Injustice: Gods Among Us/Lobo

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Injustice: Gods Among UsInjusticeLogo.png


Injustice lobo small.png

Lobo is an ultra-violent motorcycle-riding inter-galactic bounty hunter. Born on the planet Czarnia, he killed every other member of his race for a high school science experiment and then gave himself an "A" on the assignment. In addition to incredible strength, he has an accelerated healing factor that will completely regenerate his entire body from even a single cell. Despite his sadistic and vulgar attitude, he has a deep personal code of honor and will never break his word.

In a nutshell

Character Info

Real Name:
Omega Men #3 (June, 1983)
Voice Actor:
David Sobolov

Move List

Normal Moves

Violent Jab
Headhunter Hook
Quick Cutter
Shin Strike
B.png + L.png
Czarnian Might
B.png + M.png
Overhead knockdown
B.png + H.png
Med Wallbounce.png Hold H.png
to charge attack, pressing Meter
Burn during charge will add armor
to attack (1 bar), cancel by
dashing forward or backwards
Butt Head
F.png + M.png
Lock And Load
F.png + H.png
Overhead Groundbounce.png Hold
H.png to charge attack, pressing Meter
Burn during charge will add armor
to attack (1 bar), cancel by
dashing forward or backwards
Gut Buster
D.png + L.png
Rising Hook
D.png + M.png
Med launches opponent into air on hit
Bad Trip
D.png + H.png
Low knockdown
Flying Boot
L.png Aironly.png
Space Kick
M.png Aironly.png
Dawg Punch
H.png Aironly.png
Overhead knockdown
Party Crasher
D.png + H.png Aironly.png
Overhead knockdown

Combo Attacks

Mindless Violence
L.png , L.png
High , Med
Bad Boy
L.png , L.png , M.png
High , Med , Med
Knockdown.png 1/4th screen away
Worthless Scum
L.png , L.png , H.png
High , Med , Med
Knockdown.png 1/4th screen away
Lights Out
L.png , M.png
Med , Med
launches opponent into the air
Hired Gun
L.png , M.png , L.png + H.png
Med , Med , Unblockable
tosses opponent over Lobo's head outside Sweep.png range
Feetal's Gizz
B.png + L.png , M.png
Low , Med
launches opponent into air
B.png + L.png , M.png , L.png + H.png
Low , Med , Unblockable
Knockdown.png 1/4th screen away
Skull Rider
M.png , L.png
Med , Overhead
opponent staggers back to 1/4th screen
Game Over
M.png , L.png , H.png
Med, Overhead , Med
Knockdown.png full screen away
Mister Machete
B.png + M.png , U.png + H.png
Overhead, Low
picks opponent off the ground and launches them into the air
Space Dolphins
F.png + M.png , L.png
Med , Med
advancing attack
F.png + M.png , L.png , H.png
Med , Med , Med
advancing attack
Knockdown.png full screen away
The Last Czarnian
F.png + M.png , H.png
Med , Low
Knockdown.png 1/3rd screen away

Bounce Cancels

Butt Head
F.png , F.png , Meter Burn
During a combo, burn two bars to
cancel the combo and perform a
B.png , B.png , Meter Burn
During a combo, burn two bars to
cancel the combo and perform a

Character Powers

Nuclear Shells
Increases the damage on the next gunshot


Forward Throw
F.png + L.png + H.png
leaves opponent 1/3rd screen away
Back Throw
B.png + L.png + H.png
leaves opponent 1/3rd screen away

