Soulcalibur VI/Nightmare/Strategy: Difference between revisions

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m (Added armor frames)
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|notes={{Icon-SC|LH}} when counterhit vs red flashing health bar, Armor [8-16]

Revision as of 02:38, 2 August 2021

Combat Lessons

Fighting Style

The strength required to heft this massive sword is unimaginable, and yet its wielder is capable of swinging it with ease, landing hits as fierce as a tornado from mid to long range. Forceful blows send an opponent flying and can knock them off cliffs or castle walls. In fact, the unfettered savageness of this style can easily cow a weak-hearted opponent—particularly when they see that their blows are shrugged off without a flinch.

Pure evil flows through this fighter's veins, causing a reddish-black aura to emit from them after certain attacks. This indicates the next attack they unleash could sunder even a mountain in twain.

Style Lesson: Beginner

Charge Forward with Revenge Attacks

Blood Storm (6AA), Double Avenger (6BB), and Adamantine Cracker (6K) have revenge properties on startup, and if you are attacked during the animation, you will automatically counterattack with Dire Vengeance. Start by using Blood Storm and Double Avenger to push your opponent toward the edge of the arena. Once you're close, aim for a counter hit with Adamantine Cracker. This automatic counter has priority over enemy attacks, so there's nothing to fear.

Blood Storm

Sc 6.pngSc A.pngSc A.png 6AA - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 20,30 2 KND KND 5%
Counter Hit Combo

Double Avenger

Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6BB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 18,20 -12 KND KND 10%
Normal Hit Combo

Adamantine Cracker

Sc 6.pngSc K.png 6K - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 24 -4 KND KND 2%
Sc LH.png when counterhit vs red flashing health bar, Armor [8-16]

Terror Charge Techniques

After paying your foe back with Dire Vengeance, you will be wreathed in flames of malice and enter the Terror Charge state. In this state, you can use a move (but only once) that would ordinarily require you to be soul charged, which makes it great for offense and defense.

Death Lord's Impalement (during Terror Charge 6BBB) lets you move first if blocked, making it a potent option with good reach that is easy to use. Compensating for your lack of counterattack capability with Malicious Lord's Destruction (during Terror Charge KB) is another wise choice. Also note that Soul Smasher (2A+B) and Double Death Strike (4KK) become attack throws on hit while in the Terror Charge state.

Death Lord's Impalement

NTC Sc 6.pngSc B.pngSc B.pngSc B.png 6BBB - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 19,22,3,3,3,3,3,3,22 4 KND KND 18%
Normal Hit Combo. Sc BA.png

Malicious Lord's Destruction

NTC Sc K.pngSc B.png KB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 18,30 -4 KND KND 9%
Normal Hit Combo

Soul Smasher

Sc 2.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.png 2A+B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 15,25 -16 KND KND 9%
Grants NTC

Double Death Strike

Sc 4.pngSc K.pngSc K.png 4KK - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 18,24,22,7 -6 KND KND 4%
Counter Hit Combo. Grants NTech Crouch

Style Lesson: Adept

Assault Your Foe with Grim Stride

Grim Stride (236) is a special movement technique that lets you close in quickly. It is commonly used after attacks such as Shoulder Rush ~ Grim Stride (33_66_99k6) and Ether Splitter ~ Grim Stride (33_66_99b6).

Grim Stride

Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.png 236 - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -

Shoulder Rush ~ Grim Stride

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc K.pngSc 6.png (3)_(6)_(9)K6 - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 20 -6 12 12 2%
Tech Crouch[5-16]. Sc SS.png into GS

Ether Splitter ~ Grim Stride

Sc 33.pngSc 5.pngSc 66.pngSc 5.pngSc 99.pngSc B.pngSc 6.png (3)_(6)_(9)B6 - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
20 24 -2 LNC LNC 15%
Sc SS.png into GS

From here you can use Grim Launcher (during Grim Stride B), which does a great deal of guard stamina damage and puts heavy pressure on your opponent.

GS ~ Grim Launcher

GS Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 42 -10 LNC LNC 9%

Flowing from Grim Stride

If you are targeted by a vertical attack during Grim Stride, use the guard impact technique Grim Fang (during Grim Stride A). If your opponent is wary of Grim Launcher and Grim Fang, do nothing during Grim Stride, and end by crouching to mix up either the middle attack Upper Claw (while rising B) or the low attack Flap Jack (while crouching 3A+G) to break their defenses.

GS ~ Grim Fang

GS Sc A.png A - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 16 -16 8 18 1%
Sc GI.png [2-17] vs Sc H.png&Sc M.png verticals

Upper Claw

WR Sc B.png B - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 18 -22 LNC LNC 2%
Sc LH.png counter vs vertical

Flap Jack

FC Sc 3.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc G.png 3A+G - Attack Level: Sc L.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 30 -16 KND KND -
Sc TH.png

Style Lesson: Master

Using Night Side Stance

If you use nothing but wide swings, your opponent will catch on sooner or later. By using a special stance, you can unlock more of this style's potential. You can change into Night Side Stance by using Plague Spreader ~ Night Side Stance ([A]) or Blood Storm ~ Night Side Stance (6[A]), then wait for a chance to counter hit with Night Front Kick (during Night Side Stance K). If you are crouching, Upper Claw ~ Night Side Stance (while rising [B]) is a combo starter and link, making it a good standby.

