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Leader Moves:
Leader Moves:
Tenryuu Retsu Kiba: *** (dp + E up to 3 times). Pretty poor DM overall, but better than many other LDM's in the game. Very technically demanding move. Avoid using outside of a combo or a dream cancel ON THE GROUND ONLY. Do all three or just don't bother doing it.
Tenryuu Retsu Kiba: *** (dp + E up to 3 times). Pretty poor DM overall, but better than many other LDM's in the game. Very technically demanding move. Avoid using outside of a combo or a dream cancel ON THE GROUND ONLY. Do all three or just don't bother doing it.
[[Category:The King of Fighters XI]]

Revision as of 23:39, 5 March 2007

Pros: Everything! Superior mobility, excellent damage, unpredictability, speed, hes just UNGODLY!

Cons: Um... Only anti air is a super. Kinda tricky getting the best cancels with him.

Anybody who has seen him knows, Gato is in a class all his own. Pure pwn-age is all I can say cause he is just too good. It took me a day or two to get used to his changes from 2k3, but don't expect MoTW Gato, either.


Command Moves: Sai Ago:****( f + A). Fast, and unpredictable overhead. Use it a lot cause it's damn good and seems to have really high priority far away.

Muran Geri:**** ( f + B). Good for long ranged anti air or to move in really fast. Just adds to his unpredictability . Use it.

Special Moves: Shin Kiba:*** ( qcf + p) Slams his open palm forward. Comboes from close C or D and cr+ A or C and sets up for follow up. His ONLY cancelable move as far as I'm concerned and sets up for nice dream cancel. ->Totsu Kiba: *** (f,f + P). Perform it after shin kiba. Not much, but its free damage and it's same on block. Just do it if you can.

Fuu Kiba:***** (qcb + K). This is where it all happens. Slams the ground around him then pops up into the air. Combos from close C or D only and follows up to ->Ana Kiba:**** (A) Safe, fast as hell, builds meter like crazy, comboable, knocksdown (NOW). Abuse it like a cheating wife. ->Sen Kiba:**** ( B) Mediocre as anti air, sets up for funky juggles. Also comboes and if timed right and if close enough, you can get a free super that the opponent can't switch out of for massive, massive damage if done properly. ->Kyuu Kiba: ***(C). Slower than 2k3, basically am overhead. Good for mixups and thats it. ->Katsu Kiba:** (D). A slow, laggy slide kick on the ground meaning if performed early, Gato is compelety vulnerable while in the air. Goes far, and can be cancelled or used to switch out.

Ura Fuu Kiba: **** (qcb + P) Similar to the previous, but different follow ups. Combos just like the previous. ->Shun Kiba: ****(A). Now that he can attack when he does it, this move is ungodly. Flies forward almost the entire distance of the screen. Basically a superfast, super short jump. ->Ou Kiba: *** (B) Counter, but in the air. Requires a lot of skill to use properly, but not an aweful move. ->Mu Kiba: close,** or *** (C). Kind of an overhead throw. Im not sure if it can hit jumping opponents. Good for mixups, and that's about it. ->Rou Kiba: * (D). Another completely useless move. Like Katsu Kiba, but he teleports back 1/3 of the distance of the slide but can still be hit. Can be super cancelle at any time, even during the teleport, but WHY!

Super Moves: Rei Kiba: *****(qcfx2 + P). Thrusts his palm forward super fast and, if it hits cleanly, he jumps up and grabs the opponent ALWAYS. The first hit can be Dream cancelled. Super fast and high priority. Who could ask for anything more? Tatsu Kiba: ****(qcfx2 + K). Fast jump kick type more. Looks like he's riding a cloud right into the sky. Does good damage, but very close ranged. His best anti air by far. If you don't use it as an anti air, use it ONLY cancelled after Katsu Kiba or just juggle with it in the corner.

Leader Moves: Tenryuu Retsu Kiba: *** (dp + E up to 3 times). Pretty poor DM overall, but better than many other LDM's in the game. Very technically demanding move. Avoid using outside of a combo or a dream cancel ON THE GROUND ONLY. Do all three or just don't bother doing it.