Special Moves

Spin Cycle
D.png , B.png + L.png
Alternate Command:
Qcb.png + L.png
Antiair fullscreen throw
Spin Cycle (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Spin Cycle
Pressing Meter Burn during Spin Cycle extends the number of spins and increases damage
Hold B.png to toss the opponent behind Lobo
Pump Shot
D.png , F.png + L.png
Alternate Command:
Qcf.png + L.png
9.00 (regular)
7.00 (stagger)
5.00 (low)
Fires a shotgun blast
Just outside Sweep.png range
Hold B.png after Pump Shot to Stagger.png opponent
Hold D.png after Pump Shot to fire Low
Pump Shot (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Pump Shot
Pressing Meter Burn during Pump Shot adds an additional blast for increased damage
If Nuclear Shells are loaded, Pump Shot will inflict even more damage and cause a knockdown
If Nuclear Shells are loaded and Pump Shot is fired low, Pump Shot will inflict even more damage and cause a groundbounce
Czarnian Toss
d, B.png , F.png + M.png
Alternate Command:
Command Throw.png that launches opponent into the air
Czarnian Toss (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Czarnian Toss
Pressing Meter Burn during Czarnian Toss performs a leaping smash that increases damage and causes a grounbounce
Space Hook
D.png , B.png + M.png
Alternate Command:
Qcb.png + M.png
Hooks opponent with 1/4th screen chain, pulls opponent toward Lobo, fires off a shotgun blast to Launch.png opponent full screen
Space Hook (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Space Hook
Pressing Meter Burn during Space Hook replaces the shotgun blast with a Throw.png that does increased damage and leaves opponent just outside Sweep.png range
Hold B.png to toss opponent behind lobo
Low Space Hook
D.png , B.png + H.png
Alternate Command:
Qcb.png + H.png
Hooks opponent with 1/4th screen Low.png chain, pulls opponent toward Lobo, stomps on opponent's head in Sweep.png range
Low Space Hook (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Low Space Hook
Pressing Meter Burn during Low Space Hook adds an additional stomp for increased damage
Hook Charge
B.png , F.png + H.png
Alternate Command:
Hcf.png + H.png
Starts with a powerful 1/4th screen chain swing that embeds into the ground, then a half screen shoulder charge
Hook Charge (Meter Burn)
Meter Burn during
Hook Charge
Pressing Meter Burn during Hook Charge does additional damage

Super Move

The Main Man
Super Command
1/4th screen Med hook attack
If hit, Lobo takes the opponent for a ride
First hit: 10.00, then 1.90, 2.85, 1.90, .95, .95, .95, .95, 1.9, .95, .95, .95, .95, 2.00, 2.75

Move Analysis

Thanks to Lord Hollow for analysis.

Normal Moves

L - It’s a jab, what do you expect? Quick, hits high, bufferable and the necessary evil that leads to all of Lobo’s best strings. The only time I hit this button is to proceed to a string or as a quick attack to allow Spin Cycle to connect is a juggle. I don’t even see why you all bothered to even read this paragraph. You guys are weird...

d + L – at 6 frames, its his fastest normal and it a fairly decent poke to stick out in a pinch. For maximizing the damage, I buffer in a Low Space Hook, which sets them up for the oki game. From that d + L, you can turn the flow of the entire match. For a safe option, you can buffer it into Pump shot or better yet, Mid or Low Pump Shot on hit or block, which looks badass. Mid Pump is -6 on block, but they are usually too far to punish. On block, you can Czarnian Toss them if you can buffer that fast.

M – Decent start up at 12 frames, bufferable, solid range, chains into half screen overhead. This is a really good button and a great aspect of his oki game. Barring wake up attacks, it beats out a lot of normals when times right and the follow ups to the attack on block are tremendous.

d + M – Lobo’s universal launcher. Works decent as anti air, but you do have to hit the button early to give him time to get his slow, fat arm up. Great attack to follow up after setting a frame trap (L , M. L , L , H , maybe?), which allows you to hit confirm your follow up. On block, you can buffer in a Czarnian Toss, which they have to anticipate and back dash to escape.

H – By far one of his best anti airs. Covers his entire front and the area up and in front of him. With proper timing, you can tack on a Space Hook to catch them out of the air and, for a more consistent option, Hook Charge. Hook Charge seems to be the much better option in terms of oki options.

d + H – Decent unbufferable low attack that initiates a hard knockdown and leaves them very close to Lobo. The damage is alright, but for the speed and damage, you could have just went for a b + L and its general follow ups. I’m sure it has its uses, but b + L is just so much better overall. It does give him a lower profile than b + L, so it does have its uses.



Character Traits


Special Moves

Spin Cycle – with a 12 frame start up, this move is so finicky, imo. In a combo, it snatches the opponent out the air incredibly fast. As anti air, it comes out as slow as a constipated sloth sitting on a porcelain throne.

