Kick)

DT = Down Toward

Frc = Fierce (Heavy Punch)

A = Away

Rdh = Roundhouse (Heavy Kick)

J = Jumping

All = All Attacks

"StUp" (Start Up): This indicates the number of frames it takes for the hit box of an attack to open.

"BkAd" (Block Advantage): When an attack is blocked, you have a certain number of recovery frames before you can move, attack, or block again. A positive number indicates the number of frames you can move or attack before your opponent can; as a negative number indicates the number of frames your opponent can move or attack before you can. The higher, the better. This number is used to determine if a move is safe or not, and for linking purposes. I only have block advantage for special moves right now. If you see RR, it means Rather Random...

"HtAd" (Hit Advantage): This is the same as block advantage, except this is when your attack hits the opponent instead of your attack being blocked. This does make a difference in most moves as far as frame advantage goes. Generally this number is greater then the block advantage depending on the attack strength. The numbers comparable to the block advantage is +0 on jabs and shorts, +1 on strongs and fowards, and +2 on fierces and roundhouses, this rule doesn't apply all the time.

"CHAd" (Crouching Hit Advantage): This is the same as block advantage, except this is when your attack hits a crouching oppoenent instead of your attack being blocked. Generally this number is greater then the block advantage depending on the attack strength. The numbers comparable to the block advantage is +0 on jabs and shorts, +2 on strongs and fowards, and +4 on fierces and roundhouses, this rule doesn't apply all the time.

"SlCn" (Special Cancel): If the animation of the move can be canceled into a special, then it is a special cancel.

"SpCn" (Super Cancel): If the animation of the move can be canceled into a super, then it is a super cancel. For special moves, it will only have super cancel.

"Grd" (Guard): This is just stating what form of guard must be used to defend this move. It will either be H (High), L (Low), HL (Both), T (Techable), U (Unblockable).

"Pry" (Parry): This is just stating what form of parry must be used to defend this move. It will either be H (High), L (Low), HL (Both), U (Unparryable).

"Dmg" (Damage): This is the amount of damage the attack does on Hugo to a crouching Gouki (Akuma). This is so you can see the maximum and minimum damage the attack is capable of doing. This damage though is done on standing characters. the MinDmg is the damage done on a crouching Gouki, and the MaxDmg is the damage done on Hugo. Note that some moves just can't hit a crouching Gouki, and that the damage for throws doesn't change whether the oppnent is crouching or standing. A "$" by the damage will indicate that it can't hit a crouching Gouki and a "th" by the damage will indicate that the damage of the move is not effected whether the oppnent a crouching or standing

"JPT" (Juggle Potential Take): This is the amount of juggle potential that is lost when this attack hits during a juggle. Default juggle potential is always 6. Soon as juggle potential reachs 0, you can't juggle the opponent anymore (There are exceptions). If an attack has a juggle potential take of 6, you basically won't be able to juggle anymore (of course, there are exceptions).

"UFN" (Usefulness): This is my personal rating on the attack. The higher (1-5) the number, the more useful it is. This rating is determined by not only the provided information about the attack, but other information that I don't give like the range of an attack, its priority, the size of the attack box as well as the length of time it stays out.

