Mortal Kombat 9/Nightwolf: Difference between revisions

From SuperCombo Wiki
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koming soon
Nightwolf is one of few Earthrealm mortals with a strong connection to the
spirit world. A powerful Native American shaman, he is guided by the empyrean
forces and communes with divine beings such as Haokah, known to the East as
Raiden. Nightwolf's devotion allows the Spirits to work through him, granting
him unnatural long life and ethereal weapons to kombat the darkness that
threatens mortal kind. In the coming crisis, however, it is not Nightwolf's
arsenal that will alter fate. His faith in the Spirits will inspire those who
have lost hope.
koming soon}}
koming soon}}
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{{MK9MoveListRow | Front Punch | fp | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Front Punch | {{fp}} | 3% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Back Punch | bp | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Back Punch | {{bp}} | 5% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Front Kick | fk | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Front Kick | {{fk}} | 9% | {{high}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Back Kick | bk | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Back Kick | {{bk}} | 9% | {{high}} {{knockdown}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Front Punch | d + fp | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Front Punch | {{d}} + {{fp}} | 2% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Back Punch | d + bp | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Back Punch | {{d}} + {{bp}} | 12% | {{high}} uprcut }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Front Kick | d + fk | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Front Kick | {{d}} + {{fk}} | 1% | {{low}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Back Kick | d + bk | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Crouching Back Kick | {{d}} + {{bk}} | 3% | {{low}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Angled Jumping Punch | during angled jump, fp or bp | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Angled Jumping Punch | during angled jump, {{fp}} or {{bp}} | 4% | {{med}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Angled Jumping Kick | during angled jump, fk or bk | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Angled Jumping Kick | during angled jump, {{fk}} or {{bk}} | 7% | {{high}} {{knockdown}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Straight Up Jumping Punch | during straight up jump, fp or bp | ?% | med groundbounce }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Straight Up Jumping Punch | during straight up jump, {{fp}} or {{bp}} | 5% | {{med}} {{groundbounce}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Straight Up Jumping Kick | during straight up jump, fk or bk | ?% | med knockdown }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Straight Up Jumping Kick | during straight up jump, {{fk}} or {{bk}} | 5% | {{med}} {{knockdown}} }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Knife Stab | b + fp | ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Knife Stab | {{b}} + {{fp}} | 7% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Big Chop | b + bp | ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Big Chop | {{b}} + {{bp}} | 7% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Neck Stab | f + bp | ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Neck Stab | {{f}} + {{bp}} | 9% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Toe Stomp | f + fk | ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Toe Stomp | {{f}} + {{fk}} | 5% | {{high}} {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Sweep | b + bk | ?% | low sweep }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Sweep | {{b}} + {{bk}} | 7% | {{low}} {{sweep}} }}

Line 39: Line 47:

{{MK9MoveListRow | Throw (Away) | b or n + fp + fk | | throw }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Throw (Away) | {{b}} or {{n}} + {{fp}} + {{fk}} | 1% + 5% + 3% + 3% | {{throw}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Throw (Towards) | f + fp + fk | | throw }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Throw (Towards) | {{f}} + {{fp}} + {{fk}} | 1% + 5% + 3% + 3% | {{throw}} }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Blade and Edge | fp --- fp --- bp | ?% --- ?% --- ?% | last hit: med }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Blade And Edge | {{fp}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{bp}} | 3% {{---}} 3% {{---}} 7% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} {{---}} {{med}} ; 1st and 2nd hit: {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Deadly Dance | fp --- fp --- bk | ?% --- ?% --- ?% |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Axe Blast | {{fp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{fp}} | 3% {{---}} 5% {{---}} 3% {{---}} 6% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} {{---}} {{med}} {{---}} {{med}} ; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit: {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Axe Blast | fp --- bp --- bp --- fp | ?% --- ?% --- ?% --- ?% | 3rd & 4th hit: med }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Dagger Stab | {{b}} + {{fp}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{fp}} | 7% {{---}} 1% + 1% + 1% + 5% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} ; 1st and 4th hit: {{bufferable}} ; Must input 2nd and 3rd input before 1st hit connects for hits 2 through 5 }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Dagger Stab | b + fp --- fp --- fp | ?% --- ?% --- ?% --- ?% --- ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Deadly Dance | {{fp}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{bk}} | 3% {{---}} 3% {{---}} 9% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} ; 1st and 2nd hit: {{bufferable}} ; 3rd hit: {{knockdown}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | New Earth | bp --- fk --- bk | ?% --- ?% --- ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | New Earth | {{bp}} {{---}} {{fk}} {{---}} {{bk}} | 5% {{---}} 3% {{---}} 8% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} ; 1st and 2nd hit: {{bufferable}} ; 3rd hit: {{knockdown}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Tomahawk Smash | b + bp --- bp --- fp | ?% --- ?% --- ?% | 2nd & 3rd hit: med }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Tomahawk Smash | {{b}} + {{bp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{fp}} | 7% {{---}} 3% {{---}} 9% | {{high}} {{---}} {{med}} {{---}} {{med}} ; 1st and 2nd hit: {{bufferable}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Full Moon | f + fk --- fp --- bk | ?% --- ?% --- ?% | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Full Moon | {{f}} + {{fk}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{bp}} | 5% {{---}} 5% {{---}} 8% | {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} {{---}} {{high}} ; 1st and 2nd hit: {{bufferable}} ; 3rd hit: {{knockdown}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Spirit Tracks | f + fk --- b + bk | ?% --- ?% | last hit: low }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Spirit Tracks | {{f}} + {{fk}} {{---}} {{b}} + {{bk}} | 5% {{---}} 7% | {{high}} {{---}} {{low}} ; 1st hit: {{bufferable}} ; 2nd hit: {{sweep}} }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Waning Moon | f + fk --- fp --- tg | N/A | Sets up combo for partner }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Waning Moon | Full Moon {{---}} {{tg}} | N/A | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Rising Hawk | d , f + fp --- tg | N/A | Sets up combo for partner }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Rising Hawk | Axe Swing {{---}} {{tg}} | N/A | Sets up combo for partner }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Diving Eagle | d , f + fp + bl --- tg | N/A | uses 1 meter, Sets up combo for partner }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Diving Eagle | Tomahawk Bash {{---}} {{tg}} | N/A | Sets up combo for partner }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Razors Edge | fp --- fp --- tg | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Razors Edge | {{fp}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{tg}} | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Falcon Swap | fp --- bp --- bp --- tg | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Falcon Swap | {{fp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{tg}} | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Deadly Falcon | bp --- fk --- tg | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Deadly Falcon | {{bp}} {{---}} {{fk}} {{---}} {{tg}} | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Howling Wolf | b + bp --- bp --- tg | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Howling Wolf | {{b}} + {{bp}} {{---}} {{bp}} {{---}} {{tg}} | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Bull and Bear | f + fk --- fp --- tg | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Bull and Bear | {{f}} + {{fk}} {{---}} {{fp}} {{---}} {{tg}} | Based on Teammate |  }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Tag Kombo Attack | Attack from Teammate's Tag Kombo | 9% | {{high}} {{knockdown}} }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Tag Assist | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{tg}} | 5% + 5% + 5% | Performs Multi-Arrow ; {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Tag Attack | {{d}} , {{f}} + {{tg}} | 8% + 5% | Performs Power Charge ; {{high}} + {{med}} ; 2nd hit: {{flatten}} }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | Shoulder | {{f}} , {{f}} + {{bk}} | 9% | {{high}} {{flatten}} wkup }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Lightning | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{fk}} | 8% | {{unblockable}} {{knockdown}} ; Cannot be buffered into }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Arrow Shot | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{fp}} | 6% | {{high}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Reflect | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{bp}} | N/A | wkup ; Reflects projectiles }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Axe Swing | {{d}} , {{f}} + {{fp}} | 5% | {{high}} {{launch}} wkup }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Choke | {{d}} , {{f}} + {{bp}} | 1% + 11% | {{high}} + {{high}} ; {{knockdown}} wkup }}

Line 87: Line 104:

{{MK9MoveListRow | Power Charge | {{f}} , {{f}} + {{bk}} + {{bl}} | 8% + 5% | {{high}} + {{med}} ; 2nd hit: {{flatten}} ; wkup , goes thru projectiles, now has armor }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Thunder Storm | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{fk}} + {{bl}} | 8% | {{unblockable}} {{launch}} ; Cannot be buffered into }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Multi-Arrow | {{d}} , {{b}} {{fp}} + {{bl}} | 5% + 5% + 5% | {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Absorb | {{d}} , {{b}} + {{bp}} + {{bl}} | N/A | wkup ; Recovers health from projectiles }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Tomahawk Bash | {{d}} , {{f}} + {{fp}} + {{bl}} | 5% + 5% | {{high}} + {{high}} ; {{groundbounce}} wkup }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Strangle | {{d}} , {{f}} + {{bp}} + {{bl}} | 1% + 2% + 2% + 11% | {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} + {{high}} ; {{knockdown}} wkup , has armor }}

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{{MK9MoveListRow | | fk + bk + bl | | }}
{{MK9MoveListRow | Ancestors Call | {{fk}} + {{bk}} + {{bl}} | 6% + 16% + 13% | 1st hit: {{high}} ; {{flatten}} }}

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{{FatalityRow | Fatality 1 | d f d b + bk | Jump}}
{{FatalityRow | Fatality 1 | {{d}} {{f}} {{d}} {{b}} + {{bk}} | Jump}}
{{FatalityRow | Fatality 2 | d d f b + fp | Sweep}}
{{FatalityRow | Fatality 2 | {{d}} {{d}} {{f}} {{b}} + {{fp}} | Sweep}}
{{FatalityRow | Stage Fatality | d d d + bl | Varies}}
{{FatalityRow | Stage Fatality | {{d}} {{d}} {{d}} + {{bl}} | Varies}}
{{FatalityRow | Babality | f b f b + fp | Jump}}
{{FatalityRow | Babality | {{f}} {{b}} {{f}} {{b}} + {{fp}} | Jump}}

== Move Analysis ==
== Move Analysis ==
''Guide by Tom Brady''
=== Basic Attacks ===
=== Basic Attacks ===
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=== Kombo Attacks ===
=== Kombo Attacks ===
[[File:fp.png]] , [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:fp.png]]
4 hit jab string that gives Nightwolf big advantage on hit and leaves the opponent standing right in front of you. Safe on block. The last 2 hits are both overhead attacks. On block these strings build meter well.
[[File:B.png]] + [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:fp.png]]
3 hit string that gives Nightwolf big advantage on hit and leaves the opponent standing right in front of you. Safe on block. The last 2 hits are both overhead attacks. On block these strings build meter well.
[[File:F.png]] + [[File:fk.png]] , [[File:fp.png]]
Easy hit confirmed 2 hit string. Safe on block. Has a big natural looking delay even though the string isn't being delayed. You can mix up between the first or second hit with a throw or looping the string for mixup.


=== Special Attacks ===
=== Special Attacks ===
'''Axe Swing'''
Great range, launcher move. Once you get the move on the screen and it is in its green frames (when it turns green) the actual hatchet is invincible and acts as a shield. Can also be used as anti-air if timed correctly.
Safe on stand block even up close. Can be punished when crouch and crouched blocked.
Reflects projectiles, but not all of them. Doesn't work with Cyrax's Net, Subs Enhanced Ice Beam, Kung's Enhanced Hat throw and such. When reflecting moves like Noob's projectiles, while you won't send the projectile back at him, you will gain meter for doing the reflect while not taking damage from the projectile.
Very fast punisher tool. Check opponents often with it. Safe on stand block but on crouch and crouched block, it is punishable.
Unblockable lightning bolt that causes a knock down. Must be jumped to avoid. If jumped Nightwolf can be punished from almost full screen.


=== Enhanced Special Attacks ===
=== Enhanced Special Attacks ===
Nightwolf gains life when you absorb projectiles.
'''Enhance Shoulder'''
Double shoulder ram. Second hit is a mid. Safe on block but you can uppercut before the second hit comes out if you crouch the first hit.
'''Enhanced Lightning'''
If hit, launches opponent to juggle. Has a bigger radius then regular lightning. Must be jumped to avoid. If jumped, Nightwolf can be punished from almost full screen
'''Tomahawk Bash'''
Mostly used in combos to extend combos. Juggles.


=== X-Ray Attack ===
=== X-Ray Attack ===

== Basic Strategy ==
== Basic Strategy ==
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== Advanced Strategy ==
== Advanced Strategy ==
'''Guaranteed Enhanced Lightning'''
After a successful shoulder hits, lighting is always guaranteed unless the opponent has an advancing invincible wake up attack.