Meter Burn Spin Cycle – This move is probably one of his more strategic combo enders in terms of opponent placement. It launches them to one corner or the other. Which direction is controlled by simply holding in that direction. I do believe you can sneak a nuke shell in there then continue the pressure on their wake up. At a gentleman’s 14%, it takes very nice damage and can easily put a combo over 40% if you are willing to burn two levels Good damage and throws your opponent to whatever corner you need him to be in..

Pump Shot - Never one for gun safety, Lobo pulls out his shotgun and attempts to take your head off with a well aimed blast. On hit, it staggers a lot less than it should and is decent at 9% damage. Where it shines: the range is great for checking your opponent’s movement and is excellent for covering up unsafe normals, especially standing 3. It can ever work as anti air is extreme cases, catching them when they jump or, if he gets the shot off, when they jump in. Unless they are going to jump short anyway, it’s not ideal for a reactive anti air. I just let one off from 3–5 foot range, showing a lack of respect for their personal space. It’s +1 on hit and -1 on block, which is fine for me. It’s only weakness is it can be ducked. Nuked results in more damage, a much longer pushback on block and a knockdown on hit.

Meter Burn Pump Shot – Regular Pump Shot not safe enough for you? Your opponent keeps ducking the shot and punishing you? Well, have no fear, because for the cost of one measly meter, you can make your Pump shot not only safe, not only hit mid but takes an unnaturally large amount of damage to boot! Use it! Abuse it! Burning your Pump shot covers damn near every weakness the regular shot has. There is no downside to using this. It’s +2 on block, knocks down on hit and has extended range on the second shot. You push your opponent to the corner, go ahead: Throw one out for the hell of it. You’ll thank me later.

Mid Pump Shot – My personal favorite. It the cost of no meter and sacrificing 2% of damage, it is an acceptable substitute for Pump Shot. It strikes mid and comes out in 6 frames (Check). On hit, it puts them in a weird stun animation that lasts for about 4-5 frames. That stun gives you a slight frame advantage that lobo can use to apply more pressure. It’s a horrible, horrible -6 on block, which means it’s technically safe, you just can’t actually do anything afterward. You are giving the opponent all the momentum back. It’s ideal to throw in at the end of a string to make it safe. More than likely, the pushback is going to leave you at a distance anyway, which leaves you safe and far enough away to react to what they try to do.

Meter Burn Mid Pump Shot – BOOM! BOOM! Two shotgun blasts in quick succession. Still 2% less than the burned Pump shot (15%), but remember here you’re looking at two blast that will connect if the opponent is ducking. God forbid they hit a button. On hit its not a hard knockdown, but you can use their recovery to load a nuke or dash forward to buy more real estate. On block: It pushes them back a considerable distance. It also hurts like the dickens.

Low Pump Shot – Watch dem toes, bastich! Just on the verge of being unpunishable by conventional means (read: Goddamn you, Kryptonite Crush...), its good for checking your opponent’s low block, but on block it leaves you with no advantage whatsoever. It doesn’t push them back much, so adjust accordingly. Should they chose to just block, you are definitely in range for a Czarnian Toss. Nuked up, this launches the opponent perfectly for a b + M, u + L along with any preferred follow up. If you are going to put a nuked shot in a combo, this is probably the best option based on the properties granted.

Meter Burn Low Pump Shot – Aside from the first shot being a low to check the opponent’s feet, it serves the same purpose as a Burned Mid Pump Shot. Traited, it launches the opponent and leads to his more elaborate and interesting combos.

Czarnian Toss – This move on its own is hilarious. It takes 2%, then 8% if when you let them hit the ground. Not bad for no meter, especially when you end a combo with it. Ideal if they are in a juggle and you want to put them on the other side, where Low Space Hook isn't feasible. You should be able to load a nuke safely, too. It will connect on standing and ducking opponents and its range is insane, so make sure they are fearful of it. With a 19 frame start up, make sure you have the time if you use it as a punishing tool. Can also be buffered in from certain normal attacks for a damn near inescapable set up. You factor in the long start up and you can basically toss the opponent all over the stage. If you have your opponent conditioned not to hit buttons on wake up, you can Czar Toss them, then do it again immediately, burn it and go for the actual combo.

