Tekken 3/Anna Williams

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Awakening from her 15 year cryosleep with her sister, Anna rose to find Nina was afflicted with amnesia. Anna felt compelled by seeing her sister in this state and decided to drop their long-standing rivalry in order to help Nina recover her memories.

Anna is a mixup-heavy character that lives or dies off of her 50/50's. Her Full Crouch mixup between a far reaching, launching low (FC,df+2) and a variety of scary mids can help her snowball rounds, with each launch leading to her dangerous okizeme. While this all sounds quite good, she can suffer in getting to her mixups, and many of her 50/50's, like most in Tekken 3, can be thwarted entirely by movement. Anna also doesn't have her df+3 and qcf+1 of the new games, and her CJM stance has only one move and doesn't counter throws, leading her to her having a hard time getting in, and leaving her feeling a bit unguided as a character. Anna is a great character for those who want to work their way to win state and coinflip their opponent to death.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Mixups: Anna boasts a wide array of tricky and devastating mixups, such as the sidestep extension from her d+4,1 leading to a 50/50 and her famous Full Crouch mixup between FC.df+2, a far reaching launching low, and a plethora of powerful mids.
  • Famous Low Hater: Anna’s b+4 puts her in the Chaos Judgement (CJM) stance, where she will automatically counter lows, but is vulnerable to highs, mids and throws. While the payoff is low, the safety of the followup (b+4,4) on block and the low crushing properties of her hopkick make it scary to throw out lows against Anna.
  • Low Damage: Lacking the f,f+3 Nina uses to end her juggles, Anna often ends up doing middling damage in order to try to guarantee a better mixup situation afterwards.
  • Little Safety: Anna doesn’t have many of the safe on block launchers that the rest of the cast has, and any she does have are usually strings that are only true on Counter Hit only.
  • Rough Tracking: Anna’s mixups are often thwarted via sidestepping or backwashing at the correct time, and as the hitbox of her FC.df+2 can seem a bit smaller than would be preferable, Anna can struggle to stop this counterplay.
Anna Williams
T3 Anna Face.jpg
Archetype Mixup, Poking
Stances CD (d,df,f), CJM (b+4)
Fastest launch
Fastest CH launch
Parry b+4 (Lows)
Archetypal Moves
Mid Check df+1
Magic 4 No
Stature Kick d+4
Hopkick UB_U_UF+4
Power Low FC.df+2
Clef Cannon 2,4
Generic Moves
Remapped Moves
Missing Moves





The Basics

Advanced Strategies

T3 Navigation

Glossary & Notation
Anna Williams
Bryan Fury
Dr. Bosconovitch
Eddy Gordo
Forest Law
Gun Jack
Heihachi Mishima
Jin Kazama
Julia Chang
Lei Wulong
Ling Xiaoyu
Nina Williams
Paul Phoenix
True Ogre