Jetta (EC)

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Full Name: Jetta Maxx

Occupation: Circus Acrobat

Time Zone: 1899 A.D.

Fighting Style: Savate / Pencak Silat

Stage Location: Blue Dragon Circus

Fighting Style:


Originating in France, savate, with its foot and fist fighting style, emphasizes front side and round kicks to the knee, shin and instep. The hands are kept open and low to defend against groin kicks. Palm and heel strikes are used to attack the face, nose and eyes. Street fighters who practiced the art introduced both mid-level and high-level kicks.

Pencak Silat:

Pencak Silat, the national fighting art of Indonesia, dates back to the 6th century A.D. By the 14th century, the form was the polished property of the nobility, and commoners were barred from learning its tactics. Baru Silat, the Sumaturan form, employs hand actions to block, parry and cover.

Biography: Jetta was always a rebel: as a youth she changed her given Russian name to Jetta Maxx to sound more like a performer. Born in Russia, cousin to Czar Nicholas II, Jetta traveled the world as a performer in a famous international circus. During her many travels, which included visits to France and Indonesia, she learned gymnastics and martial arts.

In 1899, her circus troop visited China. At the time, China was being ripped apart by the Boxer rebellion, the Chinese attempt to rid their homeland of foreigners. Unfortunatly, many innocent Chinese were also dying. Spurred by her compassion, Jetta decided to help infiltrate the "Yihe Quang", or "Rightous Harmony Fists" and get them to turn their ways to pacifism before the major foreign powers brought all their military forces to bear. In addition Jetta foresaw that Russia's involvement in the fighting of the East would further weaken her own government's stability. Before Jetta was able to bring a peaceful end to the fighting and change the history of Russia and China, she fell victim to an act of sabotage by a radical from the Yihe Quang. Jetta's safety net and tension wire were cut, Jetta plummeted to her death during the grand performance for the crown emperor of China.

Goal: If Jetta was allowed to change her destiny then she would work to stop the destruction that the revoloutions of Russia and China. She would use her efforts to find an alternate way instead of bloodshed.

Defining Quote: "The only revolution worth having is one which would leave humanity forever with an everlasting peace, and nothing short of this outcome is worth a single loss of life."

Taunt: "Bastard!"

Moves List

Normal Moves


Forward Throw 6MP/HP When close to the opponent
Back Throw 4MP/HP When close to the opponent

Inner Strength Moves

Phase Hold LP+MP+HP 0 Hits Unable to use special moves
Resonate Hold LK + HK While Phase is Active 0 Hits Unable to use special moves
Moving Corkscrew ~ Spin Left LK+MK 3 Hits Jetta twirls along the ground striking the opponent as she moves. Hits Overhead.
Moving Corkscrew ~ Spin Right MK+HK 3 Hits Jetta twirls along the ground striking the opponent as she moves. Hits Overhead.
Bladerang [4]6LP/MP 1 Hit/2 Hits
Ceiling Climb [2]8MP Bladerang: 4 Hits Dive: 1 Hit Dive hits Overhead.
Whirlwind Kick 46HK 5 Hits Auto Combo. Hits 2-4 are cancelable into Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut
Flying Chokehold [4]6HP Up to 5 Hits Hit grab.

Skill Moves

Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut 46MP+HP Up to 12 Hits
Flash Fire [4]6MK+HK 7 hits Auto Combo. Hits 1-5 are cancelable into Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut
Power Burst 236HK 1 Hit
Ricochet [2]8LK/HK Up to 3 hits LK version travels left while the HK version travels right.

Move Analysis

IS Moves

Phase - Jetta's speed is doubled, but is unable to use special attacks. Lasts for 10 seconds or until she is hit.

Resonate - Jetta's speed is doubled again, still cannot use special attacks. Lasts for 10 seconds or until she is hit. Hitting an opponent slows their walk speed dramatically until Resonate ends.

Moving Corkscrew - Jetta twirls along the ground striking the opponent as she moves. Hits Overhead. LK+MK travels to the left while MK+HK travels to the right

Bladerang - A projectile that travels 3/4 of the screen. LP version hits once while MK version hits twice

Ceiling Climb - Jetta throws a bladerang that hits up to 4 times, clings to the ceiling then lunges at the opponent with a diving attack that hits overhead.

Whirlwind Kick - A basic 5 hit auto combo. Hits 2-4 are cancelable into Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut

Flying Chokehold - Jetta throws her sleeves at the opponent lifting them off the ground into a Chokehold. A Hit grab that can be mashed out of.

Skill Moves

Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut - A forward moving, multi hitting uppercut. Excellent combo Ender. Can be cancelled into from her auto combos Whirlwind Kick and Flash Fire.

Flash Fire - Auto Combo that begins with Jetta's forward moving 5HK. Hits 1-5 are cancelable into Spinning Corkscrew Uppercut.

Power Burst - Jetta crouches and projects a barrier. Great get off me button. Hitbox is huge and you can juggle opponents in the air after Power Burst hits.

Ricochet - Jetta shoots up to the ceiling before falling to the ground in a rolling attack. LK version travels left while the HK version travels right. Hits multiple times and is able to cross up.