Meter Burn Czarnian Toss – This is the foundation of damn near every combo you will do with him. It catches opponents out of a juggle (make sure they're low enough), takes a decent amount of damage, ground bounces high for a follow up, switches sides, combos from most if his links, and has a dragon on the blade. So many follow up options from this move, it’s insane. Whatever you wanna do, where ever you wanna leave the opponent, you can do it from this throw. This move puts them at his mercy and it only gets uglier from there..

Space Hook – This move is ideal for checking your opponent's block as well as the early frames of their jump. Make sure it’s at range, because the recovery isn't too long, but it isn't short either. It’s about 8-9 frames of recovery. If you get a free punish (blocking Lantern’s Might, for instance), you can snatch them right after, especially if they try to jump. If timed correctly it can beat out wake up attacks, also. Make sure it's timed after their invincibility frames. The active frames on it are pretty good, so that shouldn't be a problem with practice.

Meter Burn Space Hook – Burning your Space Hook serves a good many benefits in a match. For one, instead of shooting from the hip and leaving no oki options, Lobo catches the opponent and slams them to either side, preferably to the closest corner and leaves them much closer. They are then in a prime oki situation. At 18%, I takes a nice chuck of life and allows you to keep the mix up pressure on. If you have a Nuke loaded, it allows you to save it, too. That shot can then be used for a M , L , Low Pump Shot mix up if you've conditioned them to block on wake up. Or you can just Czarnian Toss them...

Low Space Hook – Check the distance on this attack. Seriously, turn on the game, go to training mode, pick Lobo and check the distance. Seriously. I’ll wait. Anyone who wants to throw a high projectile at him within range will look like an idiot when he not only ducks under it, but grabs them during their recovery. He’s got a good many options, also. Combos nicely from a d + L. I use this as a no-brainer punish for people who like to d + L. I slip my d + L in between theirs and buffer in the Low Space Hook. On hit, it sets them up nicely for oki shenanigans. Or you can Czarnian Toss them...

Meter Burn Low Space Hook – Exact same oki options as the regular LSH on hit. He just stomps you twice instead of once. Takes 18% instead of 10%..... Seriously, that is. Go away.

Hook Charge – People tend to complain about this move, mainly because they feel it activates and armors slow which, to their argument, is true. They really aren't looking at the benefits of the attack. Most important, the chain hits. That means it's a two hit attack. They can't just armor b+3 like you can with every other charge move (excluding Level 3 Venom). When the chain hits, it slams them to the ground immediately, which always guarantees the shoulder itself will hit. The chain, when timed correctly, smacks them out of the air. Keep in mind also, the chain has no hurt box, so you have a move that abuses opponents who try to do a wake up attack. Time the chain so it hits after their invincibility frames and they’ll stop doing wake up attacks. The shoulder charge scraps them across the ground, leaving them right at his feet for more oki shenanigans. Then you can Czarnian Toss them...

Some things Hook Charge prevents opponents from doing on wake up:
Walking forward
Neutral jumping
Drowning kittens
Forward jumping
Hitting a button
Most wake up attacks (Hook Charge lasts longer than invincibility frames)
Moon walking

So, save a kitten: Hook Charge on your opponent's wake up.

It's an amazing, bullying tool to use in a match. At -8, it is unsafe, but very few special moves can actually punish it (raw Lantern’s Might at 10 frames will not, for reference). To further drive the point, Superman’s f + M , H has to be frame perfect to punish it consistently. It's a lot better than people want to believe. Standing H, Hook Charge on their wake up covers a lot of potential options they may have in a match. I abuse it til they punish it, really. One thing people tend to do is give the opponent too much credit: They know it's unsafe, so they won’t bother using the move. I say let them earn that credit: Abuse it. Cover that space with it constantly. Bully them to the corner. Make them respect the Hook Charge. Make them afraid to hit a button. Just do it. They have to respect it. It's designed to force them to block on wake up. Then you can just Czarnian Toss them...