== Combos ==
== Combos ==
=== Bread and Butters ===
=== Bread and Butters ===
* N/A
'''5-hits''': [[File:F.png]] + [[File:fk.png]] [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Axe Swing [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Arrow Shot
'''5-hits''': [[File:B.png]] + [[File:fp.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Shoulder

=== Jump-in Combos ===
=== Jump-in Combos ===
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=== Combos With Enhanced Specials ===
=== Combos With Enhanced Specials ===
* N/A
'''6-Hits''': Enhanced Lightning [[File:---.png]] Axe [[File:---.png]] Dash [[File:fp.png]] , [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Arrow [[File:---.png]] Shoulder
'''8-Hits''': [[File:F.png]] + [[File:fk.png]] [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Axe Swing [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Arrow Shot [[File:---.png]] Power Charge
'''10-Hits''': [[File:B.png]] + [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Axe Swing [[File:---.png]] [[File:B.png]] + [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Tomahawk Bash [[File:---.png]] Dash [[File:---.png]] [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Choke
'''11-Hits''': [[File:B.png]] + [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Enhanced Lightning [[File:---.png]] Axe [[File:---.png]] Dash [[File:bp.png]] , Enhanced Axe [[File:---.png]]  [[File:B.png]] + [[File:bp.png]] , [[File:bp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Shoulder

=== Combos With X-Ray Attacks ===
=== Combos With X-Ray Attacks ===
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=== Corner-Only Combos ===
=== Corner-Only Combos ===
* N/A
'''8-Hits''': [[File:fp.png]] [[File:bp.png]] [[File:bp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Axe Swing x 2 [[File:---.png]] Dash [[File:---.png]] [[File:F.png]] + [[File:fk.png]] , [[File:fp.png]]  [[File:---.png]] Shoulder
'''10-Hits''': [[File:fp.png]] [[File:bp.png]] [[File:bp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Axe Swing x 2 [[File:---.png]] [[File:bp.png]] , Axe [[File:---.png]] [[File:D.png]] + [[File:fp.png]] [[File:---.png]] Choke

=== Style ===
=== Style ===
* N/A
* Zoner, punisher. 

== Matchups ==
== Matchups ==
[[Category:Mortal Kombat 9]]

Latest revision as of 01:00, 9 December 2020



MK9-Nightwolf Face.jpg

Nightwolf is one of few Earthrealm mortals with a strong connection to the spirit world. A powerful Native American shaman, he is guided by the empyrean forces and communes with divine beings such as Haokah, known to the East as Raiden. Nightwolf's devotion allows the Spirits to work through him, granting him unnatural long life and ethereal weapons to kombat the darkness that threatens mortal kind. In the coming crisis, however, it is not Nightwolf's arsenal that will alter fate. His faith in the Spirits will inspire those who have lost hope.


Basic Attacks

Front Punch
High.png Bufferable.png
Back Punch
High.png Bufferable.png
Front Kick
Back Kick
High.png Knockdown.png
Crouching Front Punch
D.png + Fp.png
High.png Bufferable.png
Crouching Back Punch
D.png + Bp.png
High.png uprcut
Crouching Front Kick
D.png + Fk.png
Low.png Bufferable.png
Crouching Back Kick
D.png + Bk.png
Low.png Bufferable.png
Angled Jumping Punch
during angled jump, Fp.png or Bp.png
Angled Jumping Kick
during angled jump, Fk.png or Bk.png
High.png Knockdown.png
Straight Up Jumping Punch
during straight up jump, Fp.png or Bp.png
Med.png Groundbounce.png
Straight Up Jumping Kick
during straight up jump, Fk.png or Bk.png
Med.png Knockdown.png

Command Normals

Knife Stab
B.png + Fp.png
High.png Bufferable.png
Big Chop
B.png + Bp.png
High.png Bufferable.png
Neck Stab
F.png + Bp.png
High.png Bufferable.png
Toe Stomp
F.png + Fk.png
High.png Bufferable.png
B.png + Bk.png
Low.png Sweep.png


Throw (Away)
B.png or N.png + Fp.png + Fk.png
1% + 5% + 3% + 3%
Throw (Towards)
F.png + Fp.png + Fk.png
1% + 5% + 3% + 3%