Plague Spreader ~ Night Side Stance

Sc AA.png (A) - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 16 0 10 10 1%
Sc SS.png into NSS

Blood Storm ~ Night Side Stance

Sc 6.pngSc AA.png 6(A) - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 20 -8 4 4 4%
Sc SS.png into NSS

NSS ~ Night Front Kick

NSS Sc K.png K - Attack Level: Sc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
10 16 -10 KND STN 9%

Upper Claw ~ Night Side Stance

WR Sc BB.png (B) - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 18 -2 LNC LNC 2%
Sc LH.png counter vs vertical. Sc SS.png into NSS

Techniques from Night Side Stance

Night Front Kick is easy to punish if blocked. If your opponent is being defensive, you can push them and switch stances again to keep up the pressure with Soul Biter ~ Night Side Stance (during Night Side Stance [A]). Using Grim Stride (during Night Side Stance 236) to move in and attack is another good option.

NSS ~ Skull Chopper ~ Night Side Stance

NSS Sc AA.png (A) - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
26 22 -4 14 14 1%
Tech Crouch[13-22]. Sc SS.png into NSS

NSS ~ Grim Stride

NSS Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.png 236 - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc SS.png into GS

Dodge with 4B+K

Pressing 4B+K to switch into Night Side Stance causes you to move in a way that avoids many short-range attacks. After a successful dodge, strike with a Phantom Star (during Night Side Stance aB) to deal heavy damage with a lethal hit.

Night Side Stance

NLS Sc 4.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 4B+K - Attack Level:
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
- - - - - -
Sc SS.png into NSS

NSS ~ Phantom Splitter

NSS Sc a.pngSc B.png aB - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
27 26 -18 KND KND 9%
Sc LH.png as whiff punish

Critical Edge

Dark Reconquista: Triumph


A critical edge that activates Terror Charge when performed. it's a slow attack with revenge properties that cannot be interrupted by high and middle attacks. If revenge is triggered, it gains guard impact properties, so you can deflect and follow up with AA, BB, or other combos to dish out heavy damage. Additionally, the attack will deal a great deal of chip damage against guarding opponents when revenge is active, meaning you can activate revenge against an attack with a small opening and still deal a good amount of damage, even if your counterattack is guarded.

Dark Reconquista: Triumph

Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
40 80 -18 KND KND 25%
Sc AA.png+Sc BB.png+Sc KK.png (A)+(B)+(K) - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc M.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
64 110 - KND KND -
Sc UA.png. Armor[2+]

Holding the button will delay the attack and increase the damage. Holding it for the maximum duration will make it unblockable. Waiting to release the button until the enemy attacks is an effective strategy.

Soul Charge

Powerful New Follow-ups

During a soul charge, you will be able to do new follow-ups from your main moves and special stances, opening up your offensive options. Many of these follow-ups aren't interrupted by being blocked, giving you the chance to attack freely. When the effect of the soul charge ends, you will be put in the Terror Charge state as an aftereffect. Use this to your advantage and make foes who get too greedy pay a heavy price.

More Painful Combos with Stance Follow-ups

The moves added by soul charge can beef up your already devastating combos. You'll have many chances to land Phantom Lord's Gammadia (during Night Side Stance bAB) as a combo after Death Smash ~ Night Side Stance (3[B]) and Upper Claw ~ Night Side Stance (while rising [B]), so remember it.

Death Smash ~ Night Side Stance

Sc 3.pngSc BB.png 3(B) - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
22 36 -6 LNC LNC 9%
Sc SS.png into NSS. STN on tip hit.

NSS ~ Phantom Lord's Gammadia

NTC NSS Sc b.pngSc A.pngSc B.png bAB - Attack Level: Sc H.pngSc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
14 48,19 -22 KND KND 20%
Normal Hit Combo Tech Crouch[8-14] -10 damage without just frame

Mightier Counterattacks from Dire Vengeance

During a soul charge, if revenge is activated by moves like Blood Storm (6AA) or Adamantine Cracker (6K), the resulting Dire Vengeance will be a lethal hit. With good positioning, a Grim Lord's Auto—da-fé (during Grim Stride KK) can turn into a ring out or wall combo, so keep it in mind.

GS ~ Grim Lord's Auto-da-fé

NTC GS Sc K.pngSc K.png KK - Attack Level: Sc M.pngSc H.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
18 12,7,18,6 10 KND KND 16%
Sc BA.png

Harbinger of Doom

A soul attack that can be performed from both a normal stance and also from Grim Stride. It has a quick start-up, making it best suited for combos and punishing opponents who miss an attack. The attack is also a soul charge technique, meaning it can be triggered while you are soul charged at no cost to your soul gauge.

Harbinger of Doom

Sc 2.pngSc 3.pngSc 6.pngSc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png 236A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 36 -6 8 8 9%

GS ~ Harbinger of Doom

GS Sc A.pngSc +.pngSc B.pngSc +.pngSc K.png A+B+K - Attack Level: Sc M.png
Impact Damage Block Hit Counter Guard Burst
16 36 -6 8 8 9%

Reversal Edge

Following Up with A

A high horizontal attack that deals heavy guard stamina damage, and can result in a guard crush if the opponent's guard stamina is low. However, if the guard crush fails, expect to be counterattacked.

Following Up with B

Switches to Night Side Stance after attack. If the guard crush is successful, you can follow with other Night Side Stance moves.

Following Up with K

Becomes an attack throw on hit and activates Terror Charge. This move is easy to counterattack if blocked.