Meter Burn Hook Charge – Omg, this move. It’s beautiful. It has all the benefits of the regular version, with two very important bonuses: Lobo gains armor on the shoulder and it’s +3 on block. That makes it a whole new ballgame. Lobo's at bat, the bases are loaded in the ninth inning and the beer is still ice cold. Really doesn't get much better in terms of shifting momentum, either. On hit, it leaves them right at his feet, primed and oki ready. On block, he's at +3, which brings in his normal attack oki options. Outside of the corner, they stagger back out of range of everything but standing 3 and whatever follow ups. If they are conditioned, you can go right in and Czarnian Toss them, too. In the corner, his +3 really gets to shine. b + L , M/M , L/blocked M, Czarnian Toss/blocked M , L , Czarnian Toss/regular grab... You get the point. You get them to block a burned Hook Charge in the corner, they gotta guess what you’re gonna do next. That makes it a really bad day for them.

Super Move


S.T.A.R. Labs Mode



Basic Strategy

String Analysis

L , L (Mindless Violence) – a quick one-two, high mid attack. It serves as the building block for some of his better strings and has two ways you can end it, based on the situation and what you want to achieve. +1 on block.

L , M (Lights Out) – Very nice, quick attacks, with the second hit launching the opponent. On hit or block, you can go for a Czar Toss and it will grab them. That makes it a very versatile attack string to be familiar with. Its also one of the few strings that comfortably allows you to get a Spin Cycle, which is a hilarious special. +2 on block and it’s a mid, so you can whore it out if you’re sure they won’t counter poke the 1.

L , L , M (Bad Boy) – I didn’t care too much for this string at first, because I didn’t understand it. Let me explain: How the strings are sold determines how its to be used. Meaning, if I have a string that pops you up right in front of you, you can kinda figure out what specials can follow it up. On hit, L , L , M knocks the opponent back and away from Lobo unnaturally quick. They don’t pop up higher than his shoulder I believe, and pretty far away. It doesn’t allow oki options outside of the corner. It’s worth is realized when you see it reliably allows Lobo to link into his Low Space Hook. Like, really well. On block, it’s -7 so use it to end juggles is my recommendation.

L , L , H (Worthless Scum) – Starting with that infernal high L, this string is one of the best for pressure. At +6 on block, it gives Lobo many follow up options in a fight. Any fast attack you follow up with will beat out any non invincible options they may try…. I hate you, Kryptonite Crush… When used in a juggle, it gives a low bounce that accommodates both Space Hook and Low Space Hook, Czarnian Toss and even itself in the corner. The only issue I have is, if two or more juggles are used before hand (Burned Czar toss, then b + M , u + L, for instance), the H tends to whiff because of how far back they bounce

b + L , M (Feetal’s Gizz) – 10 frame low kick into a mid level, wild uppercut. Both attacks are bufferable to any of his specials, but only Hook Charge will actually hit. The uppercut can be backdashed but, if they just block, it puts Lobo at +4. This string can even chain into itself for an unorthodox block string.

M , L (Skull Rider) – Very good string, primarily uses to check the opponent’s high block. Has a canned ender and is bufferable to special attacks. Buffer Low Space Hook afterward and you have a mid, overhead, low mix up that the opponent has to deal with. At the range of M it’s relatively safe, too. Czar toss on block when they are conditioned to block the mid/high/low mix up.

M, L , H (Game Over) – I absolutely love the animation on this ending string. The first attack is a mid, second is an overhead, and the third attack only comes out on hit. Lobo turns completely to the side, bringing the shotgun out and blows the opponent away casually. The string is 16% by itself and is a decent ender. You can slip a nuke shot reload afterward if he shoots them far enough away. At 16% and a decent nuke reload option, this is an ideal string for juggles and standing opponents. If blocked, the shotgun blast will not come out and Lobo will be at -18 after the overhead.