Kombo Attacks

Blade And Edge
Fp.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Bp.png
3% ---.png 3% ---.png 7%
High.png ---.png High.png ---.png Med.png ; 1st and 2nd hit: Bufferable.png
Axe Blast
Fp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Fp.png
3% ---.png 5% ---.png 3% ---.png 6%
High.png ---.png High.png ---.png Med.png ---.png Med.png ; 1st and 2nd and 3rd hit: Bufferable.png
Dagger Stab
B.png + Fp.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Fp.png
7% ---.png 1% + 1% + 1% + 5%
High.png ---.png High.png + High.png + High.png + High.png ; 1st and 4th hit: Bufferable.png ; Must input 2nd and 3rd input before 1st hit connects for hits 2 through 5
Deadly Dance
Fp.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Bk.png
3% ---.png 3% ---.png 9%
High.png ---.png High.png ---.png High.png ; 1st and 2nd hit: Bufferable.png ; 3rd hit: Knockdown.png
New Earth
Bp.png ---.png Fk.png ---.png Bk.png
5% ---.png 3% ---.png 8%
High.png ---.png High.png ---.png High.png ; 1st and 2nd hit: Bufferable.png ; 3rd hit: Knockdown.png
Tomahawk Smash
B.png + Bp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Fp.png
7% ---.png 3% ---.png 9%
High.png ---.png Med.png ---.png Med.png ; 1st and 2nd hit: Bufferable.png
Full Moon
F.png + Fk.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Bp.png
5% ---.png 5% ---.png 8%
High.png ---.png High.png ---.png High.png ; 1st and 2nd hit: Bufferable.png ; 3rd hit: Knockdown.png
Spirit Tracks
F.png + Fk.png ---.png B.png + Bk.png
5% ---.png 7%
High.png ---.png Low.png ; 1st hit: Bufferable.png ; 2nd hit: Sweep.png

Fast Tags

Waning Moon
Full Moon ---.png Tg.png
Rising Hawk
Axe Swing ---.png Tg.png
Sets up combo for partner
Diving Eagle
Tomahawk Bash ---.png Tg.png
Sets up combo for partner

Tag Kombos

Razors Edge
Fp.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Tg.png
Based on Teammate
Falcon Swap
Fp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Tg.png
Based on Teammate
Deadly Falcon
Bp.png ---.png Fk.png ---.png Tg.png
Based on Teammate
Howling Wolf
B.png + Bp.png ---.png Bp.png ---.png Tg.png
Based on Teammate
Bull and Bear
F.png + Fk.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Tg.png
Based on Teammate
Tag Kombo Attack
Attack from Teammate's Tag Kombo
High.png Knockdown.png

Tag Specials

Tag Assist
D.png , B.png + Tg.png
5% + 5% + 5%
Performs Multi-Arrow ; High.png + High.png + High.png
Tag Attack
D.png , F.png + Tg.png
8% + 5%
Performs Power Charge ; High.png + Med.png ; 2nd hit: Flatten.png

Special Attacks

F.png , F.png + Bk.png
High.png Flatten.png wkup
D.png , B.png + Fk.png
Unblockable.png Knockdown.png ; Cannot be buffered into
Arrow Shot
D.png , B.png + Fp.png
D.png , B.png + Bp.png
wkup ; Reflects projectiles
Axe Swing
D.png , F.png + Fp.png
High.png Launch.png wkup
D.png , F.png + Bp.png
1% + 11%
High.png + High.png ; Knockdown.png wkup

Enhanced Special Attacks

Power Charge
F.png , F.png + Bk.png + Bl.png
8% + 5%
High.png + Med.png ; 2nd hit: Flatten.png ; wkup , goes thru projectiles, now has armor
Thunder Storm
D.png , B.png + Fk.png + Bl.png
Unblockable.png Launch.png ; Cannot be buffered into
D.png , B.png Fp.png + Bl.png
5% + 5% + 5%
High.png + High.png + High.png
D.png , B.png + Bp.png + Bl.png
wkup ; Recovers health from projectiles
Tomahawk Bash
D.png , F.png + Fp.png + Bl.png
5% + 5%
High.png + High.png ; Groundbounce.png wkup
D.png , F.png + Bp.png + Bl.png
1% + 2% + 2% + 11%
High.png + High.png + High.png + High.png ; Knockdown.png wkup , has armor