Name: [StUp] BkAd/HtAd/CHAd SlCn/SpCn Grd/Pry MinDmg-MaxDmg (JPT) UFN


S.Jab: [4] +1/+1/+1 Yes/Yes HL/HL 3-6 (1) 2

S.Sht: [5] +0/+0/+0 Yes/Yes HL/HL 5-8 (1) 3

S.Stg: [4] -1/+0/+1 Yes/Yes HL/H 12-22 (1) 3

S.Fwd: [11] +0/+1/+2 No/No HL/HL 12-22 (1) 4

S.Frc: [14] -1/+1/+3 No/No H/H 18-32 (-) 4

S.Rdh: [16] -13/+0/+2 No/No HL/H 19-33 (1) 3

SC.Jab: [4] +1/+1/+1 Yes/Yes HL/HL 3-6 (1) 3

SC.Fwd: [5] -1/+0/+1 Yes/Yes HL/HL 13-23 (1) 4

C.Jab: [4] +1/+1/+1 Yes/Yes HL/HL 3-6 (1) 3

C.Sht: [5] +2/+2/+2 Yes/Yes L/L 5-8 (1) 3

C.Stg: [7] +0/+1/+2 No/No HL/HL 11-19 (1) 3

C.Fwd: [8] -1/+0/+1 No/No L/L 9-15 (X) 4

C.Frc: [13] -9/ D/ D No/No HL/HL 16-26 (1/5) 2

C.Rdh: [11] -15/ D/ D No/No L/L 16-28 (-) 2

J.Jab: [4] - - H/H 5-8 (3) 3

J.Sht: [4] - - H/H 7-13 (3) 3

J.Stg: [5] - - H/H 10-14$ (3) 2

J.Fwd: [9] - - H/H 11-19 (3) 3

J.Frc: [8] - - H/H 18-31 (3) 3

J.Rdh: [8] - - H/H 15-26 (3) 3

"Special Normals"

T.Stg [7] -1/+0/+1 No/No HL/HL 14-24 (1) 4

T.Frc [9] -1/+1/+3 No/No HL/H 17-24$ (6) 2

A.Frc [8] -11/+3/+3 No/No HL/U 23-32$ (X) 2

DT.Frc (air) [10] - - H/H 15-26 (3) 2

Throw [3] - - T/U 18-24 (X) 3

UOH [15-25] RR/RR/RR - H/H 5-8 (1) 3


Jab.Flash Chop [12] -2 No HL/H 15-26 (6) 4

Stg.Flash Chop [16] -1 Yes HL/H 16-28 (6) 3

Frc.Flash Chop [20] -1 Yes HL/H 18-31 (6) 3

EX.Flash Chop [10] -1 Yes/No HL/H 24-39 (6) 4

Jab.Power Bomb [7] - No U/U 20-28th (X) 4

Stg.Power Bomb [8] - No U/U 23-32th (X) 3

Frc.Power Bomb [9] - No U/U 25-35th (X) 4

Jab.Power Bomb(bk) [7] - No U/U 23-32th (X) 4

Stg.Power Bomb(bk) [8] - No U/U 25-35th (X) 3

Frc.Power Bomb(bk) [9] - No U/U 29-40th (X) 4

Sht.DDT [21] - No U/U 20-28$ (X) 2

Fwd.DDT [24] - No U/U 20-28$ (X) 3

Rdh.DDT [27] - No U/U 20-28$ (X) 2

Sht.Air Knee [7] - No H/H 15-21$ (6) 3

Fwd.Air Knee [8] - No H/H 17-24$ (6) 3

Rdh.Air Knee [9] - No H/H 19-26$ (6) 3

EX. Air Knee [4] - No H/H 24-33$ (6) 4

Sht.Slash Elbow [16] -2 Yes HL/H 12-22 (3) 3

Fwd.Slash Elbow [19] -8 Yes HL/H 15-26 (3) 2

Rdh.Slash Elbow [21] -8 Yes HL/H 18-31 (3) 2

EX.Slash Elbow [10] -6 Yes HL/H 19-34 (6) 4

Sht.Air Stomp [24] -3 No H/H 15-26 (-) 3

Fwd.Air Stomp [26] -3 No H/H 18-31 (-) 3

Rdh.Air Stomp [27] -3 No H/H 20-35 (-) 3

EX.Air Stomp [27] -3 No H/H 23-40 (-) 3


Hyper Bomb [3] - - U/U 64-88th (X) 2

Hyper Bomb(bk) [3] - - U/U 71-99th (X) 2

Boomerang Raid [3] - - H/H 43-64 (1) 3

Stun Gun Headbutt [27] - - U/U 22-31 (-) 2

"Other Info"

Personal Action: Alex's damage done on the next attack increases. Holding Fierce and Roundhouse keeps this action going. If Alex rotates his arm 7 times, the damage increase is maxed out. This can be done in multiple taunts.

Target Chains: C.Sht-C.Fwd, C.Sht-C.Rdh

Meter Size:

SA1: 130 points long, 1 stock

SA2: 97 points long, 2 stocks

SA3: 82 points long, 1 stock