b + M , u + L (Mister Machete) – You all really need to thank whatever God you worship that this move has such a slow start up. It’s an overhead, then a low. That juggles the opponent. Very versatile. You can use it as a combo starter, extender or close to ender. Works excellent as a follow up to jumping M on hit or block. If used twice in the same combo, the second Machete will juggle them much lower than normal, but the u+1 can be buffered to special moves. The optimal one would be Space Hook. If/when they block, you can just Czarnian Toss them.

f + M (Butt head) - Lobo smacks you with the butt of his gun. It leads into two pretty decent follow up options. Because he steps forward first, it has a 20 frame start up. It seems to have a good many active frames. It can be used in a juggle to connect Czarnian Toss, but you wanna make sure the opponent is under his elbow when it hits. That will make sure they are floating low enough for him to grab them.

f + M , L (Space Dolphins) – Pretty slow start up, but second attack is bufferable. It’s a stylish string to put in a combo, just pick your poison in terms of how you want to end it. It’s -11, so please, please, for the love if sweet baby Jesus, buffer into SOMETHING.

f + M , L , H (Rampage) – Love the animation on this string. If they didn't name them already, I would call it “walking the dog” or something like that. Lobo smacks you with the stock of the shotgun, then fires two shots in succession while walking the opponent down. This string is probably the only reason they won’t allow him to stock more than two nuke shells. This string alone would add about 8-10% to any combo, easy. At -3, it’s safe on block and even pushes the opponent back to boot. Account for the slow start up, you can use this string to bully your opponent and push them to the corner.

f + M , H (The Last Czarnian) – A mid, then a low shot used to check the opponent’s low block. Some players do block Rampage standing up and this string is for them. It grounds the opponent with a hard knockdown and they are pretty close to Lobo afterward. Oki options may come into play. At -6 but with very little pushback, it's...kinda safe. I guess.

Advanced Strategy

Punish options

d + L – 6 frames: One of the more versatile options, but only has limited follow up options. I generally do a Low Space Hook for the quick 18% and then play oki. Mid Pump shot works as a safe option. On block you can Czar Toss them but keep in mind: the timing is very strict and you have to commit to it. On hit, the toss will whiff.

L – 7 frames: Excellent attack that has a weird short range and hits high. Perfect for Corps charge because Lex doesn’t bounce off you. 1,2 to Czar Toss would more than likely be the standard here, so work on that execution, people.

b + L – 10 frames: Very nice, stylish follow up to a blocked attack. Any of his special moves will combo from it, or you can go with b + L , M , L + H if you think they will block it (damn you, online lag!).

d + M – 11 frames: Awesome if you need to hit confirm. Launches the opponent, but make sure it hits. It’s -14 on block

H – 11 frames: Probably his best all around punishing attack. Very versatile with range, damage, speed and follow up potential and only -9 on block, but hopefully they’re a decent distance away. Any special can be used to follow up, or pump shots for free pressure.

M – 12 frames: Solid mid attack. Just one frame slower than 3, but with a slightly better payoff if they block it. From M or M , L , you can Czar Toss on block, so it has that option over standing H. M , L , H works if you aren’t sure which side the opponent will land on, also. Its 16% normal, 21% with a nuke! Not bad at all for a punish option.

Notes on + frame attacks

(+13) f + H – Slow to start, but very worth throwing in every now and then. It’s an overhead that everyone has, but it has the added bonus of avoiding low attacks right when he shoots. Hit results in a ground bounce where super shenanigans can begin. On block it’s a huge advantage. Must check the pushback on it to see how viable it is. Use for opponents who like to turtle or have been conditioned to block. Can be burned for armor.

(+12) b + H – Slow to start, One Shot results in a wall bounce on hit. On block, its gives huge frame advantage that allows follow up with “3” being the best option. Can be armored for button tappers. Its hits mid and has deceptive range. Added bonus: Unlike most b3s, it’s a projectile, which means Lobo himself can be at a distance to avoid wake up attacks. If performed on their wake up, because of the delay, any invincibility on their attack will have run its 8 frame course.. Can be burned for armor.

(+06) L , L , H – Worthless Scum is arguably the best string he has for pressure purposes and with its speed and range, helps shift the momentum in his favor. On hit, it ground bounces, which allows follow up with all Hook based specials and Czar Toss. On block, there is a lot Lobo can do in the opponent’s face at +6. Conditioning at its finest.