X-Ray Attack

Ancestors Call
Fk.png + Bk.png + Bl.png
6% + 16% + 13%
1st hit: High.png ; Flatten.png

Finishing Moves

Distance From Opponent
Fatality 1
D.png F.png D.png B.png + Bk.png
Fatality 2
D.png D.png F.png B.png + Fp.png
Stage Fatality
D.png D.png D.png + Bl.png
F.png B.png F.png B.png + Fp.png

Move Analysis

Guide by Tom Brady

Basic Attacks


Command Normals


Kombo Attacks

Fp.png , Bp.png , Bp.png , Fp.png

4 hit jab string that gives Nightwolf big advantage on hit and leaves the opponent standing right in front of you. Safe on block. The last 2 hits are both overhead attacks. On block these strings build meter well.

B.png + Bp.png , Bp.png , Fp.png

3 hit string that gives Nightwolf big advantage on hit and leaves the opponent standing right in front of you. Safe on block. The last 2 hits are both overhead attacks. On block these strings build meter well.

F.png + Fk.png , Fp.png

Easy hit confirmed 2 hit string. Safe on block. Has a big natural looking delay even though the string isn't being delayed. You can mix up between the first or second hit with a throw or looping the string for mixup.

Special Attacks

Axe Swing

Great range, launcher move. Once you get the move on the screen and it is in its green frames (when it turns green) the actual hatchet is invincible and acts as a shield. Can also be used as anti-air if timed correctly.


Safe on stand block even up close. Can be punished when crouch and crouched blocked.


Reflects projectiles, but not all of them. Doesn't work with Cyrax's Net, Subs Enhanced Ice Beam, Kung's Enhanced Hat throw and such. When reflecting moves like Noob's projectiles, while you won't send the projectile back at him, you will gain meter for doing the reflect while not taking damage from the projectile.


Very fast punisher tool. Check opponents often with it. Safe on stand block but on crouch and crouched block, it is punishable.


Unblockable lightning bolt that causes a knock down. Must be jumped to avoid. If jumped Nightwolf can be punished from almost full screen.

Enhanced Special Attacks


Nightwolf gains life when you absorb projectiles.

Enhance Shoulder

Double shoulder ram. Second hit is a mid. Safe on block but you can uppercut before the second hit comes out if you crouch the first hit.

Enhanced Lightning

If hit, launches opponent to juggle. Has a bigger radius then regular lightning. Must be jumped to avoid. If jumped, Nightwolf can be punished from almost full screen

Tomahawk Bash

Mostly used in combos to extend combos. Juggles.

X-Ray Attack


Basic Strategy


Advanced Strategy

Guaranteed Enhanced Lightning

After a successful shoulder hits, lighting is always guaranteed unless the opponent has an advancing invincible wake up attack.


Bread and Butters

5-hits: F.png + Fk.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Axe Swing ---.png Fp.png ---.png Arrow Shot

5-hits: B.png + Fp.png Fp.png Fp.png ---.png Shoulder

Jump-in Combos

  • N/A

Combos With Enhanced Specials

6-Hits: Enhanced Lightning ---.png Axe ---.png Dash Fp.png , Fp.png ---.png Arrow ---.png Shoulder

8-Hits: F.png + Fk.png ---.png Fp.png ---.png Axe Swing ---.png Fp.png Fp.png ---.png Arrow Shot ---.png Power Charge

10-Hits: B.png + Fp.png ---.png Fp.png Fp.png ---.png Axe Swing ---.png B.png + Fp.png ---.png Tomahawk Bash ---.png Dash ---.png Fp.png ---.png Choke

11-Hits: B.png + Bp.png , Bp.png , Fp.png ---.png Enhanced Lightning ---.png Axe ---.png Dash Bp.png , Enhanced Axe ---.png B.png + Bp.png , Bp.png ---.png Shoulder

Combos With X-Ray Attacks

  • N/A

Corner-Only Combos

8-Hits: Fp.png Bp.png Bp.png ---.png Axe Swing x 2 ---.png Dash ---.png F.png + Fk.png , Fp.png ---.png Shoulder

10-Hits: Fp.png Bp.png Bp.png ---.png Axe Swing x 2 ---.png Bp.png , Axe ---.png D.png + Fp.png ---.png Choke


  • Zoner, punisher.