(+04) b + L , M – Shin Strike is a very nice, quick low starting up at 10 frames that can be buffered into any special to continue pressure. Safe options on block include Pump shot, Mid Pump shot (probably the best option because it’s guaranteed to at least hit. Low Pump shot can be used to check the button pushers. You can dial out the last Disemboweled part (1+3). On hit, the chain animation with come out for a nice 19% damage. If you’re a glutton for high execution, b+1,2, then go into d+1 to Czar Toss for insane damage potential and cool points from all your friends and family. Verified: You can follow a blocked b+1,2 up with another one. It puts the b+1 at 6 frames, which will generally beat out any follow up.

(+03) Meter Burn Hook Charge – The move that symbolizes what Lobo is: An aggressive, dirty in your face fighter that doesn’t care to give you and inch of breathing room. +3 doesn’t seem like much, but it leaves him close enough to smell what they have for lunch and that is not a place the opponent cares to be when fighting Lobo. They spend so much time keeping him out and he’s right in front in a split second AND at +frames? Yea, don’t run now, bastiches.. It also has the added bonus of being two hits, so good luck trying to armor it.

(+02) L , M – Lights Out is a quick two hits which can be brain dead dialed out. On hit AND block, you can go right into Czar Toss for one of the dirtiest set ups this side of MvC2’s Psylocke guard break. It’s a high then mid, with the second hit popping the opponent up for sexiness. It is slow as shit and begins with a high, so it gets destroyed by button tappers.

(+01) L , L - Not a fan of strings that start high at all. Opponents tend to hit buttons because of Rule # 11 , so starting a string high really gives the opponent the chance to shift the momentum, which Lobo does not need to give at all. If they don’t have a decent wake up, you can start the string early so they stand up into second/third hit. The second attack is a mid, which is nice. The main draw is for using this string is you get to proceed to…

Tips and Tricks




Alternate Costumes


Match Ups


Frame Data

Move Name Startup Recovery On Guard On Hit
Violent Jab 7 16 -1 1
Headhunter Hook 12 26 -8 6
Quick Cutter 11 31 -9 2
Shin Strike 10 24 -9 11
Czarnian Might 25 31 -4 1
One-Shot 30 32 12 51
Butt Head 20 29 -3 2
Lock And Load 31 29 9 58
Gut Buster 6 17 -1 9
Rising Hook 10 23 -13 63
Bad Trip 13 30 -14 13
Flying Boot 5 28 -14 -2
Space Kick 8 26 -10 11
Dawg Punch 9 28 -6 49
Party Crasher 9 28 -6 49
Forward Throw 10 21 - -
Back Throw 10 21 - -
Mindless Violence 13 23 1 20
Bad Boy 7 37 -7 7
Worthless Scum 23 23 6 43
Lights Out 10 31 4 9
Hired Gun 13 22 10 10
Feetal's Gizz 24 26 4 46
Disemboweled 26 34 - 4
Skull Rider 16 35 -18 0
Game Over 26 40 -23 16
Mister Machete 30 22 -8 60
Space Dolphins 13 41 -11 0
Rampage 31 37 -3 23
The Last Czarnian 25 26 -7 24
Spin Cycle 12 22 - 14
Spin Cycle (Meter Burn) 0 - - -125
Pump Shot 17 38 -1 1
Pump Shot (Meter Burn) 16 29 2 34
Mid Pump Shot 6 41 -9 2
Mid Pump Shot (Meter Burn) 16 29 2 34
Low Pump Shot 5 32 -9 28
Low Pump Shot (Meter Burn) 16 29 2 34
Czarnian Toss 19 27 -11 28
Czarnian Toss (Meter Burn) 0 83 -83 -83
Space Hook 23 40 -14 8
Space Hook (Meter Burn) 0 - - 23
Low Space Hook 20 32 -16 14
Low Space Hook (Meter Burn) 0 106 -106 11
Hook Charge 13 30 -10 15
Hook Charge (Meter Burn) 13 26 3 16
The Main Man 18 47 -14 1
Trait: Nuclear Shells 0 49 - -